
Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
It is a sad commentary on the Republican Party when there are no leaders to stand up and express outrage as the GOP is being hyjacked by extremists.
What would Sen. Goldwater, President DDE or President TR say in response to the jingoism, racisim, divisive language and references to "Second Amendment solutions" expressed by Republican members of Congress, former an active, and former and current Republican Governors ?
As titular leader of the Republicans we might expect Steele to speak out, and as possible nominees for the office of president one might expect Romeny or Barbour or Jindal to speak out for reason and honest debate, but they don't.
President's Lincoln, Roosevelt and Eisenhower would be ashamed, the GOP has become the party of hackneyed phrases and hysterical rants; and has produced not a single leader able, willing and brave enough to articulate a way forward.
Until the GOP produces solid centrist leaders (as Bush the Younger was perceived to be), it will remain in the minority. Remember when Ashcroft lost to a dead man in Missouri? The entire Democratic Congress could crash in a plane, and the GOP would fall five seats short of a majority.
How about the far left extremist's (progressives) who have taken over the Dem's? Twisting the arms of moderates and conservative dems to vote for their bills. It's their way or the highway.
It is a sad commentary on the Republican Party when there are no leaders to stand up and express outrage as the GOP is being hyjacked by extremists.
What would Sen. Goldwater, President DDE or President TR say in response to the jingoism, racisim, divisive language and references to "Second Amendment solutions" expressed by Republican members of Congress, former an active, and former and current Republican Governors ?
As titular leader of the Republicans we might expect Steele to speak out, and as possible nominees for the office of president one might expect Romeny or Barbour or Jindal to speak out for reason and honest debate, but they don't.
President's Lincoln, Roosevelt and Eisenhower would be ashamed, the GOP has become the party of hackneyed phrases and hysterical rants; and has produced not a single leader able, willing and brave enough to articulate a way forward.

The Republican party is controlled by people who hate democracy, hate America and basically hate the American people.

That has been obvious for decades.

The Dems, FWIW, aren't much better in my never humble opinion.

Both parties have consistenty voted to ship us jobs offshore, so how anybody can imagine these people truly care about this nation or the American people, I simply cannot fathom.

YOu partisans of either party are, (unless that party is actually taking care of you , of course...then you're just a tool) are fools.
You have every wack in America there plus some good people. Not too impressive. Why? They and Beck don't represent the mainstream of America.
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How about the far left extremist's (progressives) who have taken over the Dem's? Twisting the arms of moderates and conservative dems to vote for their bills. It's their way or the highway.

Far left? Even if from your perspective the changes offered by the Democrats are 'far left'; most of what they have accomplished was promised during the campaign and IMHO necessary for the country. Of course we can and should debate issues, such as changes in domestic and foreign policy or 'staying the course' set by Bush&Co. But debate should be honorable and rational. My biggest complaint being the Republcian Party is so focused on returning to power they rely solely on emotion and demogoguery.
Where are the leaders of the Republican Party? Why has the GOP devolved and fractured into half a dozen or more ad hoc groups?
Because, there is no one leader able to bring consensus to an alternative to the Democratic Agenda (which I generally support, btw). Both the D's and R's if left unchecked will drift further away from the wants and needs of the great middle.
Few of us would want an ideologue to make the rules, most Americans (I believe) want a problem solver, someone who understands the problems and dreams of all Americans and is able to articulate a pragmatic approach to achieving them.
The R's have no one on the horizon willing to step up and provide a plan. Sadly the only opposition to the D's today are ideologues and demagogues. If I'm wrong, name one.
How about the far left extremist's (progressives) who have taken over the Dem's? Twisting the arms of moderates and conservative dems to vote for their bills. It's their way or the highway.

Far left? Even if from your perspective the changes offered by the Democrats are 'far left'; most of what they have accomplished was promised during the campaign and IMHO necessary for the country. Of course we can and should debate issues, such as changes in domestic and foreign policy or 'staying the course' set by Bush&Co. But debate should be honorable and rational. My biggest complaint being the Republcian Party is so focused on returning to power they rely solely on emotion and demogoguery.
Where are the leaders of the Republican Party? Why has the GOP devolved and fractured into half a dozen or more ad hoc groups?
Because, there is no one leader able to bring consensus to an alternative to the Democratic Agenda (which I generally support, btw). Both the D's and R's if left unchecked will drift further away from the wants and needs of the great middle.
Few of us would want an ideologue to make the rules, most Americans (I believe) want a problem solver, someone who understands the problems and dreams of all Americans and is able to articulate a pragmatic approach to achieving them.
The R's have no one on the horizon willing to step up and provide a plan. Sadly the only opposition to the D's today are ideologues and demagogues. If I'm wrong, name one.

Would that be anything like the debating done by the Democrats on the stimulus or the health care bill? You remember, no one read it because there wasn't time, and all the nice little backroom deals. That kind of Debating?
How about the far left extremist's (progressives) who have taken over the Dem's? Twisting the arms of moderates and conservative dems to vote for their bills. It's their way or the highway.

Far left? Even if from your perspective the changes offered by the Democrats are 'far left'; most of what they have accomplished was promised during the campaign and IMHO necessary for the country. Of course we can and should debate issues, such as changes in domestic and foreign policy or 'staying the course' set by Bush&Co. But debate should be honorable and rational. My biggest complaint being the Republcian Party is so focused on returning to power they rely solely on emotion and demogoguery.
Where are the leaders of the Republican Party? Why has the GOP devolved and fractured into half a dozen or more ad hoc groups?
Because, there is no one leader able to bring consensus to an alternative to the Democratic Agenda (which I generally support, btw). Both the D's and R's if left unchecked will drift further away from the wants and needs of the great middle.
Few of us would want an ideologue to make the rules, most Americans (I believe) want a problem solver, someone who understands the problems and dreams of all Americans and is able to articulate a pragmatic approach to achieving them.
The R's have no one on the horizon willing to step up and provide a plan. Sadly the only opposition to the D's today are ideologues and demagogues. If I'm wrong, name one.

Do you honestly believe that Americans knew what they were voting for when they voted Obama? Because I don't. Yet again, Americans fell for style over substance. Yes, we wanted health care reform.... not the monstrosity that Obama has rammed through. Yea, we needed the stimulus (Damn, that's not very 'right wing' of me - to actually agree to the stimulus!!!) but, the money was misspent, used to bailout crap 'special interest's, and nonsense rather than pushing it into areas that would directly create the environment needed to provide job growth. Neither of these are rocket science.

I dislike the GOP as much as I dislike the Dems. Both parties are filled with corrupt, self serving bastards.
In my humble opinion, both the Democrat and the Republican political parties have gone down the crapper. The only thing either party is interested in is maintaining power, at almost any cost, and their own re-election. None of the members of Congress, inspite of their soulful "I want to restore America" promises and speeches, are worth the gunpowder it would take to blow them up. They are all liars, con artists, back stabbers and low life riff raff individuals who have no concept of how to govern America or lead it out of the very deep and dangerous problems we are now facing as a result of the inadequate leadership of both parties. We need to turn Congress upside down and shake it vigorously so all the shit falls out and then elect people that can work together, regardless of their political parties, for the good of the American people. There isn't one single incumbent member of Congress that is worthy of being re-elected. Both political parties have failed badly and it gets worse with each passing day. It's time for some real change and some change we can honestly believe in. No more flashing and catchy political promises and jingles or ads made simply to make the other candidate look like a moron. We need honest politicians that can be believed when they make a speech.
The Republican party IN POWER had the right wing religous right believing:
1. They were the "family values" (whatever the hell that is) party
2. They were against gays receiving equal rights in benefits and equal protection under the law.
3. They were the "God" party.

In reality and as anyone with a brain knows:

The GOP is no more a "family values" party as the Democrats or ANY OTHER party is. That label is for the dumbass masses to believe and there are plenty of dumbasses that bought it.
Bush had Mary Cheney and her gay partner over for dinner at the White House MANY TIMES. Bush was never a believer in any of his anti gay positions. That was all show for the dumbass masses in the right ring religous "wrong" that were stupid and gullible enough to believe it.
The GOP employs many gays in high positions and does not individually believe in the positions they take as a party to get elected. They doit to get the dumbass vote.
Goldwater is rolling in his grave. True conservatives want NO religous POWER in politics or government.
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How about the far left extremist's (progressives) who have taken over the Dem's? Twisting the arms of moderates and conservative dems to vote for their bills. It's their way or the highway.

Far left? Even if from your perspective the changes offered by the Democrats are 'far left'; most of what they have accomplished was promised during the campaign and IMHO necessary for the country. Of course we can and should debate issues, such as changes in domestic and foreign policy or 'staying the course' set by Bush&Co. But debate should be honorable and rational. My biggest complaint being the Republcian Party is so focused on returning to power they rely solely on emotion and demogoguery.
Where are the leaders of the Republican Party? Why has the GOP devolved and fractured into half a dozen or more ad hoc groups?
Because, there is no one leader able to bring consensus to an alternative to the Democratic Agenda (which I generally support, btw). Both the D's and R's if left unchecked will drift further away from the wants and needs of the great middle.
Few of us would want an ideologue to make the rules, most Americans (I believe) want a problem solver, someone who understands the problems and dreams of all Americans and is able to articulate a pragmatic approach to achieving them.
The R's have no one on the horizon willing to step up and provide a plan. Sadly the only opposition to the D's today are ideologues and demagogues. If I'm wrong, name one.

Would that be anything like the debating done by the Democrats on the stimulus or the health care bill? You remember, no one read it because there wasn't time, and all the nice little backroom deals. That kind of Debating?

Grow up Ollie, everyone knows how Congress functions and how most decision makers prepare to make their decisions. Lower paid, ambitious and sometimes very bright 'youngsters' provide executive summaries to their boss, lobbyists privide background and bourbon, and and the leadership of the party tells each member of their party how to vote.
Blaming one party for a practice which has been in effect well before anyone on this planet was born is partisan bullshit.
You want Congress to function? First define what that means; for me, it means they must act to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number, but never lose sight of the individual. To acheive my vision (and maybe yours if you have one) we must get money and corruption out of politics.
Sadly, the USSC disagrees, see Citzens United v. FEC for confirmation.
Do you find it real interesting that an Imam who says America has blood on our hands wants to put a Mosque at Ground Zero?

You find it interesting that the left are all for this in the name of "religious tolerance," and "freedom of religious expression."

Why I have liberals on record here on this board saying they agree with the Imam's statements about America.

But Glen Beck holds a rally about turning back to God??????? :eek::eek::eek:

And liberals become UNGLUED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why it's racism, and intolerance, and it's it's it's CHRISTIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Heaven's to Betsy get out the smelling salts liberals are going to faint at the "intolerance" of inviting muslims and jews, and Christians and buddists and whoever else wishes to turn to God at a rally open to all.

The religious INTOLERANCE of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do liberals even THINK of how ridiculously HYPOCRITICAL they appear on this?

Of course not, and even if they could (which they can't, that would take intelligence, which is something liberals don't have), they wouldn't care!

It's not about religious tolerance, it's about RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE.

The Ground Zero Imam HATES AMERICA and so do these lefties. That's what they have in common. The belief that America has blood on it's hands, etc etc etc. They HATE America as much as the Imam. So, OF COURSE, they are for the mosque.

BUT, Glen Beck LOVES AMERICA!!!!!!!! He wants to turn America back to God. Back to love of God and country!

LIBERALS HATE THAT!!!!!!!!!! That scares the crap out of them! :eek::eek::eek:

So, busted once again liberals. You claimed you were for religious tolerance, but your own rantings about the Glen Beck rally, proves that to be the ANOTHER LIBERAL PHONY LIE!!!!!!!!!!


It is a sad commentary on the Republican Party when there are no leaders to stand up and express outrage as the GOP is being hyjacked by extremists.
What would Sen. Goldwater, President DDE or President TR say in response to the jingoism, racisim, divisive language and references to "Second Amendment solutions" expressed by Republican members of Congress, former an active, and former and current Republican Governors ?
As titular leader of the Republicans we might expect Steele to speak out, and as possible nominees for the office of president one might expect Romeny or Barbour or Jindal to speak out for reason and honest debate, but they don't.
President's Lincoln, Roosevelt and Eisenhower would be ashamed, the GOP has become the party of hackneyed phrases and hysterical rants; and has produced not a single leader able, willing and brave enough to articulate a way forward.


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