Guns & Unit_731


Sep 23, 2010
Colorado sheriffs are to be commended for:

. . . refusing to enforce new gun-control laws they consider unenforceable, saying they will not treat every citizen like a felon and won’t change their plans even if a federal judge rules against them.

Fifty-five of Colorado’s 62 sheriffs are in agreement on refusing to enforce the law. Weld County Sheriff John Cooke said the new rules on magazine capacity and other issues make it impossible for authorities to make arrests even if they wanted to.

“They’ve turned law-abiding citizens into criminals,” Cooke said.

Criminal activity is a law enforcement problem even though law-abiding citizens can pitch in when needed:

“An armed society is a polite society. If you ask a majority of cops on the street, they’ll you the way to reduce the number of victims of these mass shootings is to have a well-armed public that can shoot back and kill these people and neutralize them before they kill too many,” he said.

Sheriff: Feds can't make me enforce gun control
'It's not my job to turn law-abiding firearms owners into criminals'
Published: 2 days ago

Sheriff: Feds can?t make me enforce gun control

My problem with tying guns to criminals is that the reason for the Second Amendment is being buried by gun control advocates. The information in the following two links is the best way I can think of to bring the Second Amendment back to its original intent. Younger Americans will be stunned, and I hope frightened, by the things people in governments did when no one had the means to stop them:

March 30, 2014
Anne Frank and Japanese Divine Race Theory
By Jim Little

Articles: Anne Frank and Japanese Divine Race Theory


Unit 731 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Germans still catch hell for the horrors of WWII while Communists never stop moralizing about the horror of dropping atomic bombs on Japan, but nary a word is heard condemning the most horrendous atrocities Japan is guilty of. Indeed, a majority of Japanese people believe their country did no wrong.

Pardoning the brutality of past totalitarian governments insures a rebirth of the things all totalitarian governments engage in. Some European governments already practice euthanasia on the young and old as well as infanticide.

American judges already have the power to force medical treatment on individuals who may not want it; especially if it is for the good of a child. Can enhancing America’s history of forced serialization be far behind Oliver Wendell Holmes upholding the legality of eugenic sterilization:

Three generations of imbeciles are enough.

Nobody wants imbeciles breeding, but government brutality is never the solution to any problem, yet time after time that is the only solution totalitarians offer.

The savagery ordered by psychiatrists in state run institutions would make Torquemada blush. Add the defunct Soviet Union’s overall brutality to the total and the sheer number of psychiatry’s victims since that cruelest of Socialism’s sects became a tool of government staggers comprehension.

Our own Democrat party’s commitment to population controls is a clear warning that governments are heading back to medical butchery practiced by Japan and Nazi Germany in the 1930s and up until the end of WWII.

Americans visualizing being a victim because they did not have guns to protect themselves from government butchers should help scare Americans into awareness. More frightening is the fear and hopelessness that comes with knowing there is nobody with guns coming to help you because the government confiscated all of the guns. Am I exaggerating for effect? I don’t think so:

Do you remember Cass Sunstein, Obama’s Regulatory Czar who became famous for saying that the government “owns the rights to body parts of people who are dead or in certain hopeless conditions, and it can remove their organs without asking anyone’s permission,” and, bow, wow, that dogs are entitled to have lawyers to sue humans in court? He has recently emerged to publish an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal enthusiastically supporting Obama’s global regulatory harmonization.

Obama Lunges Toward Global Government
by Phyllis Schlafly
June 6, 2012

Obama Lunges Toward Global Government

Finally, in addition to all of the other signs —— Affordable Care Act death panels is giant step on the road back to Unit_731. It is not much of a leap to jump from death panels to experimenting on people who are condemned to death anyway. Anyone with a rare blood type is especially vulnerable when a government big shot with the same blood type happens to need a body part still being used by the original owner.

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