Guns don’t kill, bullets do.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

We cannot do anything about the guns that are out there and we cannot do anything to stop evil, but we can control ammunition that get to gun owners.

The real perpetrator in this tragedy is the mother of the killer who allow guns in the hand of her son that she know was mentally ill. Too bad she is dead and cannot be held accountable as accomplice to the crime. She made her son a victim also.

We should not be out there stalking and shooting defenseless animals for sport either.

We also need to educate people on the many mentally illnesses. I live in a low income senior complex that allow the mentally ill, drug addicted and disabled over the age of 18 and some claim to have guns and it scares the hell out of me. Because there is no way I can prevent one from approaching me, putting a gun to my head and pulling the trigger even if I have a gun on my person.
Obama, GOD did not call these children home. It was not their time. Evil took them way too soon out of their homes.

Psa 51;5
“Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.”
List of Possible Characteristics of a Person with Asperger's Syndrome
(AS), High Functioning Autism (HFA) or
Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)

Cognitive Learning

Excellent rote memory in certain areas
Unregulated fears; difficulty judging situations that create fear - may be overly fearful in safe situations, yet fearless in dangerous situations
Very detail-oriented
difficulty seeing overall picture or situation
applies same level of detail to every situation whether appropriate or not
May have exceptionally high skills in some areas, but very low skills in others, i.e., splinter skills, savant skills, or special talents
Prefers concrete, rather than abstract, concepts


Difficulty understanding some language, i.e., directional terms easily confused


Rage/anger/hurt may all be expressed in unexpected ways
Easily overstimulated by sound, crowds, lights, smells
Inside feeling not matching outside behavior

Motor Skills

Difficulty with some skills requiring motor skill development
Gross motor skills - riding bike, swimming, crawling
Fine motor skills - handwriting, tying shoes
May have some advanced, age-appropriate skills while other age-appropriate skills are delayed, i.e., tying shoes before climbing stairs
Unusual walking gait or clumsiness
Difficulty with motor skills that require visual perception accuracy, i.e., walking through a parking lot, revolving door or turnstiles, participating in sports, guiding a shopping cart

Obsession - the fact or state of being obsessed with an idea, desire, emotion, etc.
Compulsions - an irresistible, repeated, irrational impulse to perform some act
Fascination with rotation
Many and varied collections
Redirection very difficult (changing focus or thinking from one activity or idea to another)
One emotional incident can determine the mood for the rest of the day; can’t let emotions pass quickly

Social Cues

Difficulty reading facial expression and emotion in another person
Difficulty understanding body language
Difficulty understanding the rules of conversation
Difficulty understanding group interactions
Too much or too little eye contact
Difficulty understanding others’ humor
Problems recognizing faces out of the usual setting or known context (face-blindness or prosopagnosia)
Stand-offish or overly friendly
May adopt others’ behaviors, speech or dress habits to aid in more fluid communication and social adaptation

Very sensitive or undersensitive to light, pain, taste, touch, sound, smell
May have injuries of which they are not aware
May experience physical pain from oversensitivity to light, sound, touch
Very picky eater, both in selections of foods and in the way they are presented on the plate
May crave specific touch, taste, smell, sight, sound, lights
Over-sensitive to change in surroundings, people, places
Over stimulation may result from too many verbal directions or instructions

Comfort Skills

Desires comfort items to produce calming effect - blankets, stuffed animals
May need external (outside) stimulation for calming - brushing, soothing sound, rotating object
Comforted by minor motor stimulations - rocking, humming, tapping fingers, toes, sucking, rubbing fingertips in circles or on seams of clothing
May need separate space or area to decompress
Unusual attachment to object
Self-stimulation i.e., rocking, tapping, humming, etc.,to increase concentration and attention or to calm down and relax

Neurological Function

Erratic neurological function
Attention difficulties
Irregular sleep patterns
Understanding and working with time concepts difficult
Sensory processing disorders (how the brain processes information it receives from the sensory organs)
Visual processing disorders
Auditory processing disorders
Sensory integration disorders

New Situations, Patterns, People

Prefers known patterns with little unexpected surprises
Prefers familiar places, clothing, people
Difficulty with transitions when changing activities
Difficulty making and maintaining friendships (especially peer friendships); more successful with adults than other children or young people
This kid was fucked up from birth and it should have been detected in the womb and dealt with accordingly.
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