Guns, Burner Phones and Fake Registrations – The Buried Michigan Voter Fraud Scandal: GBI Strategies Director Gary Bell Had 70 Organizations ...


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
More and more evidence of fraud in Michigan, as well as Georgia.

We saw it happen in real time, but people refuse to believe their eyes.

Guns, Burner Phones and Fake Registrations – The Buried Michigan Voter Fraud Scandal: GBI Strategies Director Gary Bell Had 70 Organizations Operating in 20 States in 2020 – WITH JOE BIDEN CAMPAIGN CASH

The fake ballots couldn't have been *somewhat* credibly produced without the fake registrations.

I saw this coming when the goofy "motor voter" laws were being put on the books.
If they do it again, the country is over. It may limp along for a few more years but it will become increasingly despotic until the fight begins. One half of this nation will NEVER subdue and subjugate the other for long...
More and more evidence of fraud in Michigan, as well as Georgia.

We saw it happen in real time, but people refuse to believe their eyes.

Guns, Burner Phones and Fake Registrations – The Buried Michigan Voter Fraud Scandal: GBI Strategies Director Gary Bell Had 70 Organizations Operating in 20 States in 2020 – WITH JOE BIDEN CAMPAIGN CASH

Oh, Gateway Pundit?
It's funny how silent some become when conspiracy theory becomes with the passage of time conspiracy fact.

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