Gun Owners of America 'awarding' Rittenhouse with AR-15 gun similar to weapon used in fatal shooting

‘A gun rights organisation is "awarding" Kyle Rittenhouse with an AR-15-style rifle following his acquittal at trial on homicide charges for fatally shooting two men and injuring another with a similar weapon.

Gun Owners of America - which claims to represent 2 million gun owners in the US - "will be awarding Kyle Rittenhouse with an AR-15 for his defense of gun rights in America," according to a post on the group's Twitter account.

"Join us in saying THANK YOU to Kyle Rittenhouse for being a warrior for gun owners and self defense rights across the country!" the post states.’

If Rittenhouse is still a resident of Illinois, he’ll need a parent or guardian to sponsor his FOID.

Hopefully, the Illinois courts will get rid of FOI cards...........
I don't know why they are awarding him a new weapon since he already has one. Then he can shoot his eye out with an unfamiliar weapon. he is not the only one who had expressed his second amendment right.
But after all that stress that he went through, and he just turned 18. They should at least gave him a pass for a year supply of back rubs at a Chinese massage parlor or a gym membership.
But i still believe that this incident was manufactured just to taunt others into plotting an bombing. Or they are going to use this incident to stage another false flag like they have done in Vegas.


Why are you all treating this stupid kid like he's some kind of hero?

He isn't.
5th post
Why are you all treating this stupid kid like he's some kind of hero?

He isn't.
I'm not.., He wasn't the only one who had expressed his second amendment right.

These guys are my heroes. They didn't care what anyone thinks. That they are going to protect their property whether anyone like it or not.
But I don't see anyone awarding them a weapon for their heroic deeds.

I'm not.., He wasn't the only one who had expressed his second amendment right.

These guys are my heroes. They didn't care what anyone thinks. That they are going to protect their property whether anyone like it or not.
But I don't see anyone awarding them a weapon for their heroic deeds.

Except dough boy wasn't protecting his property was he?

If he was actually defending his home. or his mother or his father I would have a different opinion.

That he was a self appointed "protector" of some random business that he didn't own in a city he didn't live in just means to me that he was playing cop and hoping to be able to shoot someone.
If he was actually defending his home. or his mother or his father I would have a different opinion.
What about defending himself?
That he was a self appointed "protector" of some random business that he didn't own in a city he didn't live in just means to me that he was playing cop and hoping to be able to shoot someone.
Simpleton perspective.

Either way, he justifiably defended himself against assholes who were decidedly looking for trouble.
Except dough boy wasn't protecting his property was he?

If he was actually defending his home. or his mother or his father I would have a different opinion.

That he was a self appointed "protector" of some random business that he didn't own in a city he didn't live in just means to me that he was playing cop and hoping to be able to shoot someone.
All I can say that this is a set up. That they are going to use this guy to start something. Like I've said that there are many vigilantes in the past. But they had picked this guy for some reason. That they are trying their best to turn this incident into a racist situation. That they are going to have him killed, and have another guy pretending to be a MAGA or a Q's supporter that he will go around killing BLM or ANTIFA for revenge. That is when Biden is going to unleash the military on the public, removing all weapons from everyone's homes. And if anyone rebels, that they are going to use their heavy artillery on them like they have done at the Waco situation. That it will show who side that the military is on.

10th post
‘A gun rights organisation is "awarding" Kyle Rittenhouse with an AR-15-style rifle following his acquittal at trial on homicide charges for fatally shooting two men and injuring another with a similar weapon.

Gun Owners of America - which claims to represent 2 million gun owners in the US - "will be awarding Kyle Rittenhouse with an AR-15 for his defense of gun rights in America," according to a post on the group's Twitter account.

"Join us in saying THANK YOU to Kyle Rittenhouse for being a warrior for gun owners and self defense rights across the country!" the post states.’

If Rittenhouse is still a resident of Illinois, he’ll need a parent or guardian to sponsor his FOID.
What about defending himself?

Simpleton perspective.

Either way, he justifiably defended himself against assholes who were decidedly looking for trouble.
And it was his stupidity that put him in that position.

And Personally I think he was hoping he would get to shoot someone.
All I can say that this is a set up. That they are going to use this guy to start something. Like I've said that there are many vigilantes in the past. But they had picked this guy for some reason. That they are trying their best to turn this incident into a racist situation. That they are going to have him killed, and have another guy pretending to be a MAGA or a Q's supporter that he will go around killing BLM or ANTIFA for revenge. That is when Biden is going to unleash the military on the public, removing all weapons from everyone's homes. And if anyone rebels, that they are going to use their heavy artillery on them like they have done at the Waco situation. That it will show who side that the military is on.

You mean like killing five people by driving an SUV into a parade full of people?
Not only will Kyle be getting cool ARs but he will be getting all the primo nookie he wants.

Just look at the smile on his face

I hope I'm wrong but I'm betting he's going to be milking this celebrity for all it's worth
No need to hope you are wrong, just accept the realities of 21st Century America and drive on with your personal reality. I take it for granted, he will capitalize this bad experience. Hopefully, he won't settle on being "Right-Wing Fame boy" as a career. He has been found innocent, but his life path is still screwed by his actions and events for the next few years. People are going to try to use the kid. Heck, they already are. You can't tell me Gaetz and Gozar are trying to help the kid. They are trying to help themselves, using the kid's notoriety, and both should be ashamed of themselves, but they have no shame or they would not be the screwed up people, they are.
I can't even say it would be a bad thing for him to profit. He is in a bad situation, even now. How would you like to be that kid, trying to start college at this time. Not me. There are nutballs out there that would like to hurt that kid. I am not so sure, it wouldn't be a good time for him to join the military for at a tour of duty, so this thing can blow over and get his life back on a normal track. Might do him a world of good.
15th post
I don't do special awards for dumb luck. Don't really care, mind you, but sure doesn't mean he used any kind of good decision-making getting himself into the mess, and it is plain, panic got him out. Self-defense is self-defense, but mature, stable adults don't get themselves into this kind of crap. They just don't. Certainly not worth a prize for living through his stupidity. Even he regrets going there, getting into that crap and knows it was a mistake to be there, as I heard him on TV, today. He did learn something from the experience, so that is something.
Some gun group giving him another AR-15 to go with the one he has, is just hillbilly stupidity to try to piss of the other morons that thought he should get a murder rap. Doesn't really bother, as they aren't giving him mine. I am pretty sure, you won't see him armed or even appearing at the next riot near you.
I agree, anyone that goes to a riot, is not a person who has an adult decision making process. Thousands across the country have demonstrated this.
I hope I'm wrong but I'm betting he's going to be milking this celebrity for all it's worth
Probably, I hope he fades out soon. I doubt it though. Any good publicity the right will latch onto and any negative publicity the left will be quick to talk about that as well.

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