Gun crime across England and Wales up 23%,driven mostly by handguns, which are banned,


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
2,290 crime stats from Britain...and this is on top of the fact that gun crime in the City of London is up 42%.....

Crime rise is biggest in a decade, ONS figures show

Ministers will also be concerned that the country is becoming increasingly violent in nature, with gun crime rising 23% to 6,375 offences, largely driven by an increase in the use of handguns.


More alarmingly, the statisticians say the rise in crime is accelerating, with a 3% increase recorded in the year to March 2015, followed by an 8% rise in the following year, and now a 10% increase in the 12 months to this March.

And in America...where we didn't ban and confiscate guns from normal people.....?

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Concealed carry permit number....
New Study: Over 16.3 million concealed handgun permits, last year saw the largest increase ever in number of permits - Crime Prevention Research Center

actual study...

Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States: 2017 by John R. Lott :: SSRN
One of the few good things we can all agree about Obama, is he was a fantastically good handgun salesman.
Nonetheless, citizens in England and Wales are far safer than in America from gun violence.

It would take the Isle almost forty years to catch up with America with your statistics.

Are you one of those gun nuts?
Did you hear government is going to release its stash of 1911s?
Now that is good news!

here it is

The United States House of Representatives has just passed their version of the 2018 National DefenseAuthorization Act (NDAA), and included within it is a provision that will mandate the release of all M1911handguns currently in US Army inventory to the Civilian Marksmanship Program, for distribution to eligible US civilians. The new bill would overwrite the 2016 NDAA, which allowed for the release of 10,000 of the pistols, but did not mandate it. The text of Section 1064 of the 2018 NDAA is as follows:

(a) In General.—Section 40728(h) of title 36, United States Code, is amended—pistols.”; and

(3) by striking paragraph (2).

(b) Termination Of Pilot Program.—Section 1087 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114–92; 129 Stat. 1012) is amended by striking subsections (b) and (c).

BREAKING: House Passes Bill MANDATING Transfer of ALL US Army M1911 Handguns to the CMP - The Firearm Blog
One of the few good things we can all agree about Obama, is he was a fantastically good handgun salesman.
Goobers drooling for a race war spent a lot of their welfare money prepping for a war that never came. Imbeciles! :)
It's always lies and slanders from you losers, isn't it? I just bought brand new 1911 made in Israel, and joined the NRA!

England where the fools allowed the government to make self defense illegal and invited 7th century barbarians to rape them and elected one mayor!

As far as those CMP 1911's, I'll bet they want a fortune for them.
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Nonetheless, citizens in England and Wales are far safer than in America from gun violence.

It would take the Isle almost forty years to catch up with America with your statistics.

Are you one of those gun nuts?
Define gun nut.
Are you a gun nut? The definition is common knowledge.
No it's not. I don't speak liberal. Define it.
I am not a liberal, and, no, you are not a mainstream conservative. Yes, you are a gun nut. DarkFury, no one is coming to confiscate your weapons.
One of the few good things we can all agree about Obama, is he was a fantastically good handgun salesman.
Goobers drooling for a race war spent a lot of their welfare money prepping for a war that never came. Imbeciles! :)
And President Trump has been rolling back regulations so we can even better arm ourself!
Indeed! He made it easier to arm the mentally ill. Just how fucking dumb are you anyway that you think this is a good idea?
One of the few good things we can all agree about Obama, is he was a fantastically good handgun salesman.
Goobers drooling for a race war spent a lot of their welfare money prepping for a war that never came. Imbeciles! :)
And President Trump has been rolling back regulations so we can even better arm ourself!
Indeed! He made it easier to arm the mentally ill. Just how fucking dumb are you anyway that you think this is a good idea?
More lies and slander. Prove your nonsense!
One of the few good things we can all agree about Obama, is he was a fantastically good handgun salesman.
Goobers drooling for a race war spent a lot of their welfare money prepping for a war that never came. Imbeciles! :)
And President Trump has been rolling back regulations so we can even better arm ourself!
Indeed! He made it easier to arm the mentally ill. Just how fucking dumb are you anyway that you think this is a good idea?
More lies and slander. Prove your nonsense!
It`s neither nonsense or slander. Here you go.
You FOX viewers don`t know shit and that too is a proven fact.

STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
One of the few good things we can all agree about Obama, is he was a fantastically good handgun salesman.
Goobers drooling for a race war spent a lot of their welfare money prepping for a war that never came. Imbeciles! :)
And President Trump has been rolling back regulations so we can even better arm ourself!
Indeed! He made it easier to arm the mentally ill. Just how fucking dumb are you anyway that you think this is a good idea?
More lies and slander. Prove your nonsense!
It`s neither nonsense or slander. Here you go.
You FOX viewers don`t know shit and that too is a proven fact.

STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
Oh my! The biased media prints it and you swallow it hook line and sinker. No matter what you liars say or do, come get them!
One of the few good things we can all agree about Obama, is he was a fantastically good handgun salesman.
Goobers drooling for a race war spent a lot of their welfare money prepping for a war that never came. Imbeciles! :)
And President Trump has been rolling back regulations so we can even better arm ourself!
Indeed! He made it easier to arm the mentally ill. Just how fucking dumb are you anyway that you think this is a good idea?
More lies and slander. Prove your nonsense!
It`s neither nonsense or slander. Here you go.
You FOX viewers don`t know shit and that too is a proven fact.

STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
Can't fix stupid.

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