Gun-control freaks are losing!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere

Because facts are not on their side, so they most go full bore fraud!!

Why Gun-Control Advocates Lie about Guns National Review Online

In 2014.......Americans are all in on the second amendment.........because thats what happens when the government careens out of control.

Plus.....the research shows conclusively that more guns = less crime!!!

Recently released research from Harvard University ( 4/ 2013) makes the gun control bozo's look even more stoopid!!

Harvard study concludes that gun control does not prevent murders other violent crime

Last minute holiday shopping?:biggrin: Grab a gun.........make somebody feel like a hero on Christmas morning!!!:2up:
There will always be people fighting for gun control, gun limits, gun restrictions. Just as there will always be people fighting against the practice of abortion. We're a nation of fighters. It's just too bad that we spend most of our time fighting among ourselves.

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