Guaido heading for Colombia as date for provocation is set


Nov 14, 2012
Guaido is reportedly (AFP), officially heading for Colombia to organize the delivery of "humanitarian aid". 600.000 helpers, if one is set to believe the reports, will start to deliver the 20.000 (= 30 people deliver one box) aid boxes to Venezuela on February 23, the Russians say. This matches the reports of Guaido traveling to Colombia.
Venezuelan security forces are tasked to prevent the "aid" being smuggled to Venezuela.

Guaidó va de camino a la frontera con Colombia por ayuda humanitaria (vocero)
Hopefully that fat fuck, Maduro, eats a bullet soon.
That´s the "humanitarian aid".

Problem is, for Trump, that the Venezuelans support Maduro.

That´s the "humanitarian aid".

That would be the best humanitarian aid for the people of Venezuela.

Problem is, for Trump, that the Venezuelans support Maduro.

Which ones? The ones who lost 40 pounds over the last 2 years?
The millions who fled already? The millions more who would like to flee?
Gauido’s a fool for trusting Trump’s America. He better lock up some other backers ASAP.
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That would be the best humanitarian aid for the people of Venezuela.
Even when Phrump gets a second term, then Maduro will still be President, when he leaves office.

Which ones? The ones who lost 40 pounds over the last 2 years?
The millions who fled already? The millions more who would like to flee?
I guess your FOX News forgot to tell you that when Guaido organized his little manifestation, one million went to the streets to voice their support for Maduro.

By the way, there are 1,3 million Venezuelans registered abroad.
That would be the best humanitarian aid for the people of Venezuela.
Even when Phrump gets a second term, then Maduro will still be President, when he leaves office.

Which ones? The ones who lost 40 pounds over the last 2 years?
The millions who fled already? The millions more who would like to flee?
I guess your FOX News forgot to tell you that when Guaido organized his little manifestation, one million went to the streets to voice their support for Maduro.

By the way, there are 1,3 million Venezuelans registered abroad.

Even when Phrump gets a second term, then Maduro will still be President, when he leaves office.

That's possible. Commie assholes like Castro fucked up their people for decades.
The fat fuck you like doesn't have quite that cult of personality though...….

one million went to the streets to voice their support for Maduro.

In exchange for a bag of rice and a roll of tp?
That's possible. Commie assholes like Castro fucked up their people for decades.
The fat fuck you like doesn't have quite that cult of personality though...….
Venezuela is not Cuba. Venezuela allows private enterprise on a large scale.
It is really sad how people like you who have not the slightest clue, call for murder and violence in the name of freedom.

In exchange for a bag of rice and a roll of tp?
Is that what Phrump pays? Soros is more generous.
That's possible. Commie assholes like Castro fucked up their people for decades.
The fat fuck you like doesn't have quite that cult of personality though...….
Venezuela is not Cuba. Venezuela allows private enterprise on a large scale.
It is really sad how people like you who have not the slightest clue, call for murder and violence in the name of freedom.

In exchange for a bag of rice and a roll of tp?
Is that what Phrump pays? Soros is more generous.

Venezuela is not Cuba. Venezuela allows private enterprise on a large scale

Not for lack of trying. If Chavez had 50 years...…...

It is really sad how people like you who have not the slightest clue, call for murder and violence in the name of freedom.

I'm not calling for either. I just want that fat fuck to eat a bullet.

Is that what Phrump pays?

What does Trump have to do with Maduro's "support"?

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