Grotesque: The Bush "Presidential" Library

Every president continues his lies out of office.
And yet, somehow the truth shows through.


If that was a image of obama you would be so god damn mad you be all over it with racist blah blah blah racist that
Every president continues his lies out of office.
And yet, somehow the truth shows through.


If that was a image of obama you would be so god damn mad you be all over it with racist blah blah blah racist that

One wonders what makes people lose about fifty IQ points in the presence of the truth about something they can't accept?

What the nutball mind appears unable to grasp is that contempt for the filthy lying god damned chickenhawk scum and halfwit inheritor, Chimpy Bush, does not equal either 'fake-liberal human potential enthusiast' or Obama supporter. Clinton and Obama are corporatists - just like Reagan and Junebug. There isn't enough bottom line difference between them to shine a light through.

The main difference between me and the degenerate white trash who re elected a chimpy scum like Bush is that I am a proud American who understood the stupidity - and the costs - of invading Iraq and Afghanistan BEFORE the fucking scum of the Bush League proved it in American blood and cash.

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I was at the Carter Library and Museum in Atlanta last weekend. It was great. I loved walking around the exhibits and looking back at history.

Carter isn't known to be America's greatest President, to say the least. My teenage son asked why it was all spun so positively, given that it was such a difficult time and that Carter isn't thought of as being a good President. I told him that because Presidential museums are meant to be testaments to the President, and that we respect the enormous challenges not only to the man himself but also to the Presidential office. There is a time and place for criticism but it wasn't here. He got that.

Too bad hack douchebags like rdean don't. I don't know what it's like to be so enveloped in hate and seething 24/7 like rdean that one can't understand basic stuff like this.
I've never seen the first picture, but we all know the second one is photoshopped...

You need to relax, rdean, every president gets a library, it's just the way it is. I've to a couple. No mention of Iran/Contra at Reagan's. No mention of cigars and blow jobs at Clinton's... Relax...

Oh and...

bush_hoax2_f.jpg Bush's Upside-Down Book


images Presidents with Binoculars

Who cares? I posted a video of Bush and two dumb pictures and of course, the right wing concentrated only on the pictures.

What about this video. What do they think about this video?

Oh, and I have lots, lots more where that came from.

rderp admits that he is just a hack.

If he already knew that the two pictures were phtotoshopped frauds, then why did he post them at all?

Forget about why anybody would take issue with his bullshit. Why would he post them?

And that video? Good for President Bush. Lots of you idiot hack liberals STILL cannot grasp the fact, even today after Osama bin Laden has been snuffed out, that getting rid of him does not get rid of his asshole scumbag organization.

rderp: come back when you've got something. so far, you remain

zero for life.
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Photos & Videos - The George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum

Where is the part about what the Bush Tax cuts did to the economy?

Where is the part about Iraq?

Where is the mention of Saddam?

Where is the discussion on WMD's?

Where is the part about his policies taking out Bin Laden?

Where is the part about him not caring about or looking for Bin Laden?

Where is the part about the surplus?

What about the drugs for votes bill?

What about not funding "No Child Left Behind"?


How this guy and the Republicans have the nerve to dedicate a "library" to this odious man is beyond beyond. After everything he did and the Republicans did to this country, they have a lot of nerve.

Look over the library and be appalled at how he clings to 9/11. Remember, this is the party that tried to block health care to first responders.

Where are they gonna keep all his bungled public statements and cringe-inducing quotes, like "Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream." --LaCrosse, Wis., Oct. 18, 2000 , or "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." --Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004 .

Every president continues his lies out of office.
And yet, somehow the truth shows through.


If that was a image of obama you would be so god damn mad you be all over it with racist blah blah blah racist that

One wonders what makes people lose about fifty IQ points in the presence of the truth about something they can't accept?

What the nutball mind appears unable to grasp is that contempt for the filthy lying god damned chickenhawk scum and halfwit inheritor, Chimpy Bush, does not equal either 'fake-liberal human potential enthusiast' or Obama supporter. Clinton and Obama are corporatists - just like Reagan and Junebug. There isn't enough bottom line difference between them to shine a light through.

The main difference between me and the degenerate white trash who re elected a chimpy scum like Bush is that I am a proud American who understood the stupidity - and the costs - of invading Iraq and Afghanistan BEFORE the fucking scum of the Bush League proved it in American blood and cash.


The attack on 911 originated in Afghanistan by OBL. Using your infantile logic, we should have ignored it. Perhaps we should have ignored the attack on Pearl Harbor as well and saved our blood and treasure. Don't you agree?

We all bat 100% with our hindsight, but few of us believe that you understand anything but hatred of George Bush.
If that was a image of obama you would be so god damn mad you be all over it with racist blah blah blah racist that

One wonders what makes people lose about fifty IQ points in the presence of the truth about something they can't accept?

What the nutball mind appears unable to grasp is that contempt for the filthy lying god damned chickenhawk scum and halfwit inheritor, Chimpy Bush, does not equal either 'fake-liberal human potential enthusiast' or Obama supporter. Clinton and Obama are corporatists - just like Reagan and Junebug. There isn't enough bottom line difference between them to shine a light through.

The main difference between me and the degenerate white trash who re elected a chimpy scum like Bush is that I am a proud American who understood the stupidity - and the costs - of invading Iraq and Afghanistan BEFORE the fucking scum of the Bush League proved it in American blood and cash.


The attack on 911 originated in Afghanistan by OBL. Using your infantile logic, we should have ignored it. Perhaps we should have ignored the attack on Pearl Harbor as well and saved our blood and treasure. Don't you agree?

We all bat 100% with our hindsight, but few of us believe that you understand anything but hatred of George Bush.

President Bush did have his faults. Drugdull_Joke ought to be able to acknowledge that all human beings do.

But dopes like Drugdull_Joke cannot even perceive the fact that for all his faults, President Bush was vastly superior in almost every imaginable way to the failure currently infesting the Oval Office.
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I've never seen the first picture, but we all know the second one is photoshopped...

You need to relax, rdean, every president gets a library, it's just the way it is. I've to a couple. No mention of Iran/Contra at Reagan's. No mention of cigars and blow jobs at Clinton's... Relax...

Oh and...

bush_hoax2_f.jpg Bush's Upside-Down Book


images Presidents with Binoculars

Who cares? I posted a video of Bush and two dumb pictures and of course, the right wing concentrated only on the pictures.

What about this video. What do they think about this video?

Oh, and I have lots, lots more where that came from.

Who cares? LOL You post photo shopped pictures trying to denigrate someone for something they didn't DO...but then you ask "who cares"?

That's you in a nut shell, Deanie...if you can't find something bad to say about a conservative you just make up whatever YOU feel is that conservative would say or do! Somehow however, you don't seem to grasp how sleazy a tactic that is...which is why you are one of the least respected posters on this board.
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I've never seen the first picture, but we all know the second one is photoshopped...

You need to relax, rdean, every president gets a library, it's just the way it is. I've to a couple. No mention of Iran/Contra at Reagan's. No mention of cigars and blow jobs at Clinton's... Relax...

Oh and...

bush_hoax2_f.jpg Bush's Upside-Down Book


images Presidents with Binoculars

Who cares? I posted a video of Bush and two dumb pictures and of course, the right wing concentrated only on the pictures.

What about this video. What do they think about this video?

Oh, and I have lots, lots more where that came from.

Who cares? LOL You post photo shopped pictures trying to denigrate someone for something they didn't DO...but then you ask "who cares"?

That's you in a nut shell, Deanie...if you can't find something bad to say about a conservative you just make up whatever YOU feel is that conservative would say or do! Somehow however, you don't seem to grasp how sleazy a tactic that is...which is why you are one of the least respected posters on this board.

It is a tactic that has served the left well for many years.
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I've never seen the first picture, but we all know the second one is photoshopped...

You need to relax, rdean, every president gets a library, it's just the way it is. I've to a couple. No mention of Iran/Contra at Reagan's. No mention of cigars and blow jobs at Clinton's... Relax...

Oh and...

bush_hoax2_f.jpg Bush's Upside-Down Book


images Presidents with Binoculars

Who cares? I posted a video of Bush and two dumb pictures and of course, the right wing concentrated only on the pictures.

What about this video. What do they think about this video?

Oh, and I have lots, lots more where that came from.

rderp admits that he is just a hack.

If he already knew that the two pictures were phtotoshopped frauds, then why did he post them at all?

Forget about why anybody would take issue with his bullshit. Why would he post them?

And that video? Good for President Bush. Lots of you idiot hack liberals STILL cannot grasp the fact, even today after Osama bin Laden has been snuffed out, that getting rid of him does not get rid of his asshole scumbag organization.

rderp: come back when you've got something. so far, you remain

zero for life.

Are you talking about the 9/11 mastermind Bush let go and the organization he left almost completely intact? I just want to make sure.
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Who cares? I posted a video of Bush and two dumb pictures and of course, the right wing concentrated only on the pictures.

What about this video. What do they think about this video?

Oh, and I have lots, lots more where that came from.

rderp admits that he is just a hack.

If he already knew that the two pictures were phtotoshopped frauds, then why did he post them at all?

Forget about why anybody would take issue with his bullshit. Why would he post them?

And that video? Good for President Bush. Lots of you idiot hack liberals STILL cannot grasp the fact, even today after Osama bin Laden has been snuffed out, that getting rid of him does not get rid of his asshole scumbag organization.

rderp: come back when you've got something. so far, you remain

zero for life.

Are you talking about the 9/11 mastermind Bush let go and the organization he left almost completely intact? I just want to make sure.

The 9/11 mastermind that CLINTON let go. That one.

And the one who President Bush said was wanted dead or alive when you lolberals howled in protest at such talk? That one.

I already am sure that you are an amazingly inept hack.

Bush had to have been a truly great man and a wise leader because the only things liberals can say against him is what they made up themselves.
One wonders what makes people lose about fifty IQ points in the presence of the truth about something they can't accept?

What the nutball mind appears unable to grasp is that contempt for the filthy lying god damned chickenhawk scum and halfwit inheritor, Chimpy Bush, does not equal either 'fake-liberal human potential enthusiast' or Obama supporter. Clinton and Obama are corporatists - just like Reagan and Junebug. There isn't enough bottom line difference between them to shine a light through.

The main difference between me and the degenerate white trash who re elected a chimpy scum like Bush is that I am a proud American who understood the stupidity - and the costs - of invading Iraq and Afghanistan BEFORE the fucking scum of the Bush League proved it in American blood and cash.


The attack on 911 originated in Afghanistan by OBL. Using your infantile logic, we should have ignored it. Perhaps we should have ignored the attack on Pearl Harbor as well and saved our blood and treasure. Don't you agree?

We all bat 100% with our hindsight, but few of us believe that you understand anything but hatred of George Bush.

President Bush did have his faults. Drugdull_Joke ought to be able to acknowledge that all human beings do.

But dopes like Drugdull_Joke cannot even perceive the fact that for all his faults, President Bush was vastly superior in almost every imaginable way to the failure currently infesting the Oval Office.

Twice in one lifetime is more than enough for filthy god damned remf cowards in the white house to stampede halfwit white trash into shit-for-brains wars in Asia. The only decent leader in the white house since 1960 was given the bum's rush by nutballs in 1992.

Those unable to learn the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them. Obama is the lesson of 2004. Nutballs need to consider that looking at the moron in the mirror who voted for Junebug in 2004.

No one is happier than me to see the chickenhawk war mongering scum of America hoist on their own petard after 2004 and again in 2008. The filthy lowlifes who voted for the most obviously failed president in US history in 2004 elected Obama in 2008.

That is justice, mes amigos.

That is justice.
The attack on 911 originated in Afghanistan by OBL. Using your infantile logic, we should have ignored it. Perhaps we should have ignored the attack on Pearl Harbor as well and saved our blood and treasure. Don't you agree?

We all bat 100% with our hindsight, but few of us believe that you understand anything but hatred of George Bush.

President Bush did have his faults. Drugdull_Joke ought to be able to acknowledge that all human beings do.

But dopes like Drugdull_Joke cannot even perceive the fact that for all his faults, President Bush was vastly superior in almost every imaginable way to the failure currently infesting the Oval Office.

Twice in one lifetime is more than enough for filthy god damned remf cowards in the white house to stampede halfwit white trash into shit-for-brains wars in Asia. The only decent leader in the white house since 1960 was given the bum's rush by nutballs in 1992.

Those unable to learn the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them. Obama is the lesson of 2004. Nutballs need to consider that looking at the moron in the mirror who voted for Junebug in 2004.

No one is happier than me to see the chickenhawk war mongering scum of America hoist on their own petard after 2004 and again in 2008. The filthy lowlifes who voted for the most obviously failed president in US history in 2004 elected Obama in 2008.

That is justice, mes amigos.

That is justice.

LOL...if memory serves it was H. W. Bush that was given "the bums rush" in 1992 when Clinton was elected. Are you sure that's your point?
The attack on 911 originated in Afghanistan by OBL. Using your infantile logic, we should have ignored it. Perhaps we should have ignored the attack on Pearl Harbor as well and saved our blood and treasure. Don't you agree?

We all bat 100% with our hindsight, but few of us believe that you understand anything but hatred of George Bush.

President Bush did have his faults. Drugdull_Joke ought to be able to acknowledge that all human beings do.

But dopes like Drugdull_Joke cannot even perceive the fact that for all his faults, President Bush was vastly superior in almost every imaginable way to the failure currently infesting the Oval Office.

Twice in one lifetime is more than enough for filthy god damned remf cowards in the white house to stampede halfwit white trash into shit-for-brains wars in Asia. The only decent leader in the white house since 1960 was given the bum's rush by nutballs in 1992.

Those unable to learn the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them. Obama is the lesson of 2004. Nutballs need to consider that looking at the moron in the mirror who voted for Junebug in 2004.

No one is happier than me to see the chickenhawk war mongering scum of America hoist on their own petard after 2004 and again in 2008. The filthy lowlifes who voted for the most obviously failed president in US history in 2004 elected Obama in 2008.

That is justice, mes amigos.

That is justice.


The failure in chief is that moron currently infesting the Oval Orifice.

The most recent American tragedy is that the electorate didn't discard that trash when they had the chance this past November.

Still and all, he won't get a Presidential Library. There won't be enough money left to pay for one. The closest he'll get is a few reams of paper as his memorial. The Obamacare legislation and the thousands of pages of "regulations" surrounding that imbecility.
Photos & Videos - The George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum

Where is the part about what the Bush Tax cuts did to the economy?

Where is the part about Iraq?

Where is the mention of Saddam?

Where is the discussion on WMD's?

Where is the part about his policies taking out Bin Laden?

Where is the part about him not caring about or looking for Bin Laden?

Where is the part about the surplus?

What about the drugs for votes bill?

What about not funding "No Child Left Behind"?


How this guy and the Republicans have the nerve to dedicate a "library" to this odious man is beyond beyond. After everything he did and the Republicans did to this country, they have a lot of nerve.

Look over the library and be appalled at how he clings to 9/11. Remember, this is the party that tried to block health care to first responders.

What the FUCK?

Have you examined everything in the library? If the answer to that is no, how do you know none of the stuff you are talking about is not in there? Presidential libraries are there to give scholars access to the various papers that a president accumulates during his term. They are open to everyone who wants to look, and learn. I know that last part means you will never go, but you really should give people that are more intelligent than you some credit.

Yes, some of the documents are sealed, by law, for a few years, but that is what we get when we think secrecy trumps liberty.
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President Bush did have his faults. Drugdull_Joke ought to be able to acknowledge that all human beings do.

But dopes like Drugdull_Joke cannot even perceive the fact that for all his faults, President Bush was vastly superior in almost every imaginable way to the failure currently infesting the Oval Office.
Well, if Obama manages to start and preside over two disastrous and bankrupting wars which will blacken the name of the USA in all succeeding history, and if he starts the worst depression in living memory, then I will certainly agree with you.

It seems that Obama has missed being selected by the Supreme Court, rather than being elected by the people.

But I think President Bush may speak for himself:

"You folks here tonight are the haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite. I call you my base."
President Bush did have his faults. Drugdull_Joke ought to be able to acknowledge that all human beings do.

But dopes like Drugdull_Joke cannot even perceive the fact that for all his faults, President Bush was vastly superior in almost every imaginable way to the failure currently infesting the Oval Office.
Well, if Obama manages to start and preside over two disastrous and bankrupting wars which will blacken the name of the USA in all succeeding history, and if he starts the worst depression in living memory, then I will certainly agree with you.

It seems that Obama has missed being selected by the Supreme Court, rather than being elected by the people.

But I think President Bush may speak for himself:

"You folks here tonight are the haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite. I call you my base."

noman, your mind is rusted shut.

You are such an unperceptive liberal hack that you cannot see and you would never admit how badly your Obamessiah is fucking everything up.

Like President Bush before him, your Obamessiah was ELECTED. The trite tripe of being 'selected" by the SCOTUS is something you mindless hack drones keep saying.

But, it's all good. It identifies you as the worthless hack you are.

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