Grimes closing fast in kentucky

Rove said Mitch tied her to obama...denying him did not work.
It definitely was a mistake on her part. All's she had to say was she voted and supported him because he was her parties nominee. She then could have qualified it by saying that Obama has really disappointed her, and that Obama was bad for her states coal industry.
By her running and hiding, she looked weak and dishonest.
It's over. Democrats correctly assumed they would lose big but they put their money on defeating McConnell as a propaganda victory but it didn't work.
Election 2014 Voters decide on marijuana minimum wage abortion

And, finally, Washington, D.C., and Oregon passed measures to legalize recreational marijuana use — the former approving it by a huge margin. Early Wednesday morning, several media outlets reported a close margin to legalize in Alaska would likely hold, too. (Video via CBS)

D.C., Oregon and Alaska join Colorado and Washington state as the five places in the U.S. that now permit pot users to puff and go as they please.

Florida also put forth a medical marijuana initiative but it fell short of the 60 percent vote needed for approval. we have the senate...anybody hear anything on the pot votes?

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