Green Lantern's Bleu Cheese Smog


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an eco-consciousness vignette (my last one) inspired by the film The Emerald Forest.

Signing off,


Every time Green Lantern showed up in NYC, he lamented about all the fumes spewing from industrialization and cars, fumes that soared up to Earth's atmosphere and degraded the air and more than likely endangered the fineness of the city's ecosystem viability. So, Green Lantern retreated to a bar-and-bistro (called Moe's) on Sunday evenings and enjoyed wine, grapes, and a wedge of bleu cheese. One day, a strange old man walked into Moe's and sat beside Green Lantern and started probing the superhero about why he looked so blue.

OLD MAN: Why, you look rather blue, Lantern...
GREEN LANTERN: Yeah pops; the city's smog depresses me.
OLD MAN: So you chase away your depression with wine and bleu cheese?
GREEN LANTERN: Yes! There's nothing like bleu cheese for this blue superhero!
OLD MAN: That's funny..."Green Lantern forgets his blues over bleu cheese."
GREEN LANTERN: Why not? I can't convince humanity to stop polluting.
OLD MAN: How does bleu cheese and wine help?
GREEN LANTERN: I can at least pray and hope for greener pastures.
OLD MAN: You sound eerie to me; be wary of food that reminds you of paradise.
GREEN LANTERN: You may be right; maybe I should stick to limericks and apple juice.

Green Lantern never forgot the words of the strange old man, especially since he made Lantern realize that chasing away the blues with wine and bleu cheese may not be the best way to express angst regarding mankind's wasteful and pollution-prone industrial behavior. Green Lantern decided to send a notice to the New York Post about his conversation with the old man, bleu cheese, and praying about greener pastures (in a post-industrialized New York). The notice would win Green Lantern the Nobel Prize:

"Eating bleu cheese and drinking wine (sometimes complemented by juicy grapes) at Moe's in NYC made me realize that even a superhero could drown his woes in a plate of grapes/cheese and a small glass of wine. Then, one day, a strange old man walked into Moe's and sat beside me and asked me why the 'Green Lantern' looked so darn 'blue'(!). I explained to the eccentric and inquisitive old man that bleu cheese helped me forget about the wasteful consciousness of a post-industrialized NYC. The old man reminded me that there were more 'energetic ways' to pray for the Earth than eating bleu cheese (especially since I was in fact the Green Lantern!). Now, when I look down at my green power-ring (my source of superpower), I think of UV-light (rather than bleu cheese)."



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