Green Disaster bearing down on Germany


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Cant afford traditional power plants anymore needed to back up the green crap. Try running a first world economy on third world power.
Germany s On The Brink Of An Energy Crisis The Daily Caller Consumer energy bills have gotten to the point where electricity in the country has been called a “luxury good” by major media outlets.
“Every second power plant planned in Germany is about to fold,” Mittelstand News reports. “The willingness to invest is decreasing rapidly as even the most efficient gas-fired power plants can no longer be operated profitably.”
Germany s On The Brink Of An Energy Crisis The Daily Caller

What’s happening is that green energy sources are given priority on the grid when meeting power demand, therefore setting the marginal price of electricity being produced — which is very low because they have no fuel costs. The prioritization of green energy has depressed wholesale prices and means that coal and gas power can’t recover their full costs.

This normally wouldn’t be a problem in a free, competitive market, but subsidies for green energy means more coal and gas plants are needed for back-up. These, plants, however, are having trouble finding investors willing to lose money because they can’t make money selling electricity.

“There are fewer hours in which the conventional power plants earn more than the marginal cost since they run fewer hours than originally planned and, in many cases, provide back-up power only,” FAA Financial noted. “Generators’ financial difficulties have already translated into lower stock prices and credit ratings.”

The problem has gotten so bad that utilities are asking the government to bail them out. Reduced profitability means less investment in the power sector, which the utilities lobby says could create problems down the road if nothing is done to prop up coal and gas plants.

Well now, Hans, we have the solution to your problem, building them in Reno and in North Carolina. They are called grid scale batteries, and make solar and wind 24/7. Just send us lots of money, and we will send you lots of batteries.
Germany s On The Brink Of An Energy Crisis The Daily Caller

What’s happening is that green energy sources are given priority on the grid when meeting power demand, therefore setting the marginal price of electricity being produced — which is very low because they have no fuel costs. The prioritization of green energy has depressed wholesale prices and means that coal and gas power can’t recover their full costs.

This normally wouldn’t be a problem in a free, competitive market, but subsidies for green energy means more coal and gas plants are needed for back-up. These, plants, however, are having trouble finding investors willing to lose money because they can’t make money selling electricity.

“There are fewer hours in which the conventional power plants earn more than the marginal cost since they run fewer hours than originally planned and, in many cases, provide back-up power only,” FAA Financial noted. “Generators’ financial difficulties have already translated into lower stock prices and credit ratings.”

The problem has gotten so bad that utilities are asking the government to bail them out. Reduced profitability means less investment in the power sector, which the utilities lobby says could create problems down the road if nothing is done to prop up coal and gas plants.

Well now, Hans, we have the solution to your problem, building them in Reno and in North Carolina. They are called grid scale batteries, and make solar and wind 24/7. Just send us lots of money, and we will send you lots of batteries.
You really should use the quote function. Is only the bolded text yours? :dunno:
Cant afford traditional power plants anymore needed to back up the green crap. Try running a first world economy on third world power.
Germany s On The Brink Of An Energy Crisis The Daily Caller Consumer energy bills have gotten to the point where electricity in the country has been called a “luxury good” by major media outlets.
“Every second power plant planned in Germany is about to fold,” Mittelstand News reports. “The willingness to invest is decreasing rapidly as even the most efficient gas-fired power plants can no longer be operated profitably.”

Manonthestreet, do you expect that Germany will have less alternative energy in 2016 than it did in 2015?
Germany s On The Brink Of An Energy Crisis The Daily Caller

What’s happening is that green energy sources are given priority on the grid when meeting power demand, therefore setting the marginal price of electricity being produced — which is very low because they have no fuel costs. The prioritization of green energy has depressed wholesale prices and means that coal and gas power can’t recover their full costs.

This normally wouldn’t be a problem in a free, competitive market, but subsidies for green energy means more coal and gas plants are needed for back-up. These, plants, however, are having trouble finding investors willing to lose money because they can’t make money selling electricity.

“There are fewer hours in which the conventional power plants earn more than the marginal cost since they run fewer hours than originally planned and, in many cases, provide back-up power only,” FAA Financial noted. “Generators’ financial difficulties have already translated into lower stock prices and credit ratings.”

The problem has gotten so bad that utilities are asking the government to bail them out. Reduced profitability means less investment in the power sector, which the utilities lobby says could create problems down the road if nothing is done to prop up coal and gas plants.

Well now, Hans, we have the solution to your problem, building them in Reno and in North Carolina. They are called grid scale batteries, and make solar and wind 24/7. Just send us lots of money, and we will send you lots of batteries.

How much do you think a battery that can power an entire city would cost?
The article points out that the problem would not take place given free market capitalism, but what we have is precisely this type of economy. The results is increasing growth leading to a combination of increasing credit and demand for resources, in turn resulting in financial crises due to fallout from speculation combined with high production costs.
The article points out that the problem would not take place given free market capitalism, but what we have is precisely this type of economy. The results is increasing growth leading to a combination of increasing credit and demand for resources, in turn resulting in financial crises due to fallout from speculation combined with high production costs.

There's nothing "free market" about the energy market. It's entirely a creation of government.
Build more wind that works at night
Build CS solar that stores energy for hours into the night
Build nuclear!!! Do not stop them.
Build grid batteries
Build wave and tidal
Actually use the green shit you hypocrites demand everyone else should yourselves.
We are, silly ass. A good deal of our power comes from wind and hydro here in Oregon. And wind is continueing to be installed, both for power here and for California.
Alternative energy is fine. I'm all for new technology. Just don't force me to use it and don't lie to me about AGW to get me to use it. I'll use it so that this country doesn't have to cow tow to the Saudis.
The catch is that other sources of energy have low energy returns and quantity. Meanwhile, oil production costs remain high due to peak oil. Finally, AGW has been confirmed not only by science organizations but even by various business organizations and military forces.
The catch is that other sources of energy have low energy returns and quantity. Meanwhile, oil production costs remain high due to peak oil. Finally, AGW has been confirmed not only by science organizations but even by various business organizations and military forces.

Businesses and the Airforce aren't qualified to determine the validity of AGW, The whole thing is bullshit.
Cant afford traditional power plants anymore needed to back up the green crap. Try running a first world economy on third world power.
Germany s On The Brink Of An Energy Crisis The Daily Caller Consumer energy bills have gotten to the point where electricity in the country has been called a “luxury good” by major media outlets.
“Every second power plant planned in Germany is about to fold,” Mittelstand News reports. “The willingness to invest is decreasing rapidly as even the most efficient gas-fired power plants can no longer be operated profitably.”

Manonthestreet, do you expect that Germany will have less alternative energy in 2016 than it did in 2015?
Course not....did you read....states they are in danger of losing half of their coal and gas which will collapse their grid and economy because the greenie power can't reliably power it
Cant afford traditional power plants anymore needed to back up the green crap. Try running a first world economy on third world power.
Germany s On The Brink Of An Energy Crisis The Daily Caller Consumer energy bills have gotten to the point where electricity in the country has been called a “luxury good” by major media outlets.
“Every second power plant planned in Germany is about to fold,” Mittelstand News reports. “The willingness to invest is decreasing rapidly as even the most efficient gas-fired power plants can no longer be operated profitably.”

Manonthestreet, do you expect that Germany will have less alternative energy in 2016 than it did in 2015?
Course not....did you read....states they are in danger of losing half of their coal and gas which will collapse their grid and economy because the greenie power can't reliably power it

So you expect that they will have even more alternate energy then. OK, so when do you expect this grid collapse to occur by?

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