GREED: A necessary non virtue


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Who would you choose to organize society in a manner that you would like society to be?

Why would you trust that person or entity to do that, or what would convince you that he or she or they would do it as you want it done?

In the following 30-year-old video clip, Milton Friedman explains his opinion that almost all great advancements that the world has known have been a result of human desire or, to be crass about it, human greed. And it is his opinion that there has never been a case where large populations of humans have risen above chronic poverty by any means other than via free enterprise or implementation of human greed.

[ame=]YouTube - Milton Friedman - Greed[/ame]

Is he right? Greed, while not a virtue, can be something other than an undesirable vice?

Should our politics recognize greed as a necessity for progress and plenty? Or is the equalization of wealth a higher priority, the more desirable goal, and the plan that will produce the greatest happiness?
As a Christian, I answer....

no, and greed is the root of evil....

the 'Love' of Money is the root of evil....and the love of money is a form of greed, avarice, coveting.... :D
:lol: Hi Care.

As a Christian I would have a tough time arguing with that though I think that the Bible makes it pretty clear that when greed or love of money gets in the way of our relationship with God or when it is implemented to the detriment of others, then it is a vice.

But I don't recall the Bible anywhere discouraging ambition to improve one's lot in life and seemed to admire those who were industrious and built up their holdings and gave good parties and banquets and provided for their families and did not forego charity to others.

So is ambition something different from greed? Both often desire the same thing. Could they be synonymous?
:lol: Hi Care.

As a Christian I would have a tough time arguing with that though I think that the Bible makes it pretty clear that when greed or love of money gets in the way of our relationship with God or when it is implemented to the detriment of others, then it is a vice.

But I don't recall the Bible anywhere discouraging ambition to improve one's lot in life and seemed to admire those who were industrious and built up their holdings and gave good parties and banquets and provided for their families and did not forego charity to others.

So is ambition something different from greed? Both often desire the same thing. Could they be synonymous?

many inventors of some of our greatest inventions, died as paupers or fairly "not rich"....they invented for their own ambition and it did not always involve money or making a ton of was not the love of money, it was not greed or taking from others for yourself, at any cost, that drove their ambitions, imo.
But 'greed' as Friedman is using it is not necessarily to acquire wealth or expand one's fortunes. "Greed' as he uses it is as Adam Smith described in Wealth of Nations: "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we can expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”

Did you disagree with Friedman when he explained that in the video?
Milton Friedman is an evil asshole. His disciples were directly responsible for the atrocities that took place in S. America in the 70's and 80's. His Chicago school was directly responsible for Pinochet and the IMF's bloody "shock doctrine" policies. If I knew where his grave was, I would spit on it - such a detriment that fool was to our country. Pardon if I dont' listen to a thing hissing out of his evil mouth.

But let me tell you how I really feel...
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And lest we mention the greed of those who want something while doing nothing for it... is that bad too, care??

yeppers it is!

but that could be SLOTH imo....which is just as evil.....or can be.

We are suppose to live productive lives..... !

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