Great news ! "Russian" empire is the world’s biggest loser from oil’s crash, " russia’s challenge now is to avoid collapse."


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Great news ! "Russian" empire is the world’s biggest loser from oil’s crash. With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher.


Soviet Union fell for many reasons — inefficiency and corruption had been mainstays of the system for decades — but things changed in the 1980s. For one, defense budgets soared as Moscow tried to keep pace with U.S. military development, particularly the legendary Star Wars project, as much legend as a project. For another, the price of energy fell, and the Russians were heavily dependent on energy sales. Russia was caught in a vise between defense spending and falling energy prices, and this ultimately undermined the basis of the Soviet Union.


After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia faced the old challenge of building a modern economy rather than a Potemkin village of modernity. The first decade after the fall was chaotic as investment bankers and oligarchs appropriated the wealth under the banner of privatization. The emergence of Vladimir Putin, the former KGB agent who was tied into the oligarchy, should have led to a surge of modernization. Energy prices were reasonably high, and investment capital for a modern economy could, in theory, have been created.
Russia’s challenge is not building a new generation of hypersonic missiles, nor investing in advanced technologies. Russia’s challenge now is to avoid collapse. The Russian budget is distributed among its constituent regions, which pay the teachers and doctors and firemen.

But with the decline of energy prices, Russia’s budget declines, and as it declines, the regions contract. Russia, a Third World country, has few counters to low energy prices.


" Russia is the world’s biggest loser from oil’s crash, and that’s reason to worry

Managing Russia's dissolution
Rising social, ethnic, economic and regional pressures indicate that Russia is heading toward fragmentation.


Russian Federation consists of 85 “federal subjects,” of which 22 are republics representing non-Russian ethnicities, including the North Caucasus and Middle Volga, and numerous regions with distinct identities that feel increasingly estranged from Moscow.

Instead of pursuing decentralization to accommodate regional aspirations, the Kremlin is downgrading their autonomy. This is evident in the new language law designed to promote "Russification" and plans to merge and eliminate several regions.

Pressure is mounting across the country, with growing anger at local governors appointed by the Kremlin and resentment that Moscow appropriates their resources. Indeed, regions such as Sakha and Magadan in the far east, with their substantial mineral wealth, could be successful states without Moscow’s exploitation.

Emerging states will benefit from forging closer economic and political contacts with neighboring countries rather than depending on Moscow, whose federal budget is drastically shrinking. Collapsing infrastructure means that residents of Siberia and Russia’s far east will become even more separated from the center, thus encouraging demands for secession and sovereignty.
It will be tough for all those who went out to destroy liberty. Russia hopefully will not suffer as poorly as China's people in the days to come because of their leaders. I pray that the people there have plenty to eat and keep them warm and safe through these trying times to come.
It will be tough for all those who went out to destroy liberty. Russia hopefully will not suffer as poorly as China's people in the days to come because of their leaders. I pray that the people there have plenty to eat and keep them warm and safe through these trying times to come.
"russians" will do much better without Moscow´s ( Genghisid ) empire " Sakha and Magadan in the far east, with their substantial mineral wealth, could be successful states without Moscow’s exploitation. "
It will be tough for all those who went out to destroy liberty. Russia hopefully will not suffer as poorly as China's people in the days to come because of their leaders. I pray that the people there have plenty to eat and keep them warm and safe through these trying times to come.
"russians" will do much better without Moscow´s ( Genghisid ) empire " Sakha and Magadan in the far east, with their substantial mineral wealth, could be successful states without Moscow’s exploitation. "
May they all find a way to live in true peace.
It will be tough for all those who went out to destroy liberty. Russia hopefully will not suffer as poorly as China's people in the days to come because of their leaders. I pray that the people there have plenty to eat and keep them warm and safe through these trying times to come.
"russians" will do much better without Moscow´s ( Genghisid ) empire " Sakha and Magadan in the far east, with their substantial mineral wealth, could be successful states without Moscow’s exploitation. "
May they all find a way to live in true peace.
believe me Sakha or Tatar people have nothing against UN, EU; USA or NATO . even Moscow will do ok without its already dead Genghisid empire

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