Great News for USMB Members!!!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "‘Internet addiction’ to be classified as mental illness

2. The international mental health encyclopedia known as the ‘Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders’ (DSM-IV) will include Internet-use disorder as a condition “recommended for further study” in its forthcoming May 2013 edition.

3 .Psychologists believe that Internet addiction should be categorized like other addiction disorders as it has similar symptoms, including emotional shutdown, lack of concentration and withdrawal.

4. ...children becoming angry and violent when their electronic gadgets are taken away from them, the Sydney Morning Herald reported. [Insert names of members here]

5. ...another step towards classifying Internet addiction as a mental illness: The DSM-IV’s new inclusion demonstrates that there are risks posed by overusing technology and that more research is required, which could lead to formal diagnoses of the disorder in the future.

6. Psychologists are pushing to broaden the diagnoses of Internet-use disorder to include more than just gaming addictions, which could expand the age group of those affected by the illness.

7. Australia was one of the first countries to recognize the problem ...[We've got a few!]

8. When addiction borders on insanity..."
Digital Age overload:

On the bright side....some of our community will be FAMOUS!!

On the brighter may be available via ObamaCare.
Just don't use the emergency rooms!
That is bullshit.

Years ago there was no such thing as obesity. Now we have a heap of fatties and suddenly the do gooders insist they have a 'disease'.

Years ago there were no video games. Now, because some brat can't get off his butt and play outside, the do gooders have decided that playing games too much must be an addiction.

Everything will be a fucking mental illness in the future. Its ridiculous.
If the government really loved us they'd just implant chips and ration all of our behaviors...silly humans are not really capable of wisely self-regulating their choices.

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