Palin was right, Obamacare = Death Panels


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
"We need death panels. Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.

Read more: Steven Rattner: 'We Need Death Panels'; Will PolitiFact Reverse 'Lie of the Year' Tag on Palin? |

"we are God's partners in matters of life and Death" -- Obama

See how the dots connect?

Will Progs apologize to Palin?
Hell no the liars won't apologize.. They double-down on lies, propaganda.. every single day!
"We need death panels. Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.

Read more: Steven Rattner: 'We Need Death Panels'; Will PolitiFact Reverse 'Lie of the Year' Tag on Palin? |

"we are God's partners in matters of life and Death" -- Obama

See how the dots connect?

Will Progs apologize to Palin?

Queen O' The White-Wingers!!


We already have "death panels" allocating healthcare resources.

They're called "insurance company actuaries," and you must deal with them every time you go to the hospital.

So, tell me....since it's going to be done anyhow, who would you rather have making life and death decisions about your healthcare? Some government bureaucrat tasked with making sure healthcare is equitably divided, or a corporate bureaucrat concerned only with profit?
We already have "death panels" allocating healthcare resources.

They're called "insurance company actuaries," and you must deal with them every time you go to the hospital.

So, tell me....since it's going to be done anyhow, who would you rather have making life and death decisions about your healthcare? Some government bureaucrat tasked with making sure healthcare is equitably divided, or a corporate bureaucrat concerned only with profit?

You're either stupid or lying, I suspect both.
You're either stupid or lying, I suspect both.


When you want an elective surgery and your insurance carrier requires you to get pre-approval, who do you think turns you down? The health fairy? When your doctor orders a test or surgery and your insurance carrier refuses to pay for it, who makes that decision?

Where do you think those letters of refusal come from? Out in never never land?

Let me give another example from right here in good ol' True Blue, Republican Texas.

Let's say you're in the hospital with a grievously dangerous and life-threatening illness. Your maximum insurance coverage is reached and you don't have the money to take up paying for the intensive care which is keeping you alive. What do think happens to you then?

Here in Texas, you're sent home to die. And, you know why? Because the doctors and hospital administrators have the legal right to decide when they've done all they can for you and that can be, and IS, dependent upon you being able to pay for it. You're not invited to the meeting they have over your life and neither is anybody representing you. That "death panel" has absolute power to kick you out of the hospital and let you die and you have no recourse.
"We need death panels."

Needing something implies you don't have it. Which, obviously, we don't.

You understand that Rattner's op-ed is lamenting the lack of "death panels," right? (Rhetorical question, I know that you don't.) Like when Rattner says:

Most notably, President Obama’s estimable Affordable Care Act regrettably includes severe restrictions on any reduction in Medicare services or increase in fees to beneficiaries. In 2009, Sarah Palin’s rant about death panels even forced elimination from the bill of a provision to offer end-of-life consultations.
To Mr. Obama’s credit, his plan has more teeth than Mr. Ryan’s; if his Independent Payment Advisory Board comes up with savings, Congress must accept either them or vote for an equivalent package. The problem is, the advisory board can’t propose reducing benefits (a k a rationing) or raising fees (another form of rationing), without which the spending target looms impossibly large.
The dept. of HHS will be full of death panels thanks to Obamacare.....
Starting today if you are released from a hospital but then need to be re admitted papa obama gonna fine that hospital's ass off. thanks obama, I"ll just lie out here in the street and die.
Congressman Earl Blumenauer inserted a provision in the ACA for senior citizens who wanted to visit a doctor and discuss living wills. He wanted to make sure that Medicare paid for those doctor visits.

Then along comes the ditz Palin and she calls Blumenauer's provision "death panels".

She clearly did not even bother to read the provision, since it was the exact opposite of a death panel. It empowered senior citizens to have a voice in the care they receive in their last days. Palin got it so wrong that I actually wonder if she can read.

And people wonder why Palin is considered a dumb broad!

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We already have "death panels" allocating healthcare resources.

They're called "insurance company actuaries," and you must deal with them every time you go to the hospital.

So, tell me....since it's going to be done anyhow, who would you rather have making life and death decisions about your healthcare? Some government bureaucrat tasked with making sure healthcare is equitably divided, or a corporate bureaucrat concerned only with profit?

I would a THOUSAND TIMES prefer to be dealing with a private insurance company that I could fire or sue. You've taken the referee off the field and put him in the game. What could possibly go wrong? :eusa_whistle:

There are no repercussions to the bureaucrats making those decisions, no arbiter of disputes. It's just like Eric Holder investigating himself repeatedly only to find he's innocent each time. :rolleyes:
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It's worth remembering that nothing, no idea even proposed or possible, conforms to the definition of "death panel" as put forward by Sarah Palin:

The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s “death panel” so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their “level of productivity in society,” whether they are worthy of health care.

A proposal to let Medicare reimburse doctors if an elderly person wants to formulate a living will or whatever Palin pointed to in justifying her nonsense doesn't even come close to denying care to babies with Down Syndrome on the basis of them not being "worthy."

There's no proposal one can come up with, that anyone has ever put forward in this debate, that does anything like that. I realize now it's taken on a much broader usage, like having higher co-pays or something, than its original meaning but it remains a useless phrase.
"We need death panels. Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.

Read more: Steven Rattner: 'We Need Death Panels'; Will PolitiFact Reverse 'Lie of the Year' Tag on Palin? |

"we are God's partners in matters of life and Death" -- Obama

See how the dots connect?

Will Progs apologize to Palin?

And the village idiot speaks. Can't defend obamaturd so you open mouth and shit again.
Under medicare (coming from a rule from Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act AKA ObamaCare) payments to docs and hospitals are penalized if a patient returns to the hospital (or doctor) for treatment of the same illness.

In case liberals don't understand incentives, and everything we see suggests they they don't, doctors and hospitals will simply keep a patient (including heart, cancer, other death causing ilnesses) from returning to the hospital for treatment or observation.

It would create less economic harm to the hospital or doctor to just send the patient to their local pharmacy for a feel good pill.
And for that the patient will pay for the pill, and the doc and hospital not be punished financially.

That is a rule with the same outcome as Sarah's DEATH PANEL.
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