Grassroot’s ad lies to americans.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Stimulus, bail out and cash for clunkers did not fail. If they had failed we would be in a depression instead of a recession which we are coming out of.

Cash for clunkers enabled car dealers to sell cars.

Bail out saved banks, auto industry, wall street. Businesses too “important” to fail and not too big to fail.

Unemployment would be in double digits instead of 9.1%.

This economic failure was all set into motion by Bush and his corrupt, out of control spending and two totally unpaid for wars.

Thank GOD for Obama and his action we are not in a depression.

Economists say stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs

Stimulus created 3 million jobs, added $460 billion to gross domestic product, unemployment currently would be at 11 percent if Congress hadn't enacted the stimulus plan and 16.5 percent if neither the stimulus plan nor the banks' rescue had been enacted. Zandi and Blinder say the $814 billion plan averted what could have been a second Great Depression.

Economists say stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs | Professional Roofing magazine

Cash for Clunkers succeeded, but results but hard to measure, GAO says

Cash for Clunkers succeeded, but results but hard to measure, GAO says - Drive On: A conversation about the cars and trucks we drive -

Stimulus, bail out and cash for clunkers did not fail. If they had failed we would be in a depression instead of a recession which we are coming out of.

Cash for clunkers enabled car dealers to sell cars.

Bail out saved banks, auto industry, wall street. Businesses too “important” to fail and not too big to fail.

Unemployment would be in double digits instead of 9.1%.

This economic failure was all set into motion by Bush and his corrupt, out of control spending and two totally unpaid for wars.

Thank GOD for Obama and his action we are not in a depression.

Economists say stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs

Stimulus created 3 million jobs, added $460 billion to gross domestic product, unemployment currently would be at 11 percent if Congress hadn't enacted the stimulus plan and 16.5 percent if neither the stimulus plan nor the banks' rescue had been enacted. Zandi and Blinder say the $814 billion plan averted what could have been a second Great Depression.

Economists say stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs | Professional Roofing magazine

Cash for Clunkers succeeded, but results but hard to measure, GAO says

Cash for Clunkers succeeded, but results but hard to measure, GAO says - Drive On: A conversation about the cars and trucks we drive -

All true. But you are wasting your breath. Most Americans have the memory of a fruit fly. The morons really believe the economy is Obama's fault.

The fact that the GOP has roadblocked every attempt to right the ship doesn't even register.
We would be better off in a full-blown recession. Instead of letting the patient (America) die from its self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the head, we're keeping it alive in an induced coma from which there is little hope the patient will ever actually recover.
Bailing out delays a boat from sinking. If the holes don't get repaired, the boat is still going to sink, no matter how fast and hard you continue to bail.

Stimulus, bail out and cash for clunkers did not fail. If they had failed we would be in a depression instead of a recession which we are coming out of.

Cash for clunkers enabled car dealers to sell cars.

Bail out saved banks, auto industry, wall street. Businesses too “important” to fail and not too big to fail.

Unemployment would be in double digits instead of 9.1%.

This economic failure was all set into motion by Bush and his corrupt, out of control spending and two totally unpaid for wars.

Thank GOD for Obama and his action we are not in a depression.

Economists say stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs

Stimulus created 3 million jobs, added $460 billion to gross domestic product, unemployment currently would be at 11 percent if Congress hadn't enacted the stimulus plan and 16.5 percent if neither the stimulus plan nor the banks' rescue had been enacted. Zandi and Blinder say the $814 billion plan averted what could have been a second Great Depression.

Economists say stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs | Professional Roofing magazine

Cash for Clunkers succeeded, but results but hard to measure, GAO says

Cash for Clunkers succeeded, but results but hard to measure, GAO says - Drive On: A conversation about the cars and trucks we drive -

Gee, you can quote a bunch of stories about how successful the stimulus was. Guess what, I can quote some that say it was a failure.

GM is currently repeating the exact same inventory practices that caused it problems before the bailout.

Widening GM Truck Supply Reminiscent of 2008

A Harvard economist.

Fiscal stimulus doesn't work, claims Harvard economics professor Robert Barro - Telegraph

A Stanford economist.

Economics One: No, A Bigger Stimulus Would Not Have Worked Either

I particularly like this one because it points out how, even if they had spent more money in the stimulus, it wouldn't have worked because the money was wasted on things that have nothing to do with economic growth. revised.pdf

Here is one that pretty much sums it up.

Indeed, the results are horrifying. The two-year-old recovery’s terrible tale of the tape: A 9.1 percent unemployment rate that’s probably closer to 16 percent counting the discouraged and underemployed, the worst income growth and weakest GDP growth of any upturn since World War II, a still-weakening housing market. Oh, and a trillion bucks down the tube. Oh, and two-and-a-half years … and counting … wasted during which time the skills of unemployed workers continue to erode and the careers of younger Americans suffer long-term income damage. Losing the future. Next, add in healthcare reform that Medicare’s chief actuary says will not slow the overall growth of healthcare spending. (Even its Obama administration godfather, Peter Orszag, warns that “more drastic measures may ultimately be needed.”) And toss in a financial reform plan that the outspoken and independent president of the Kansas City Fed says he “can’t imagine” working. “I don’t have faith in it all.” Indeed, markets continue to treat the biggest banks as if they are still too big to fail.
But wait there’s more. Obama created a debt commission that produced a reasonable though imperfect plan to deal with America’s long-term fiscal woes. But he stiffed it and then failed to supply a plan of his own, sowing the seeds for an impending debt ceiling crisis and making an eventual fiscal fix that much harder. One more step along the path not taken, along with pro-growth tax and regulatory policies that would have reduced policy and economic uncertainty and unleashed the private sector to invest, expand and create.
Elections have results. So do bad policies. Obama’s choices on taxing and spending and regulating, sorry to say, seem to have made things worse.

James Pethokoukis | Analysis & Opinion |

In short, anyone that says that Obama's economic policies actually worked has some 'splainin to do.

Stimulus, bail out and cash for clunkers did not fail. If they had failed we would be in a depression instead of a recession which we are coming out of.

Cash for clunkers enabled car dealers to sell cars.

Bail out saved banks, auto industry, wall street. Businesses too “important” to fail and not too big to fail.

Unemployment would be in double digits instead of 9.1%.

This economic failure was all set into motion by Bush and his corrupt, out of control spending and two totally unpaid for wars.

Thank GOD for Obama and his action we are not in a depression.

Economists say stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs

Stimulus created 3 million jobs, added $460 billion to gross domestic product, unemployment currently would be at 11 percent if Congress hadn't enacted the stimulus plan and 16.5 percent if neither the stimulus plan nor the banks' rescue had been enacted. Zandi and Blinder say the $814 billion plan averted what could have been a second Great Depression.

Cash for Clunkers succeeded, but results but hard to measure, GAO says

All true. But you are wasting your breath. Most Americans have the memory of a fruit fly. The morons really believe the economy is Obama's fault.

The fact that the GOP has roadblocked every attempt to right the ship doesn't even register.
The GOP did a great job of blaming Obama for everything from Afghanistan to the economy. That's political strategy unworthy of outrage IMO, but the shocking part is the acceptance by Republicans of the illusion that the Bush era Republicans in Washington now…are simply committed to cutting spending this time, as opposed to being even more committed to derailing Obama in every way they can.

I don't think the problem lies with the memories of those Republicans whom now call themselves “Conservatives”, “Conservative leaning Independents”, “Tea Partiers”, or “Libertarian/Conservatives”

......the problem is that they do remember that the economy crashed under Bush, yet they're intellectualy dishonest enough, or just plain stupid enough, to parrott Rush and Fox propaganda even though they know Obama didn't create the recession he's been saddled with.
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