Grass eating dogs

My son and his first wife rescued a White Boxer that had been through some shit and was a little socially awkward... A very needy dog that had a few peculiar traits... This dog liked eating Jake's wife's underwear... After the first time of finding this out and some trips to the Vet, anxiety pills were prescribed for this poor dog... Unfortunately the dog only lived about a year after they got him...
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I wish eating grass was the only problem with our boxer puppy (well, at around 7 months, he's not exactly a puppy anymore). Little bastard tries to eat almost everything. He'll chew open and eat the stuffing out of his own dog bed.

Thankfully for both of us, he hasn't tried to eat anything on my computers. :p

I hear ya....mine are only around 16 weeks and they've trashed three dog beds already.
My son and his first wife rescued a White Boxer that had been through some shit and was a little socially awkward... A very needy dog that had a few peculiar traits... This dog liked eating Jake's wife's underwear... After the first time of finding this out and some trips to the Vet, anxiety pills were prescribed for this poor dog... Unfortunately the dog only lived about a year after they got him...

That sucks!
We rescued a white Boxer at about a year old and he was mean as shit!!
They had a stipulation before adopting that you had to return it if ya couldnt handle it.
After raising Boxers all my life I wasnt about to turn him over if I couldnt fix him,to be honest I was going to take him out on the back roads and shoot him,he was that bad!!!
After he bit my wife,the fourth person he bit,I beat the living shit out of him and he became the best Boxer I've ever had.
While I regret the need to beat him he was the happiest Boxer I've ever owned after he realized who was boss.
Damn I miss him!!!


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HereWeGoAgain while some of the folks on the pc side of life pee down their leg when corporal punishment is utilized, in my world getting a misbehaving critters attention is the first step... My last Boxer and I had a very special relationship... We got along better than me and the wife did most of the time, but he knew when I took my cap off his shit was weak and what ever he was doing cease and desisted... Damn I miss that Dog...
HereWeGoAgain while some of the folks on the pc side of life pee down their leg when corporal punishment is utilized, in my world getting a misbehaving critters attention is the first step... My last Boxer and I had a very special relationship... We got along better than me and the wife did most of the time, but he knew when I took my cap off his shit was weak and what ever he was doing cease and desisted... Damn I miss that Dog...

Yep...the pics I showed were late in his life. He was the most lovable Boxer I ever had once he learned he had it easy.
Sad to say the original owner was a cop who abused him.

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