Govt says 68,541 unaccompanied minors entered america this year and NONE had enterovirus D68


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
More outrageous lies from the pathological liar in our WH. He knows the controlled media will not challenge him on this or anything

HHS No Reported Cases of Enterovirus Among 68 541 Unaccompanied Illegal Minors CNS News

oct 29 2014
Of the 68,541 unaccompanied illegal alien children who entered the U.S. in fiscal year 2014, none were reported to have the enterovirus, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. asked, “Just to clarify, you’re saying that none of the unaccompanied minors who have entered the U.S. had the enterovirus?”

“There were none reported to the Office of Refugee Resettlement,” Kenneth Wolfe, spokesman for the Administration of Children and Families for the Department of Health and Human Services, told in an emailed response.
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The question that begs to be asked is Did they test any of the kids? I'm sure they didn't. There was no screening. Obama invited them in and then scattered them across the country.
Granny says, "Tell him - speak fer himself...

Unaccompanied Alien Children Entering U.S. Illegally ‘Just Like Our Children’[
April 21, 2016 – Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) said on Tuesday that the children crossing into the United States illegally without a parent or guardian are no different then American children.
“We should understand that when we are encountering these children at the border, these children are just like our children, with the same hopes. They have the same dreams. They have the same wishes, and we should understand that and treat them with compassion,” Engel said an event at the Library of Congress. The event was hosted by the American Jewish Committee’s Belfer Institute for Latino and Latin American Affairs and the Latino-Jewish Congressional Caucus, of which Engel is co-chairman.

Engel acknowledged that the United States “can’t just open the border totally to everybody,” but that “we shouldn’t shut the border either.” “So when it comes to those arriving on our own border, we need to remain true to our own values and treat these children with compassion,” Engel said.

Engel said his global travels have made him realize “we’re all the same,” including the children who are breaking immigration law when they enter the country illegally. “We’re all the same,” Engel said. “We all have the same emotions. We all have the same feelings. We have family feelings. We have family values. It’s all the same, and so we should understand that when we are encountering these children at the border, these children are just like our children. “They have the same hopes. They have the same dreams. They have the same wishes, and we should understand that and treat them with compassion.”

The event was held to showcase the work of Sonia Nazario, author and journalist who wrote about the struggles of a teenage boy who entered the United States illegally as what the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) refers to as a surge of Unaccompanied Alien Children, mostly from Central America, entering the country along its southwest border. According to DHS’s U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), so far in fiscal year 2016 (Oct. 1, 2015 to Feb. 29, 2016) there has been an 89 percent increase in the number of UACs (age 0 to 17) entering the country illegally compared to the same time period in fiscal year 2015 – from 12,490 to 23,553.

Congressman: Unaccompanied Alien Children Entering U.S. Illegally ‘Just Like Our Children’

See also:

Sheriff: Obama Policies Allow Illegals ‘To Remain and Commit More Serious Crimes’
April 21, 2016 | In testimony before Congress Tuesday, a Maryland Sheriff said the administration’s executive actions delaying deportation of illegals is resulting in a spike of crime. “Case by case amnesty, back door amnesty, DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) programs, and the Dream Act were pushed through by executive order,” Frederick County Md. Sheriff Charles Jenkins said on Tuesday. “Policy shifts by President Obama weakened and ruined Secure Communities, and did not allow action by ICE when Sheriffs and police departments ignored detainers, allowing criminal to be released back on the streets.
“In effect, criminal aliens that should have been deported have been allowed to remain and commit more serious crimes becoming violent offenders," Jenkins told members of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security. “The criminal alien gang numbers are growing, and the serious crimes being committed are increasing. There is also a nexus between the deferred action on unaccompanied minors and the increases we are seeing in gang crimes.”

Jenkins claims late 2014, 72% of gang members his department has encountered have been charged with felonies. “64% of the gang members encountered in 2015 were unaccompanied juveniles when they entered the U.S. They’re now adults committing more serious crimes.

Those crimes include; 5 occurrences Attempted Murder, Armed Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Home Invasion, Armed Carjacking, Kidnapping, and use of firearms in felonies.” “In 2014, 8 criminal aliens charged with rape and sexual assault of children ages 5-14,” Jenkins testified.

Sheriff: Obama Policies Allow Illegals ‘To Remain and Commit More Serious Crimes’


Mother of Teen Murdered by Illegal Immigrant Tells Congress: ‘Do Something – It Is Your Job’
April 20, 2016 – Laura Wilkerson, whose son Josh was brutally murdered by an illegal immigrant after school, told a House Immigration and Border Security Subcommittee on Tuesday that she blames Congress for her son’s murder.
“I did not put my kid in harm’s way when he went to school that day. You did. Every one of you is elected by an American. It is time for you to stand in the gap for Americans. I’m so tired of being up here and going over the same thing. You’re elected by Americans. Do something. It is your job,” said Wilkerson. Wilkerson’s son was killed on Nov. 16, 2010, by an illegal immigrant – Hermilo Moralez – who asked for a ride home from Josh’s high school.

Wilkerson said her son’s killer testified at the trial on how he “systematically killed Josh.” “First a punch in the face, so his vision was off. Next a knee to Josh's abdomen so that he would go to the ground. Josh went to the ground as his spleen was sliced in half. This killer was aggravated that it was not over,” Wilkerson said in written testimony. “He grew tired of watching bloody bubbles coming from Josh's nose as he was trying to breathe. “Next he took a closet rod and beat Josh over the head again and again until the rod broke in 4 pieces. Joshua still breathing. Next he strangled him, let him go to see if it was over, nope, so he continued until there were no more bubbles. He waited and watched him die,” Wilkerson added. “He tied Josh's body up, stuffed him in the backseat of our truck, bought gas, dumped Josh in a field and set his body on fire. The killer went home took a shower and went to see a movie,” Wilkerson said.

She called on Congress to enforce the existing immigration laws. “The thing that you can do is enforce laws. How do you pick and choose a law? I don’t understand it, how you pick and choose a law. The laws are here to be enforced, by who? By you, and they’re not being enforced, and my kid suffered terribly for it,” she said. “Every one of you are in a position to do something that we are not. If you’ve been in bed with somebody who’s given you too much money … get out of the way and let someone get in here that can care about Americans and their families,” Wilkerson said. “And you talked about fear, you know that illegals are afraid to come out of the shadows. When somebody reaches in your house and grabs your littlest kid and tortures them, you’re afraid of everything for a long time. I could care less about the fear that they put themselves in here. I didn’t bring my kid across a border,” she said. “If I would have told my daughter, I’m going to Mexico, and had a man, he’ll bring you over here in a year or two, I’d be charged with neglect as well as I should be. I did not put my kid in harm’s way when he went to school that day. You did,” Wilkerson added. “Every one of you is elected by an American. It is time for you to stand in the gap for Americans.”

Michelle Root’s daughter, Sarah, was killed by an illegal immigrant drunk driver on Jan. 31, 2016. The Department of Homeland Security did not issue a detainer for Edwin Mejia’s arrest. As a result, he posted bond and fled. “It’s just devastating that the laws we have in place were not carried out. The local law enforcement did their job. They detained him, went to ICE and tried to get a hold on him. ICE refused. I don’t know why that was with everything that happened but he is on the loose now. So our family does not have closure; we probably will never have closure even he is found,” Root told the panel.

Mother of Teen Murdered by Illegal Immigrant Tells Congress: ‘Do Something – It Is Your Job’
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Granny says, "Dat's right - put `em inna mothballed bases...

Trump Administration Mulls Housing Immigrant Kids at Military Bases
16 May 2018 | WASHINGTON — The Health and Human Services Department is considering housing at military bases those children picked up crossing the U.S. border illegally either alone or after being separated from their parents by the government, according to two U.S. officials.
One official said the department is looking at four bases in Texas and Arkansas. The officials discussed the plan Tuesday on condition of anonymity because it has not been made public or made final. Health and Human Services, which oversees about 100 shelters in 14 states for children who are caught at the border, said in a statement that it routinely evaluates additional locations for temporary housing. It did not elaborate on specific plans. Health and Human Services takes custody of children who cross the border alone within 48 hours, as well as children who are separated from their families when their parents are charged with crimes or the child's welfare is in doubt. During a surge in children from Central America in 2014, Health and Human Services temporarily used military bases in California, Oklahoma and Texas to house children.

The Department of Homeland Security has limited space to house families that are kept together — only about 2,700 beds at three family detention centers in Texas and Pennsylvania. In April alone, people who came as families accounted for nearly 10,000 Border Patrol arrests. Another 4,300 were unaccompanied children. Nearly 1 in 4 Border Patrol arrests on the Mexican border from October through April was someone who came in a family. That means any large increase in prosecutions will likely cause parents to be separated from their children while they face charges and do time in jail. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen defended the Trump administration's practice of separating children from parents when the family is being prosecuted for entering the U.S. illegally, telling a Senate committee Tuesday that removing children from parents facing criminal charges happens "in the United States every day."

Nielsen, who has led the agency since December, came under attack from Democratic senators days after Attorney General Jeff Sessions said a "zero tolerance" policy toward people entering the country illegally could lead to more families being split up while parents are prosecuted. In a contentious exchange with Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., Nielsen said her department was not taking children from parents as a way to deter illegal immigration. Rather, Nielsen said, if a person crosses the border illegally: "We will refer you for prosecution. You've broken U.S. law." When Harris pressed her about what that would mean for a 4-year-old child whose family faces charges of entering the country illegally, Nielsen said, "What we'll be doing is prosecuting parents who've broken the law, just as we do every day in the United States of America."

The children are transferred to the custody of Health and Human Services within 48 hours, she said. That department then finds people for the children to stay with while the parents are in custody, she said. "They will be separated from their parent," said Harris, who's considered a possible contender for her party's 2020 presidential nomination. "Just like we do in the United States every day," Nielsen replied. But she did not dispute criticism by Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., that the government could do a better job of monitoring the children it places in a family's custody to make sure they're safe. "I could not agree with your concerns more, period," Nielsen said.

Nielsen told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee that her agency and HHS have procedures aimed at making sure the people caring for the children are not criminals. "It is our duty to protect them, to keep them in a safe environment," Nielsen said. DHS has said it would refer all arrests for illegal entry to federal prosecutors, backing up Sessions' policy, announced last month, to expand criminal prosecutions of people with few or no previous offenses. A conviction for illegal entry carries a maximum penalty of six months in custody for first-time crossers — though they usually do far less time — and two years for repeat offenses. Just last week, President Donald Trump criticized Nielsen at a Cabinet meeting for not doing enough to stop illegal border crossings. He discounted her explanation that her department faces legal restrictions on what it can do, according to people familiar with the exchange. The agency has denied a report by The New York Times that the confrontation left Nielsen close to resigning.

Trump Administration Mulls Housing Immigrant Kids at Military Bases

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