Governor Brown Calls for More Taxes in California to Save Schools


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Douglas V. Gibbs

Gov to California: Pay More Taxes, or Get Less School @ With schools as rallying cry, Gov. Brown wants high-taxed Californians to pay more | Fox News
Facing $16 billion deficit, Gov. Jerry Brown says unless taxes increase on rich, school year will be shortened

Understand, if the liberals in California get their way, California will top the list with the highest income taxes, and sales tax.

Also, the schools are not a money problem. They are a curriculum problem. Homeschooling and private schools put out better students on smaller budgets.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

It's always that way with the Left.

It's funny. I was just talking about how Trump stole the hostage-taking tactic of the Left earlier today, and here it is.

"Give me more of your money or I will let bad guys out of jail while reducing the number of police on the street, take away your grandmother's medicine, and shortchange your children's education."

Appeal to emotion fallacy. Just another variation of the "roll out the cancer lady" ploy of which I frequently speak.

Six months later...

"More businesses left the state today. We asked a small business owner why."

"I went over the state line and I have twice the floor space and half the taxes, that's why!"

"With businesses leaving, unemployment is rising, so the Governor is asking for higher taxes or else he will let bad guys out of jail while reducing the number of police on the street..."

It's always that way with the Left.

It's funny. I was just talking about how Trump stole the hostage-taking tactic of the Left earlier today, and here it is.

"Give me more of your money or I will let bad guys out of jail while reducing the number of police on the street, take away your grandmother's medicine, and shortchange your children's education."

Appeal to emotion fallacy. Just another variation of the "roll out the cancer lady" ploy of which I frequently speak.

Six months later...

"More businesses left the state today. We asked a small business owner why."

"I went over the state line and I have twice the floor space and half the taxes, that's why!"

"With businesses leaving, unemployment is rising, so the Governor is asking for higher taxes or else he will let bad guys out of jail while reducing the number of police on the street..."


What a stupid fucking analogy.. Trump and Brown??! You're just trying to save face now after your INSANE melt-down earlier.. DOPE.
It's always that way with the Left.

It's funny. I was just talking about how Trump stole the hostage-taking tactic of the Left earlier today, and here it is.

'Cept Trump didn't play any hostage taking tactic and is using his own money, not taxpayer dollars.

Oboingo can give the money to any charity(s) he sees fit with the $5MM...Goodwill, Wounded Warriors, UNCF, Shriner's, Cancer Society, on and on...None of which have anything to do with starving chiillldrrreeeennnnnn.
It's always "for the children."

Of course it is. What kind of cold-hearted bastard would be against children? So help them, won't you?

If you don't give me what I want, the children will suffer. And it will be YOUR fault.

Can't wait to see the comments for our lefties here...
I'm sure there's gonna be a few blame republicans in there.
more and more people are leaving that shithole. soon all that will remain is hollywood and the takers. then what's gonna happen?
he says its a "temporary" tax.....well we know how that goes.....

How many temporary taxes y'all got out there, HD?

well if they cant Tax ya.....they set up "fees" on what they are trying to get a Tax on.....i heard they are going to put a meter on every toilet in every residence in the State and charge for the amount of turds you drop......seriously....
California is going down in flames and we in the other 49 states (or other 56, according to Obama) get to watch. Someone get the popcorn! I'll bring the sodas.

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