Government wants to take away unemployment benefits from people without a diploma


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles

i'm not allowed to copy and paste the story, or post the link.
...wonderful forum you have.

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It's quite straightforward, make 15 posts and then you can link. That rule saves the rest of us from being bombarded with trash from spambots. Works for us. If you don't like it, you are most welcome to fuck off.
Hundreds of Thousands of Lower-Wage Workers, Many of Whom Worked for Decades, Would Be Denied Unemployment Insurance Under Provision Now Under Consideration — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

You know, this is news here, and pretty heinous at that.

from the above link to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Hundreds of Thousands of Lower-Wage Workers, Many of Whom Worked for Decades, Would Be Denied Unemployment Insurance Under Provision Now Under Consideration

By Robert Greenstein, Hannah Shaw and Chad Stone

January 6, 2012

A provision that congressional negotiators will consider for legislation to extend the payroll tax cut through the end of 2012 would deny unemployment insurance (UI) to hundreds of thousands of lower-wage workers who worked for years or even decades, effectively paid UI taxes while they worked, and then were laid off.

And it's fucking reprehensible.
It will never pass. It is a sad state of affairs when people have to attack the poor. This should be brought to the forefront of news listing all those that have proposed this action and all those who support it. We as a people have to stop this sort of thing. These are people who because of what ever reason did not pursue their education and are paying for it with jobs that pay little. To penalize them any further would be criminal. I have stated over and over again that if you keep pushing people into a corner is very dangerous. I hope everyone out share my view on this matter.
What a lamed assed article. What utterly shit reporting

The "provisions" would yada yda yada?


Sponsored by whom?!

i'm not allowed to copy and paste the story, or post the link.
...wonderful forum you have.

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The food stamp program gave a lot of state bureaucracy (10%). Why are they not just transfering money into peoples accounts instead of food stamps? That will cut the bureaucracy and be a lot simpler.
What a lamed assed article. What utterly shit reporting

The "provisions" would yada yda yada?


Sponsored by whom?!

Jaysus, that was loud.

from: Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act | House Committee on Ways & Means
Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) introduced the H.R. 3630, The Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act.

and within that link are more:

<enum>I</enum><header>Job Creation Incentives</header> <subtitle id="H1F87160B2D5F43769530E516A85763F9"><enum>A</enum><header>North American Energy Access</header> <section id="S1" section-type="subsequent-section"><enum>1001.</enum><header>Short tit

1st Session
H. R. __

To provide incentives for the creation of jobs, and for other purposes.

Mr. Camp (for himself, Mr. Daniel E. Lungren of California, Mr. Lucas, Mr. Upton, and Ms. Ros-Lehtinen) introduced the following bill;
Its a smorgasbord

from the ways and means committee:
Camp Introduces Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act | House Committee on Ways & Means

Camp added, “In addition to reforms in the unemployment insurance program and Medicare, the legislation also cracks down on fraud and abuse in our nation’s welfare and tax credit programs. These reforms protect taxpayer dollars and, when paired with other reforms supported by President Obama, allow us to meet the needs facing America without adding to the debt.”

To access more detailed summaries of key Ways and Means provisions, click here.

Because it's poor people who need to be scrutinized, always. Don't send the limited staff of the IRS to investigate tax fraud and abuse by the big guns, go after the small fries.

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