Government Promoting Killing Of Those Who Do Not Believe In Cagw...


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Government Promoting Killing of those who do not believe in CAGW...

The liberal Arts of the Australian Government are promoting the deaths of those who disagree WITH GOVERNMENT FUNDING.... I would say the Australian president needs to defund the progam in its entirety. How do you justify promoting of hate crimes? The Liberal Arts promotes Marxism and totalitarian control.

Andrew Bolt writes:
The Left is the natural home of the modern totalitarian – and of all those who feel entitled by their superior morality to act as savages.

How how the ACT Government justify spending taxpayers’ money on a theatre work entitled ”Kill Climate Deniers”?

Are these people insane? This is the same crap we get from alarmists here in the US..

It is the nature of lefties....they know they can't win their arguments based on the the only alternative, if they want to win is to silence the other side.
When you stink at the science, playing the victim really is one of the few tactics you have.

Deniers really stink at the science. They fail hard at the science, logic, history, everything.

And they know it. Hence, they've kind of given up even pretending they can do science, and have retreated into a full-time victimhood song-and-dance. When they can find a person somewhere on planet earth who was mean to them, their rapture knows no bounds. They can post it all over the planet as evidence of their oppression, giving intense victimhood orgasms to all deniers.
When you stink at the science, playing the victim really is one of the few tactics you have.

Deniers really stink at the science. They fail hard at the science, logic, history, everything.

And they know it. Hence, they've kind of given up even pretending they can do science, and have retreated into a full-time victimhood song-and-dance. When they can find a person somewhere on planet earth who was mean to them, their rapture knows no bounds. They can post it all over the planet as evidence of their oppression, giving intense victimhood orgasms to all deniers.
:poop: :poop: :poop: :poop:

Post something useful you scumbag!
When you stink at the science, playing the victim really is one of the few tactics you have.

Deniers really stink at the science. They fail hard at the science, logic, history, everything.

And they know it. Hence, they've kind of given up even pretending they can do science, and have retreated into a full-time victimhood song-and-dance. When they can find a person somewhere on planet earth who was mean to them, their rapture knows no bounds. They can post it all over the planet as evidence of their oppression, giving intense victimhood orgasms to all deniers.

When you falsify the science, murder is your only resort.
When you stink at the science, playing the victim really is one of the few tactics you have.

Deniers really stink at the science. They fail hard at the science, logic, history, everything.

And they know it. Hence, they've kind of given up even pretending they can do science, and have retreated into a full-time victimhood song-and-dance. When they can find a person somewhere on planet earth who was mean to them, their rapture knows no bounds. They can post it all over the planet as evidence of their oppression, giving intense victimhood orgasms to all deniers.

The Mods really need to add this smiley... These Alarmist just cant help but get covered the poop they throw...

When you stink at the science, playing the victim really is one of the few tactics you have.

Deniers really stink at the science. They fail hard at the science, logic, history, everything.

And they know it. Hence, they've kind of given up even pretending they can do science, and have retreated into a full-time victimhood song-and-dance. When they can find a person somewhere on planet earth who was mean to them, their rapture knows no bounds. They can post it all over the planet as evidence of their oppression, giving intense victimhood orgasms to all deniers.

When you falsify the science, murder is your only resort.

Sure as hell, a liar like you should know.
Dayam.. I was hoping to find promo pixs and sample script. But all I found was the theatre website and this..

Kill Climate Deniers

The creative development of the script, which is currently in draft form, will take place in January and February 2015.

The scenario of the work sees an Australian environment minister confront an armed siege of the Australian Parliament by a group of eco-terrorists. In our application for funding to develop the piece, we made clear and explicit that through this scenario we in no way encourage or endorse those actions. It is a fictional scenario, and we take as given a common understanding that to depict something does not mean to condone it.

An idea, or scenario, can be treated in many ways. It is premature to judge the way our production – which we hope to follow our creative development – will do this. Our application for funding describes that we will explore the idea through a satirical exploration of the tropes of the hostage-crisis action film genre.

Quite a bargain for 19000 pounds. I'd go see it. If the ticket was free.

But ArtsACT director David Whitney said the authors had explicitly stated in their application they did not advocate or believe in violence of any kind, including for political reasons.
According to the description on the play's website, it is about a group of heavily armed eco-activists who break into a major Australian institution and hold the occupants hostage.
It says in the play their demands are an immediate cessation of all carbon emissions and the immediate transformation of the Australian economy away from any reliance on fossil fuels.
"In short, what would it take to actually stop climate change, dead in its tracks? The answer is: guns. And lots of them," the website reads.

Read more: Liberals outraged that Kill Climate Deniers play is funded by the ACT government

Hostage crisis action film genre?? More like bad science fiction. ...transformation of the Australian economy away from fossil fuels. ??

Yeah --- evidently when you thrive off the govt Arts grants, you can believe in fairy dust and flying reindeer..
Before the koolaid vat was rolled out, one standard spiel of Jim Jones was about how their enemies were coming to kill them.

Those familiar with history and cult tactics understand how inducing paranoia is standard procedure for cults who are trying to keep their members unified against the evil outsiders.
Australia doesnt have a president.

Actually their Priminister has pretty much the same powers.. As he is now pro capitalism and his stance on AWG is more central (no longer left wit propagandist) I would seem to think this is going to raise his ire...

Please dont post any elaborate excuses for a simple mistake like that.

I pointed it out, because technicalities matter!
People are worried about ISIS??

The most dangerous people for Americans are the far left crazies.......a click on most any of the pages in this forum highlights the level of k00k. They disguise themselves as patriotic Americans.......but these mofu's hate their country and spend their days trying to denigrate it. The whole environmental movement was established precisely for the purpose of grinding down America via taxes and regulations, thus destroying small business: the lifeblood of capitalism.

Subvert via use of public policy.........indeed, a brilliant strategy. Evil mofu's indeed.......


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