Government Motors wants higher taxes to force people to buy Shitty Volt

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Who could have seen this coming?

General Motors Co. CEO Dan Akerson wants the federal gas tax boosted as much as $1 a gallon to nudge consumers toward more fuel-efficient cars, and he's confident the government will soon shed its remaining 26 percent stake in the once-bankrupt automaker. "I actually think the government will be out this year — within the next 12 months, hopefully within the next six months," Akerson said in a two-hour interview with The Detroit News last week.
He is grateful for the government's rescue of GM — "I have nothing but good things to say about them" — but Akerson said the time for that relationship to end is coming because it's wearing on GM.
"It's kind of like your in-laws: It was a nice long weekend. We didn't say a week," Akerson said with a laugh.
And while he is eager to say goodbye to the government as a part owner of GM, Akerson would like to see it step up to the challenge of setting a higher gas tax, as part of a comprehensive energy policy.

Autos Insider | GM's Akerson pushing for higher gas taxes | The Detroit News

I know of prosecutors who would call this extortion if anyone else did it.
He's a private citizen QW , he can advocate for whatever he wants.

Also, the Volt is not a shitty car. It's expensive just like all new technology is when it comes out, but that will change soon enough.
Being an Evil Conservative, I'm all for a higher gas tax. We rich people can afford a one dollar tax, but not the poor! If we can raise the taxes on the poor maybe they'll starve to death quicker! Bwahahahahaha! :dev3:

Unfortunately, there is a man in the White House who is dedicated to protecting the poor from evil oil companies and corporations. I'm certain he would veto any gas tax that helps us and hurts the poor. :sad:
Who could have seen this coming?

General Motors Co. CEO Dan Akerson wants the federal gas tax boosted as much as $1 a gallon to nudge consumers toward more fuel-efficient cars, and he's confident the government will soon shed its remaining 26 percent stake in the once-bankrupt automaker. "I actually think the government will be out this year — within the next 12 months, hopefully within the next six months," Akerson said in a two-hour interview with The Detroit News last week.
He is grateful for the government's rescue of GM — "I have nothing but good things to say about them" — but Akerson said the time for that relationship to end is coming because it's wearing on GM.
"It's kind of like your in-laws: It was a nice long weekend. We didn't say a week," Akerson said with a laugh.
And while he is eager to say goodbye to the government as a part owner of GM, Akerson would like to see it step up to the challenge of setting a higher gas tax, as part of a comprehensive energy policy.

Autos Insider | GM's Akerson pushing for higher gas taxes | The Detroit News

I know of prosecutors who would call this extortion if anyone else did it.

And the reason behind same?

Americans say 'no' to electrics despite high gas prices
USA Today -- Nearly six of 10 Americans — 57% — say they won't buy an all-electric car no matter the price of gas, according to a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll.

That's a stiff headwind just as automakers are developing electrics to help meet tighter federal rules that could require their fleets to average as high as 62 miles per gallon in 2025. And President Obama has set a goal of a million electric vehicles in use in the U.S. by 2015.

The anti-electric sentiment unmasked by the poll shows that pure electrics — defined in the poll question as "an electric car that you could only drive for a limited number of miles at one time" — could have trouble getting a foothold in the U.S.

Such cars "are very much niche vehicles. They find acceptance among a core group of passionistas, but too many questions remain ..
Researcher J.D. Power and Associates projects sales of pure electrics this year will be 10,727, rising to 95,939 in 2015. Industry estimates for total 2011 light-vehicle sales are in the 13 million range, rising to about 14 million by 2015.
The poll of 1,024 adults nationwide has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points. It was done May 12 to 15, when the average gas price was about $3.98. It's now about $3.83.
Americans say 'no' to electrics despite high gas prices -
(emphasis mine)
He's a private citizen QW , he can advocate for whatever he wants.

Also, the Volt is not a shitty car. It's expensive just like all new technology is when it comes out, but that will change soon enough.

Um. No. Taxpayers bailed out GM. He should shut up.
He's a private citizen QW , he can advocate for whatever he wants.

Also, the Volt is not a shitty car. It's expensive just like all new technology is when it comes out, but that will change soon enough.

The government owns 20 million shares of GM, that makes the man an employee of a government owned company, not a private company. If you think he did not clear this with the White House before he said this you are dumber than Inspector Gadget.

Cally the Volt shitty was not a comment on the Volt, it was a play on the name of the company that makes it, which is why I capitalized it.
Being an Evil Conservative, I'm all for a higher gas tax. We rich people can afford a one dollar tax, but not the poor! If we can raise the taxes on the poor maybe they'll starve to death quicker! Bwahahahahaha! :dev3:

Unfortunately, there is a man in the White House who is dedicated to protecting the poor from evil oil companies and corporations. I'm certain he would veto any gas tax that helps us and hurts the poor. :sad:

I am so glad I never drink coffee when I am at my computer.
Who could have seen this coming?

General Motors Co. CEO Dan Akerson wants the federal gas tax boosted as much as $1 a gallon to nudge consumers toward more fuel-efficient cars, and he's confident the government will soon shed its remaining 26 percent stake in the once-bankrupt automaker. "I actually think the government will be out this year — within the next 12 months, hopefully within the next six months," Akerson said in a two-hour interview with The Detroit News last week.
He is grateful for the government's rescue of GM — "I have nothing but good things to say about them" — but Akerson said the time for that relationship to end is coming because it's wearing on GM.
"It's kind of like your in-laws: It was a nice long weekend. We didn't say a week," Akerson said with a laugh.
And while he is eager to say goodbye to the government as a part owner of GM, Akerson would like to see it step up to the challenge of setting a higher gas tax, as part of a comprehensive energy policy.

Autos Insider | GM's Akerson pushing for higher gas taxes | The Detroit News

I know of prosecutors who would call this extortion if anyone else did it.

whats really interesting here QW is , this man is supposed to be the GM CEO....hello.

It doesn't sound to me like hes got the best interests of the co. or share holders at heart here, SUVs have huge mark ups and are what they make their money on since they lose on almost everything else; their gmc financial arm is kablooey and a ward of the gov., Cafe standards wrecking the bottom line as they are heavy in the toy elec. cars etc....

is this guy an obama appointee too?
Being an Evil Conservative, I'm all for a higher gas tax. We rich people can afford a one dollar tax, but not the poor! If we can raise the taxes on the poor maybe they'll starve to death quicker! Bwahahahahaha! :dev3:

Unfortunately, there is a man in the White House who is dedicated to protecting the poor from evil oil companies and corporations. I'm certain he would veto any gas tax that helps us and hurts the poor. :sad:

I am outta rep ...:doubt:

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