Government Democide and Disarmament are Greatest Threats of Violence


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
A powerful new video is going viral across the web: “Demand A Real Plan” exposes the truth about government disarmament and “democide” – death by government.

Click here to watch the video now on YouTube.

Or click here to watch it on (in case YouTube censors it).

As the video explains, the No. 1 cause of mass murder and death throughout world history has been tyrannical government.

Time and time again, as soon as guns are stripped out of the hands of the People, governments engage in the mass murder of innocents.

Those who argue for gun control seem to fail to understand that disarming the citizens leads directly to a concentration of power in the hands of evil government officials who, sooner or later, use that power to exterminate millions of innocent people in the name of “love” or whatever concept they wish to invoke.
The chart on the right, below, shows statistics of democide (government mass murder) from 1900 – 1999. The numbers are in thousands, so “76,702″ means “76 million” people.

As you can see from the chart, published by a University of Hawaii researcher, governments are the No. 1 leading cause of (non-natural) death in the world.
This is especially true of rogue governments such as governments that strip away citizens’ rights, just like Obama did when he signed the NDAA.

The truth about government disarmament and mass murder
To date, 290 million human beings have been slaughtered at the hands of government.
As university research shows, over 260 million people have been mass murdered by government since 1900.

Click here to watch my video mini-documentary on democide.

Nearly every case of mass murder by government has been preceded by gun control (citizen disarmament).
Obama, Feinstein, Schumer and others are putting America on a direct course for repeating this dark chapter of human history:

Once guns are stripped from the hands of American citizens, mass murder will soon follow.
Americans are naive

Most Americans don’t yet believe what’s really happening because they are naive.
They’ve grown up in a “polite” society and they actually believe government is trying to help people.
While that’s true at low levels of government and local government, high-level government operatives are ACTORS who are only playing the role of saviors while they plot mass murder.
Here’s the full “Demand A Real Plan” video:

LINKs:Government Democide and Disarmament are Greatest Threats of Violence :
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Those who argue for gun control seem to fail to understand that disarming the citizens leads directly to a concentration of power in the hands of evil government officials who, sooner or later, use that power to exterminate millions of innocent people in the name of “love” or whatever concept they wish to invoke.
Ignorant nonsense.

‘Gun control’ does not constitute ‘disarming.’

And the notion of armed citizens fighting the US military is idiocy.

The individual right to own firearms is predicated on the right to self-defense, independent of military service, having nothing to do with fighting a ‘tyrannical government.’
Those who argue for gun control seem to fail to understand that disarming the citizens leads directly to a concentration of power in the hands of evil government officials who, sooner or later, use that power to exterminate millions of innocent people in the name of “love” or whatever concept they wish to invoke.
Ignorant nonsense.

‘Gun control’ does not constitute ‘disarming.’

And the notion of armed citizens fighting the US military is idiocy.

The individual right to own firearms is predicated on the right to self-defense, independent of military service, having nothing to do with fighting a ‘tyrannical government.’

You can be counted among the early casualties when the shit hits the fan.

Your idiocy is more lethal to you than any firearm is.
Those who argue for gun control seem to fail to understand that disarming the citizens leads directly to a concentration of power in the hands of evil government officials who, sooner or later, use that power to exterminate millions of innocent people in the name of “love” or whatever concept they wish to invoke.
Ignorant nonsense.

‘Gun control’ does not constitute ‘disarming.’

And the notion of armed citizens fighting the US military is idiocy.

The individual right to own firearms is predicated on the right to self-defense, independent of military service, having nothing to do with fighting a ‘tyrannical government.’

It must never be forgotten that at the time the 9-11 tragedy was actually taking place the twin towers were hit, but had not imploded yet. Many people left their offices and rushed to the ground floor lobby, and were told by "security personnel" to return back upstairs to their offices. These people lost their lives because they listened to "some idiot" tell them no danger existed despite all that was so very obvious.

Some being panic striken no doubt followed these orders being emotionally overhelmed, and others followed the first people back up into the twin towers due to the "herd type follow the leader mindset" the zionist media has conditioned many people to accept. The point is "no rational thinking process took place". Those people that were treated like goy cattle and died returning to their offices that day, and why because they listened to some Zionist operative. The Zionist have proven in a abundance of ways that they have a vested interest in the destruction of America, and all that it represents. Imagine how all these dual citizenship Zionist politians so zealous about gun control in America suggested banning and controlling the best weapons for self defense in the state of Israel?

It's clear they think of Americans as goy cattle to stupid to understand how tyrannical governments not crazed killers are responsible for hundreds of millions of innocent people being murdered once they are unarmed or out gunned (trust me the so-called assault weapon ban is to try to ensure that Americans are out gunned).

These Zionist and those that kneel to them are all enormous liars! You think all the gun control Zionist give a rat's ass about the children murdered by crazed killers? One example is the Lottery here in Chicago. The daily lottery game money was supposed to be used to fund the education of children. Back in the beginning it was one daily drawing, but now a midday, evening drawing, pick 4, little Lotto, Lotto, and vast variety of scratch off tickets priced at up to 30.00 dollars and the school situation for children is worst than ever. If that's not terrible enough the winning on large jackpots are taxed at almost 50% and it's the Zionist FED, not the Government that benefits from these funds.

Do you really think these people care about American children (or anybody else for that matter) when toxic mercury and other hazardous materials are put in children's vaccines? Consider the Zionist company Monsanto and all it is doing, or all the abortions that have claimed more than 54 Million babies since 1973 based on the Zionist over-population agenda spear-headed by Margret sanger and other Zionist? These mass-murdering communist dual citizenship bastards is what you need to be concerned about, not some crazed killers loaded on dangerous meds that they exploit to try to use as a pretext to take away the extremely important 2nd Amendment.

The Zionist have looted the treasury, destroyed the American economy, stolen our homes and farms through usury, gave practically our entire industrial base to the communist Chinese, attacked America on 9-11, use our military to fight wars for them, and poison our food, air, and water. One can clearly understand why the Zionist (and their paided lackey's the president included) want to disarm the American people.

If you really think that trying to destroy the American Constitution with Communism masked as "security" is not tyranny get some help on reality.

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