Government Corruption and Retribution


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Pitchfork Protest Farmer Confronts Government Corruption and Retribution

By Mark J. Fitzgibbons

American Thinker was the first to report about how Fauquier County, Virginia attempted to fine farmer Martha Boneta for hosting a birthday party for eight 10-year-old girls without a special events permit. She was also fined for selling her farm produce without a special administrative permit, even though she had a business license that allowed those sales.

As also reported here, Martha the farmer lost her appeal before the county's Board of Zoning Appeals. What has not been reported is that Fauquier County, without explanation, refused to renew her business license just days before her appeal hearing. She has been forced to shut down her small farm store where she sells organic vegetables, fiber, and feather products from her farm animals (she has over 160, most of which are rescued), as well as beeswax candles, goats milk soaps, and other products from her farming activities.

Because she could not sell her organic vegetables in this critical part of the harvest season, Martha donated them to a local food bank before they rotted. Fauquier County zoning administrator and bureaucratic bully Kimberley Johnson is probably busy concocting some charge against Martha for giving away her veggies without a permit. No tomato is beyond the reach of tyrants.


Read more: Articles: Pitchfork Protest Farmer Confronts Government Corruption and Retribution
Considering Political Corruption and, Perhaps, a New City Motto


My colleague Sam Roberts wrote on Monday about a Latin motto woven into the Bronx borough flag. It’s from Virgil. “Ne cede malis,” it goes. “Do not yield to evil.”

Considering the number of Bronx politicians sent to prison for criminal possession of sticky fingers, the irony of those words is self-evident. Perhaps a new motto is in order, not just for the Bronx but for the entire city. Other boroughs have hardly been slackers when it comes to producing officials who look more natural in orange jumpsuits than in pinstripes.

One slogan that seems appropriate has the advantage of being both familiar and to the point: “Ostende mihi pecuniam.” You probably know it better in its English form:

“Show me the money.”

Nearly two dozen officials, most of them Democrats, have been brought up on corruption charges in the last few years. The names of many who fell from grace can be found in a “Day” column that ran not long ago.


The Day: Considering Political Corruption and, Perhaps, a New City Motto -
Tax-exempt Obama Foundation doesn’t exist at listed addresses

Charles C. Johnson


As first reported by The Daily Caller, the foundation was speedily approved for IRS exemption by Lois Lerner, the IRS senior official at the center of the targeting of conservative organizations that have waited over two years to receive tax exempt status. (RELATED: IRS official Lerner speedily approved exemption for Obama brother’s ‘charity’)

The charity was even given retroactive tax-exempt status despite never having bothered to apply for it. And its history of soliciting donations before receiving tax-exempt status was apparently overlooked.

The address listed on the site is 107 S. West St. #401, Alexandria, Va., which houses a UPS store on a street that includes a tailor, a Catholic Charities thrift shop and a Gold Works jewelry store.


Read more: Tax-exempt Obama Foundation doesn't exist at listed address | The Daily Caller

Just How Corrupt Is the Obama Administration?

August 20, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


Scandal after scandal, coupled with an ongoing contempt for the law and the Constitution, demonstrated by high-level officials including the president himself, point to one deeply troubling conclusion: the Obama administration may be the most corrupt administration ever inflicted on the American public. And while the mainstream media have done a remarkable job deflecting much of that reality, even they cannot keep up with the avalanche of disturbing revelations that arise, seemingly on a daily basis. This piece will chronicle a number of them in the hope that Americans can begin to fathom the enormous scope of the corruption.

We begin with yet another report about the Fast and Furious gunrunning operation, courtesy of Sharyl Attkisson, one of the few remaining reporters who follows a story wherever it goes. Last Wednesday, three more F&F weapons turned up at crime scenes in Mexico. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and as many as 300 Mexican nationals, including teens at a birthday party, were slaughtered by those weapons. Yet the ensuing investigation was first thwarted by Eric Holder’s refusal to turn over critical documents to Congressional investigators, earning him a contempt of Congress citation. It was followed by President Obama invoking executive privilege to prevent the same. Other documents reveal that Eric Holder lied to Congress about when he first heard about the operation. The House Oversight Committee is currently suing for release of the material, but both Holder and Obama remain unscathed by this deadly debacle, even as the Terry family’s effort to find out what really happened to their son has been ignored.


Just How Corrupt Is the Obama Administration? | FrontPage Magazine
Obama Inc. Spends $1 Billion on Syrian Aid, Cuts Pay for US Soldiers

September 9, 2013 By Daniel Greenfi


With Obama’s latest giveaway to Syria, the $1 billion dollar threshold has been reached.

How much money is that? By Obama’s standards, it isn’t a lot. But while he’s lavishing aid on Syrian terrorists, he’s cutting pay increases to the American soldiers he expects to fight for those terrorists.

U.S. taxpayers have spent at least $1,010,354,195 on Syrian humanitarian aid for fiscal years 2012 and 2013, according to official numbers from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

“To help the many Syrians in need this Eid al-Fitr, the United States is providing an additional $195 million in food aid and other humanitarian aid, bringing our humanitarian contribution to the Syrian people to over $1 billion since the crisis began,” Obama said in a White House statement.

“For millions of Americans, Eid is part of a great tapestry of America’s many traditions, and I wish all Muslims a blessed and joyful celebration. Eid Mubarak.”

Like the great tradition of liberal politicians screwing the military while lavishing untold wealth on America’s enemies. A great tradition that Obama, Clinton and Carter are all part of.

While Obama was celebrating his Eid and his giveaways, he was cutting pay for the soldiers he wants to send off to die in the wars of Eid.


Obama Inc. Spends $1 Billion on Syrian Aid, Cuts Pay for US Soldiers | FrontPage Magazine
LOL ... you don't like the Big O very much, do you? To paraphrase a lyric sung by Jerry Lee Lewis ... "Whole lotta slinkin' goin' on ... "

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