Government/Corporate Complex: GOOGLE Averages One White House Meeting -- A Week!...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Corporations like Google and Facebook are mere Government-front organizations. Just fronts used to get around Constitutionally-protected privacy guarantees. I mean, it's so hard to fathom why so many Americans haven't asked themselves why Google and Facebook offer their services for free? Is it out of the goodness of their hearts? Ha, don't think so.

But hey, they're Corporations, so you shouldn't have any expectation of privacy when it comes to them. And anyone who opposes that belief, is a 'Paranoid America-Hating Tinfoil Hatter.' So the powers-that-be keep telling us anyway. What a sad scam.

Google Makes Most of Close Ties to White House
Search giant averages a White House meeting a week during Obama administration

As the federal government was wrapping up its antitrust investigation of Google Inc., company executives had a flurry of meetings with top officials at the White House and Federal Trade Commission, the agency running the probe.

Google co-founder Larry Page met with FTC officials to discuss settlement talks, according to visitor logs and emails reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. Google Chairman Eric Schmidt met with Pete Rouse, a senior adviser to President Barack Obama, in the White House.

The documents don’t show exactly what was discussed in late 2012. Soon afterward, the FTC closed its investigation after Google agreed to make voluntary changes to its business practices. (See the FTC document on Google).

Google’s access to high-ranking Obama administration officials during a critical phase of the antitrust probe is one sign of the Internet giant’s reach in Washington. Since Mr. Obama took office, employees of the Mountain View, Calif., company have visited the White House for meetings with senior officials about 230 times, or an average of roughly once a week, according to the visitor logs reviewed by the Journal.

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Google Makes Most of Close Ties to White House - WSJ
Corporations like Google and Facebook are mere Government-front organizations. Just fronts used to get around Constitutionally-protected privacy guarantees. I mean, it's so hard to fathom why so many Americans haven't asked themselves why Google and Facebook offer their services for free? Is it out of the goodness of their hearts? Ha, don't think so.

But hey, they're Corporations, so you shouldn't have any expectation of privacy when it comes to them. And anyone who opposes that belief, is a 'Paranoid America-Hating Tinfoil Hatter.' So the powers-that-be keep telling us anyway. What a sad scam.

Google Makes Most of Close Ties to White House
Search giant averages a White House meeting a week during Obama administration

As the federal government was wrapping up its antitrust investigation of Google Inc., company executives had a flurry of meetings with top officials at the White House and Federal Trade Commission, the agency running the probe.

Google co-founder Larry Page met with FTC officials to discuss settlement talks, according to visitor logs and emails reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. Google Chairman Eric Schmidt met with Pete Rouse, a senior adviser to President Barack Obama, in the White House.

The documents don’t show exactly what was discussed in late 2012. Soon afterward, the FTC closed its investigation after Google agreed to make voluntary changes to its business practices. (See the FTC document on Google).

Google’s access to high-ranking Obama administration officials during a critical phase of the antitrust probe is one sign of the Internet giant’s reach in Washington. Since Mr. Obama took office, employees of the Mountain View, Calif., company have visited the White House for meetings with senior officials about 230 times, or an average of roughly once a week, according to the visitor logs reviewed by the Journal.

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Google Makes Most of Close Ties to White House - WSJ
I assumed everyone knew about corporate ties to government. It's been going on for at least 100 years or more. General Electric, Chase, and others have been influencing the government for many decades. A lot of money flows between corporate America and "The Washington Brotherhood". Legislation and policy is for sale, the oval office is for sale, members of Congress are for sale, government contracts are for sale, votes on the floors of Congress are for sale, and favoritism and kick-backs are common place in Washington. Also, it's no different in state governments. Politics is crooked, politicians are crooked, and everyone has a price.

Campaign contributions are "government access fees". Lobbyists spend untold multi-$Millions to influence legislation and policies. The government's power has an enormous price tag for anyone wishing to gain favor or to sway Congress and/or the oval office to see things a certain way. As I said many times in the past, "honesty and politics mix like water and oil". Politics is corrupt, politicians are corrupt, and favoritism is always up for sale in government.

Yet, we constantly hear folks claim that one political party is better than the other. Some folks claim that one party or the other is better for this country and her citizens than the other party. Many citizens think that "Their" man or woman in politics is pro-America and fights for "The People". What's worse, is the fact that voters are naïve enough to think that certain politicians are honest and actually care about this nation and her citizens. Yet, they never question why those "caring" politicians aren't actually exposing government corruption, and leading protests and marches to the Capitol steps and calling Congress out into the street. Voters never stop to think that the reason the so-called "good" politicians aren't actually "fighting" for the people, is the fact that they're taking money and other things from special interests just like everyone else in Washington.

Politicians have one script they use when campaigning, which is a set of "Dr. Feelgood" narratives, filled with promises and time-proven vote "getting" phrases, and they have another script which promises favoritism to their financial supporters. Of course, the favoritism package is not for the ears of the general public, but spoken behind closed doors in secrecy. Once elected to office, politicians exert their will ( doing favors for cash or other "goodies" ), and not the will of the people.

Corporations, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential, aren't passing out enormous sums of money because they have nothing else to spend their wealth on, rather they're buying favors from "your" politicians that you vote into office. They, the corporations, always win, and you and I always lose. Where is the wealth in this country? Is it not concentrated at the top? Why are we, the general public, forced to lower our standard of living, and survive via government assistance programs and unemployment checks? Why do we have rundown infrastructure, far less self-supporting living wage jobs, and less home ownership? Well, the answer is because we can't afford to influence the corrupt government like the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential can.
Corporations Have Us Under Mass Surveillance

NSA Doesn’t Need to Spy on Your Calls to Learn Your Secrets

GOVERNMENTS AND CORPORATIONS gather, store, and analyze the tremendous amount of data we chuff out as we move through our digitized lives. Often this is without our knowledge, and typically without our consent. Based on this data, they draw conclusions about us that we might disagree with or object to, and that can impact our lives in profound ways. We may not like to admit it, but we are under mass surveillance.

Much of what we know about the NSA’s surveillance comes from Edward Snowden, although people both before and after him also leaked agency secrets. As an NSA contractor, Snowden collected tens of thousands of documents describing many of the NSA’s surveillance activities. Then in 2013 he fled to Hong Kong and gave them to select reporters.

The first news story to break based on the Snowden documents described how the NSA collects the cell phone call records of every American. One government defense, and a sound bite repeated ever since, is that the data they...

NSA Doesn t Need to Spy on Your Calls to Learn Your Secrets WIRED
How can that be. Are we told Obama and the Democrat party AREN'T in bed with Big Corporations together? they are just for the little subjects citizens, NO

Frikken sick how deep they are involved with BIG corp yet his base still thinks they aren't

oh well

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