Government Agrees to 2000 Deaths-Per-Year


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "President Obama has declared that auto companies' fleets must average 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025, almost double the current 27.5. Standing at his side when he made the announcement were executives from the Big Three automakers.

2. The Center for Automotive Research says the new standard will raise the price of cars by about $7,000. You'd need to save a lot on fuel to break even.

3. The new rules will kill people.

Sam Kazman of the Competitive Enterprise Institute explained this to me. The MPG standard "has been killing people for the last 30 years," Kazman said.

"It forces cars to be ... made smaller and lighter. ... They are simply worse in just about every type of auto collision."

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration actually backs Kazman up. It estimates that smaller cars are responsible for an additional 2,000 deaths each year.

a. Imagine that -- a government safety agency promotes a rule that kills people

4. "Think about the minute risks that agencies like Environmental Protection Agency go into a tizzy about. ... If any private product had a death toll one fraction of what the miles-per-gallon rules cost, that product would have been yanked off the market years ago."

5. Do we at least end up using less gasoline and saving money?

No, given the increased upfront cost of the car. "It is not clear that it saves people money," Kazman said. "If these technologies in fact save people money, you don't need a government law to force them down people's throats."

6. "By increasing that gas mileage for our auto fleet, we can cut our oil consumption in this country by 4 million barrels per day by 2030. That would almost wipe out our OPEC purchases daily. It will make our country stronger."

a. But we use oil for lots of things. If we cut gasoline use by a third, unlikely as that would be, we'd still only reduce our fossil fuel use by 7 percent. That does not make much difference for $7,000 a car and 2,000 extra deaths each year.

7. "We believe Detroit can do this."

Maybe they can. Maybe they can't. If they could, I'd think they would do it to meet consumer demand. They'd do it without government forcing it on us.

8. Life involves tradeoffs. If we want to minimize deaths from auto accidents, we may use more fuel than we might otherwise use. Who should make that decision, the government? Or you and I?

In the land of the supposedly free, that really should not be a tough question."
A Government That Kills - HUMAN EVENTS

It''s ...almost as if our progressive leaders want to do our thinking for us....???
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What's the net GAIN of lives as a result of being less dependant on oil? Where's the research, let's see it.
What's the net GAIN of lives as a result of being less dependant on oil? Where's the research, let's see it.

Not exactly sure what you are looking for here, but it sure puts the Liberal mantra about the judicial system to bed... know, the one that goes like this:

'Better a hunded guilty persons go free than one innocent person be put to death!" (Followed by trumpets and chest thumping.)
What's the net GAIN of lives as a result of being less dependant on oil? Where's the research, let's see it.

Not exactly sure what you are looking for here, but it sure puts the Liberal mantra about the judicial system to bed... know, the one that goes like this:

'Better a hunded guilty persons go free than one innocent person be put to death!" (Followed by trumpets and chest thumping.)

What I'm looking for, is how many (i.e. a number) lives will be saved as a result of the diminished dependance on Foreign oil.

If you're going to wri(steal) another opinion piece, at least have the guts to outline all of the facts that are involved. You didn't study the topic thoroughly enough, it seems.

Also, with all of the advancements we have in discovering stronger (yet lighter) metals, the whole idea that lighter cars is equal to less-safe cars may soon be put to bed.
What's the net GAIN of lives as a result of being less dependant on oil? Where's the research, let's see it.

Not exactly sure what you are looking for here, but it sure puts the Liberal mantra about the judicial system to bed... know, the one that goes like this:

'Better a hunded guilty persons go free than one innocent person be put to death!" (Followed by trumpets and chest thumping.)

that 54 mpg, is a huge bump.

and you know like the old saying; "A liberal is a conservative who hasn't been mugged yet." Or put their daughter in a POS death Trap like a smart car.

at the end of the day, If Mrs. Larry David wants to zip around the 405 in one ( which I doubt VERY MUCH), taking her life in her hands, let her. Not my kith and kin.

What's the net GAIN of lives as a result of being less dependant on oil? Where's the research, let's see it.

Not exactly sure what you are looking for here, but it sure puts the Liberal mantra about the judicial system to bed... know, the one that goes like this:

'Better a hunded guilty persons go free than one innocent person be put to death!" (Followed by trumpets and chest thumping.)

What I'm looking for, is how many (i.e. a number) lives will be saved as a result of the diminished dependance on Foreign oil.

If you're going to wri(steal) another opinion piece, at least have the guts to outline all of the facts that are involved. You didn't study the topic thoroughly enough, it seems.

Also, with all of the advancements we have in discovering stronger (yet lighter) metals, the whole idea that lighter cars is equal to less-safe cars may soon be put to bed.

What a dumb post.

Rather than an intelligent discussion, you wasted it on what seems some sort of tortuous attack on me....

and a poorly designed one, at that.

1. " many (i.e. a number) lives will be saved as a result of the diminished dependance on Foreign oil."
What, is 'foreign oil' some sort of poison?
Clearly you don't understand that oil is the life's blood of industry.

2. "If you're going to wri(steal) another opinion piece..."
Clearly I've 'stolen' nothing.
You mean you didn't see the link at the bottom?

3. "... have the guts to outline all of the facts that are involved. You didn't study the topic thoroughly enough, it seems."
What a stupid premise. It isn't good enough to provide a piece of some interest, one worthy of discussion, in your warped mind I'm suppose to also provide some
sort of tutorial for you as well.

You lazy sack of fodder, do your own reseach.

Did you need me to give you course credit for it, as well?

4. "Also, with all of the advancements we have in discovering stronger (yet lighter) metals, the whole idea that lighter cars is equal to less-safe cars may soon be put to bed..."

What a vapid, meaningless sentence. And you have the nerve to complain that I didn't give you enough factual information??
You’ve shown your customary quick command of unknown facts.
I guess I was wrong...I see why you can't do your own research.

Now, why don’t you go wash your mouth out …with a revolver.
Not exactly sure what you are looking for here, but it sure puts the Liberal mantra about the judicial system to bed... know, the one that goes like this:

'Better a hunded guilty persons go free than one innocent person be put to death!" (Followed by trumpets and chest thumping.)

What I'm looking for, is how many (i.e. a number) lives will be saved as a result of the diminished dependance on Foreign oil.

If you're going to wri(steal) another opinion piece, at least have the guts to outline all of the facts that are involved. You didn't study the topic thoroughly enough, it seems.

Also, with all of the advancements we have in discovering stronger (yet lighter) metals, the whole idea that lighter cars is equal to less-safe cars may soon be put to bed.

What a dumb post.

Rather than an intelligent discussion, you wasted it on what seems some sort of tortuous attack on me....

and a poorly designed one, at that.

1. " many (i.e. a number) lives will be saved as a result of the diminished dependance on Foreign oil."
What, is 'foreign oil' some sort of poison?
Clearly you don't understand that oil is the life's blood of industry.

2. "If you're going to wri(steal) another opinion piece..."
Clearly I've 'stolen' nothing.
You mean you didn't see the link at the bottom?

3. "... have the guts to outline all of the facts that are involved. You didn't study the topic thoroughly enough, it seems."
What a stupid premise. It isn't good enough to provide a piece of some interest, one worthy of discussion, in your warped mind I'm suppose to also provide some
sort of tutorial for you as well.

You lazy sack of fodder, do your own reseach.

Did you need me to give you course credit for it, as well?

4. "Also, with all of the advancements we have in discovering stronger (yet lighter) metals, the whole idea that lighter cars is equal to less-safe cars may soon be put to bed..."

What a vapid, meaningless sentence. And you have the nerve to complain that I didn't give you enough factual information??
You’ve shown your customary quick command of unknown facts.
I guess I was wrong...I see why you can't do your own research.

Now, why don’t you go wash your mouth out …with a revolver.

Just so we're clear, are you trying to assert that our dependance on foreign oil costs no lives?
What's the net GAIN of lives as a result of being less dependant on oil? Where's the research, let's see it.

Not exactly sure what you are looking for here, but it sure puts the Liberal mantra about the judicial system to bed... know, the one that goes like this:

'Better a hunded guilty persons go free than one innocent person be put to death!" (Followed by trumpets and chest thumping.)

that 54 mpg, is a huge bump.

and you know like the old saying; "A liberal is a conservative who hasn't been mugged yet." Or put their daughter in a POS death Trap like a smart car.

at the end of the day, If Mrs. Larry David wants to zip around the 405 in one ( which I doubt VERY MUCH), taking her life in her hands, let her. Not my kith and kin.


Getting mugged wouldn't make me change my political positions, it would make me want to break a mugger's jaw and that's about it.
What I'm looking for, is how many (i.e. a number) lives will be saved as a result of the diminished dependance on Foreign oil.

If you're going to wri(steal) another opinion piece, at least have the guts to outline all of the facts that are involved. You didn't study the topic thoroughly enough, it seems.

Also, with all of the advancements we have in discovering stronger (yet lighter) metals, the whole idea that lighter cars is equal to less-safe cars may soon be put to bed.

What a dumb post.

Rather than an intelligent discussion, you wasted it on what seems some sort of tortuous attack on me....

and a poorly designed one, at that.

1. " many (i.e. a number) lives will be saved as a result of the diminished dependance on Foreign oil."
What, is 'foreign oil' some sort of poison?
Clearly you don't understand that oil is the life's blood of industry.

2. "If you're going to wri(steal) another opinion piece..."
Clearly I've 'stolen' nothing.
You mean you didn't see the link at the bottom?

3. "... have the guts to outline all of the facts that are involved. You didn't study the topic thoroughly enough, it seems."
What a stupid premise. It isn't good enough to provide a piece of some interest, one worthy of discussion, in your warped mind I'm suppose to also provide some
sort of tutorial for you as well.

You lazy sack of fodder, do your own reseach.

Did you need me to give you course credit for it, as well?

4. "Also, with all of the advancements we have in discovering stronger (yet lighter) metals, the whole idea that lighter cars is equal to less-safe cars may soon be put to bed..."

What a vapid, meaningless sentence. And you have the nerve to complain that I didn't give you enough factual information??
You’ve shown your customary quick command of unknown facts.
I guess I was wrong...I see why you can't do your own research.

Now, why don’t you go wash your mouth out …with a revolver.

Just so we're clear, are you trying to assert that our dependance on foreign oil costs no lives?

Just so we're clear....did you miss the tone of my post?
What a dumb post.

Rather than an intelligent discussion, you wasted it on what seems some sort of tortuous attack on me....

and a poorly designed one, at that.

1. " many (i.e. a number) lives will be saved as a result of the diminished dependance on Foreign oil."
What, is 'foreign oil' some sort of poison?
Clearly you don't understand that oil is the life's blood of industry.

2. "If you're going to wri(steal) another opinion piece..."
Clearly I've 'stolen' nothing.
You mean you didn't see the link at the bottom?

3. "... have the guts to outline all of the facts that are involved. You didn't study the topic thoroughly enough, it seems."
What a stupid premise. It isn't good enough to provide a piece of some interest, one worthy of discussion, in your warped mind I'm suppose to also provide some
sort of tutorial for you as well.

You lazy sack of fodder, do your own reseach.

Did you need me to give you course credit for it, as well?

4. "Also, with all of the advancements we have in discovering stronger (yet lighter) metals, the whole idea that lighter cars is equal to less-safe cars may soon be put to bed..."

What a vapid, meaningless sentence. And you have the nerve to complain that I didn't give you enough factual information??
You’ve shown your customary quick command of unknown facts.
I guess I was wrong...I see why you can't do your own research.

Now, why don’t you go wash your mouth out …with a revolver.

Just so we're clear, are you trying to assert that our dependance on foreign oil costs no lives?

Just so we're clear....did you miss the tone of my post?

Maybe you should try a more direct answer this time.
What's the net GAIN of lives as a result of being less dependant on oil? Where's the research, let's see it.

Not exactly sure what you are looking for here, but it sure puts the Liberal mantra about the judicial system to bed... know, the one that goes like this:

'Better a hunded guilty persons go free than one innocent person be put to death!" (Followed by trumpets and chest thumping.)

that 54 mpg, is a huge bump.

and you know like the old saying; "A liberal is a conservative who hasn't been mugged yet." Or put their daughter in a POS death Trap like a smart car.

at the end of the day, If Mrs. Larry David wants to zip around the 405 in one ( which I doubt VERY MUCH), taking her life in her hands, let her. Not my kith and kin.



But the subtext of this thread and so many others is that Liberalism is all about not giving you the choice.

Not the car you drive, the toilet in your home, the lightbulb in your living room, etc. ect.

And our liberal citizens seem to march in lock step acceptance of the views of the left making them appear more like iron filings in a magnetic field than thinking human beings.

Where in article I, section 8 is 'mph' to be found?
Cars keep getting smaller to increase efficiency but semi tractor-trailers keep getting larger (also) to increase fuel efficiency.

Gee, I wonder if that's going to cause any problems?
Stupid drivers cause the accidents not small cars.

I'm starting to worry about you, Citi...

this is not about causing accidents, but about surviving same.

Cat got your glasses?

but if no one does anything stupid you have virtually no accidents in the first place.

Cell phone jammers when engine is running would save thousands of lives a year.

Electronic speed limit signs that governor the speed of the vehicle would save thousands more.

Crushing for scrap the vehicle anyone driving under the influence is driving would save thousands more.
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I'm starting to worry about you, Citi...

this is not about causing accidents, but about surviving same.

Cat got your glasses?

but if no one does anything stupid you have virtually no accidents in the first place.

Hey! I wonder why nobody thought of that before!

Guess you believe what we need is more regulations, huh?

Nope we have the regs we need. More effective enforcement and punishments is what is needed.

such as automated speeding tickets issued.
Same for running red lights, etc.

Max speed governors in vehicles limited to the highest speed limit in the USA.
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So in order to save gas, I need to increase the danger to me and my family.

You'd think after decades of lieberal bullshit rules that blow up in ther faces they would finally think ahead.

Lighter stronger metals are coming?
Butt fuck the people that die waiting for them to come.

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