Gov Walker to Give $800 Million Surplus Back to the People


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
“What do you do with a surplus? Give it back to the people who earned it. It’s your money,” Walker will tell the state legislature in his annual “State of the State Address,” according to an excerpt released to the press. The tax cuts will be a core part of Walker’s new budget for the state, entitled the “Blueprint for Prosperity.”

Read more at Scott Walker to Wisconsin Here s an 800 Million Tax Cut - It s Your Money

Oh my gosh! Watch the Liberal scream and squall over this! It comes from a – gasp! Horrors! - Right Wing Blog with reference to another one of the same. To heck with the fact that it's true and the result of the governor's moves he promised to make when he ran for office.

What? A politician keeping his word? No wonder the left is determined to drive him from office. :rolleyes:
It is the correct thing to do, after all a state government should not be run like a for profit corporation.
Government should cover their expenses and return the excess to the taxpayers.
I'm sure Ed Schultz from MSNBC will have a problem with this...
He's been trying to take Walker down for years now.
It should be interesting what cuts Walker will have to make to accomplish his $800 million giveaway, considering a 1.8 billion projected shortfall.
Wisconsin state budget shortfall projected at nearly $1.8 billion
Madison — The expected shortfall for the next two-year state budget starting in July has risen to nearly $1.8 billion, or about half of what it was when Gov. Scott Walker took office in January 2011.
Meanwhile, the state's projected gap in its current budget ending June has risen to $396 million — or about 1.2% of the spending planned for the 2013-'15 budget.
The Republican governor resolved a more than $3 billion budget shortfall in the months after taking office, but the latest projections show the state is running through the resulting surplus. The state is again facing a gap in the 2015-'17 budget because of tax cuts enacted by Walker and lawmakers and lagging growth in other state taxes in recent months.
The projected weakness in the state budget matters because it eventually could lead to cuts in spending on priorities such as schools or increases in state taxes or fees.
The latest estimates by the Legislature's nonpartisan budget office jumped by more than $1.1 billion over the previous estimate of a $642 million gap released in May. The projections from the Legislative Fiscal Bureau were released Monday for the budget beginning in July 2015 and ending in June 2017.
Wisconsin state budget shortfall projected at nearly 1.8 billion

In other news, I didn't know that Joe the Plummer had a website? Thanks to the OP, I learned something today. If you're looking for something fair and balanced,,,,,,,,,
Joe For America :disbelief:
It should be interesting what cuts Walker will have to make to accomplish his $800 million giveaway, considering a 1.8 billion projected shortfall.
Wisconsin state budget shortfall projected at nearly $1.8 billion
Madison — The expected shortfall for the next two-year state budget starting in July has risen to nearly $1.8 billion, or about half of what it was when Gov. Scott Walker took office in January 2011.
Meanwhile, the state's projected gap in its current budget ending June has risen to $396 million — or about 1.2% of the spending planned for the 2013-'15 budget.
The Republican governor resolved a more than $3 billion budget shortfall in the months after taking office, but the latest projections show the state is running through the resulting surplus. The state is again facing a gap in the 2015-'17 budget because of tax cuts enacted by Walker and lawmakers and lagging growth in other state taxes in recent months.
The projected weakness in the state budget matters because it eventually could lead to cuts in spending on priorities such as schools or increases in state taxes or fees.
The latest estimates by the Legislature's nonpartisan budget office jumped by more than $1.1 billion over the previous estimate of a $642 million gap released in May. The projections from the Legislative Fiscal Bureau were released Monday for the budget beginning in July 2015 and ending in June 2017.
Wisconsin state budget shortfall projected at nearly 1.8 billion

In other news, I didn't know that Joe the Plummer had a website? Thanks to the OP, I learned something today. If you're looking for something fair and balanced,,,,,,,,,
Joe For America :disbelief:
The usual lib talking point: if we cut anything children will go without education and criminals will proceed with impunity.
How did that work out for Detroit?
October 22, 2014

Walker Claims Next Budget Will Start With Surplus, Though Evidence Indicates Otherwise

Walker Claims Next Budget Will Start With Surplus Though Evidence Indicates Otherwise Wisconsin Public Radio

"The next state budget will begin with a surplus of over half a billion dollars -- $535 million to be exact."— Scott Walker


The bureau’s longstanding method is to assume no loss or gain in revenue and no changes in spending. Applying the same approach allows for a consistent picture over time. The bureau’s latest estimate came out Sept. 8, 2014.
The bottom line: a $1.76 billion deficit heading into the 2015-’17 budget.

Among the chief reasons for the gap: Tax cuts approved by Walker and the Republican-led Legislature, which contributed to a slowing of revenue.

...Walker’s own budgets report the "structural deficit" number using the method the Fiscal Bureau used to come up with $1.8 billion.

And lawmakers of both parties have done the same for years.

Scott Walker says next state budget will begin with 535 million surplus PolitiFact Wisconsin

It should be interesting what cuts Walker will have to make to accomplish his $800 million giveaway, considering a 1.8 billion projected shortfall.
Wisconsin state budget shortfall projected at nearly $1.8 billion
Madison — The expected shortfall for the next two-year state budget starting in July has risen to nearly $1.8 billion, or about half of what it was when Gov. Scott Walker took office in January 2011.
Meanwhile, the state's projected gap in its current budget ending June has risen to $396 million — or about 1.2% of the spending planned for the 2013-'15 budget.
The Republican governor resolved a more than $3 billion budget shortfall in the months after taking office, but the latest projections show the state is running through the resulting surplus. The state is again facing a gap in the 2015-'17 budget because of tax cuts enacted by Walker and lawmakers and lagging growth in other state taxes in recent months.
The projected weakness in the state budget matters because it eventually could lead to cuts in spending on priorities such as schools or increases in state taxes or fees.
The latest estimates by the Legislature's nonpartisan budget office jumped by more than $1.1 billion over the previous estimate of a $642 million gap released in May. The projections from the Legislative Fiscal Bureau were released Monday for the budget beginning in July 2015 and ending in June 2017.
Wisconsin state budget shortfall projected at nearly 1.8 billion

In other news, I didn't know that Joe the Plummer had a website? Thanks to the OP, I learned something today. If you're looking for something fair and balanced,,,,,,,,,
Joe For America :disbelief:
The usual lib talking point: if we cut anything children will go without education and criminals will proceed with impunity.
How did that work out for Detroit?

Detroit? lol Oh part of the rust belt belt hurt by conservatives 'free trade' and other Reaganomics policies like tax cuts for the rich, even IF they do ship jobs offshore!
It should be interesting what cuts Walker will have to make to accomplish his $800 million giveaway, considering a 1.8 billion projected shortfall.
Wisconsin state budget shortfall projected at nearly $1.8 billion
Madison — The expected shortfall for the next two-year state budget starting in July has risen to nearly $1.8 billion, or about half of what it was when Gov. Scott Walker took office in January 2011.
Meanwhile, the state's projected gap in its current budget ending June has risen to $396 million — or about 1.2% of the spending planned for the 2013-'15 budget.
The Republican governor resolved a more than $3 billion budget shortfall in the months after taking office, but the latest projections show the state is running through the resulting surplus. The state is again facing a gap in the 2015-'17 budget because of tax cuts enacted by Walker and lawmakers and lagging growth in other state taxes in recent months.
The projected weakness in the state budget matters because it eventually could lead to cuts in spending on priorities such as schools or increases in state taxes or fees.
The latest estimates by the Legislature's nonpartisan budget office jumped by more than $1.1 billion over the previous estimate of a $642 million gap released in May. The projections from the Legislative Fiscal Bureau were released Monday for the budget beginning in July 2015 and ending in June 2017.
Wisconsin state budget shortfall projected at nearly 1.8 billion

In other news, I didn't know that Joe the Plummer had a website? Thanks to the OP, I learned something today. If you're looking for something fair and balanced,,,,,,,,,
Joe For America :disbelief:
The usual lib talking point: if we cut anything children will go without education and criminals will proceed with impunity.
How did that work out for Detroit?

There you go again Rabbi, no substance just bullshit. Why don't you prove the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau wrong?
But no, just the usual weak-minded bullshit from one of the most shallow goose-stepping posters on USMB.
It should be interesting what cuts Walker will have to make to accomplish his $800 million giveaway, considering a 1.8 billion projected shortfall.
Wisconsin state budget shortfall projected at nearly $1.8 billion
Madison — The expected shortfall for the next two-year state budget starting in July has risen to nearly $1.8 billion, or about half of what it was when Gov. Scott Walker took office in January 2011.
Meanwhile, the state's projected gap in its current budget ending June has risen to $396 million — or about 1.2% of the spending planned for the 2013-'15 budget.
The Republican governor resolved a more than $3 billion budget shortfall in the months after taking office, but the latest projections show the state is running through the resulting surplus. The state is again facing a gap in the 2015-'17 budget because of tax cuts enacted by Walker and lawmakers and lagging growth in other state taxes in recent months.
The projected weakness in the state budget matters because it eventually could lead to cuts in spending on priorities such as schools or increases in state taxes or fees.
The latest estimates by the Legislature's nonpartisan budget office jumped by more than $1.1 billion over the previous estimate of a $642 million gap released in May. The projections from the Legislative Fiscal Bureau were released Monday for the budget beginning in July 2015 and ending in June 2017.
Wisconsin state budget shortfall projected at nearly 1.8 billion

In other news, I didn't know that Joe the Plummer had a website? Thanks to the OP, I learned something today. If you're looking for something fair and balanced,,,,,,,,,
Joe For America :disbelief:
The usual lib talking point: if we cut anything children will go without education and criminals will proceed with impunity.
How did that work out for Detroit?

There you go again Rabbi, no substance just bullshit. Why don't you prove the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau wrong?
But no, just the usual weak-minded bullshit from one of the most shallow goose-stepping posters on USMB.
Sez the guy who cant read a chart to save his life.
There is no deficiit, moron. You'd have to be able to read an article to find the truth. That is clearly as beyond you as reading a graph.
Despite news of 1.8 billion shortfall Alberta Darling says Wisconsin has 443 million surplus PolitiFact Wisconsin
Sounds like the Bush tax scam

Use a temporary surplus to justify a permanent tax cut
responsible officials would keep a rainy day fund precisely because government is not a business

From what I understand Wisconsin still has quite a bit of debt. Responsible officials would focus on paying that off first.

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