Gov’t spending and cuts.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
The Radical Right claim we have a spending problem and not a revenue problem. As population and poverty grows the Government grows. Everyone should know you have to invest in a business for it to grow. Not hide your money. (matt 25;14-30) The Government spent it’s self out of the great depression with government investing in jobs and we have to do the same to get us out of a recession. With the stimulus spending and bail outs of bank and auto industry has helped us to avoid the worse depression in American history. Had Obama made cuts in spending we would be above 20% unemployment instead of at 8.1% and in a depression instead of recession recovery. Radical Right cuts will create more unemployment and cut programs that hurt the already hurting. But the cuts Obama want to make and is cuts in abuse, fraud and waste. Cutting waste, abuse and fraud out of defense will not hurt the military. As cutting waste, abuse and fraud out of Medicare will not hurt seniors. But tax cuts for the rich that do not create jobs because they hoard their money in foreign bank that help foreign economies. And make the rich, richer and the poor, poorer. Romney’s plan is fantasy and Obama’s proven plan is fact. 8.1% unemployment instead of above 20%, and economic recovery instead of worse depression ever is a fact.
Government can make cuts in spending that support illegal immigration with immigration enforcement instead of amnesty, that will release millions of jobs for American and help in economic recovery.

DREAM Act Would Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion Per Year,
DREAM Act Would Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion Per Year, Group Says | Fox News
Illegal immigration: What's the real cost to taxpayers?
Edward Schumacher-Matos - Illegal immigration: What's the real cost to taxpayers?
The Sky-High Costs Of President Obama's Immigration DREAM
The Sky-High Costs Of President Obama's Immigration DREAM | Fox News Latino

These are facts and not fantasy and we have California and Arizona to prove it. The biggest economic mistake of Obama’s administration is not enforcing our immigration laws.
The Government spent it’s self out of the great depression with government investing in jobs and we have to do the same to get us out of a recession.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


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