Gov. Mike Pence to push for clarification of ‘religious freedom’ law

Them wing nuts are stupid to the bone and feel entitled to make grand declarations based on their utter ignorance...take Protectionist...please....
There probably won't be another NCAA final four or Super Bowl scheduled in Indy until the law is repealed. Same stuff happened in AZ with the MLK holiday. Silly reason to lose tens of millions of dollars of make a bunch of homophobes feel more secure.
What in the world are you talking about ? Why would there not be an NCAA final four or Super Bowl in Indy ? That is bizarre. And I don't see them losing one net dime.

Members of the NCAA, NFL and other large organizations will bypass cities that make their employees feel unwelcome. The same way major polluters and sweat shops gravitate to the South where laws are much more friendly to poor corporate citizens.

So they will be avoiding Chicago, Miami, Tampa, Dallas, Houston, Philly, Nashville, New Orleans, St Louis, etc etc also?

Discrimination against gays is against the law in Illinois.
Fox News Dishonest Defense Of Indiana s Anti-LGBT Religious Freedom Law Blog Media Matters for America

Unlike the federal RFRA, Indiana's RFRA contains an extremely broad definition of "person" that includes organizations, corporations, or companies that are: "compelled or limited by a system of religious belief held by an individual or the individuals; who have control and substantial ownership of the entity, regardless of whether the entity is organized and operated for profit or nonprofit purposes."

As Buzzfeed also reported:

Portraying Indiana's RFRA as benign legislation identical to the "bipartisan" federal law isn't just inaccurate journalism. It is a part of Fox's larger role in promoting the narrative of Christian persecution to support the passage of a number of state RFRAs now being considered in states across the country. Expect to see Fox continue to misrepresent RFRA as a harmless law protecting "religious liberty" while ignoring the fact that these bills are actually the product of powerful anti-LGBT organizations lobbying to legalize anti-LGBT discrimination.
So what ? Anti-LGBT discrimination SHOULD be legal. What's more it should be the law that discrimination against queers should be required, in cases where the sex perversion could be harmful to people, especially children.
Step in front of a fast moving bus. You're a waste of oxygen
You're a waste of perfectly good thread post. Where did you get that oh so cool insult ? From you local 4th grade class ? Come back when you can think of something substantial to say.
Substantial? Why would I do that when all you offer is vile opinions? Seriously, do the world a favor - find the tallest building in your trailer park and play Superman.


1. Homosexuality is abnormal. That is a FACT, not an opinion. The animal kingdom (including humans) is designed for having sex > HETEROSEXUAL sex. Ignoring the design of nature, and bypassing the body parts' normal design, is one of the most perverted things anyone can ever do. It is the actions of sickos.

2. As for your "Superman" comment (and your bus one previously), didn't somebody mention the word "hate" a bit earlier. I'll tell them to look you up.

That conservative guys never want oral or anal should come as quite a surprise to most of their wives or girlfriends.
If I were hosting a seminar on the health risks of homosexual conduct, and I walked into a print shop to have them print up some booklets to hand out at the seminar, and the printer happened to be gay and told me he did not want to print what he considered to be "anti-gay propaganda," I would simply thank him for his time and go find another printer. I would never dream of suing him or otherwise trying to get him in trouble. I would respect his beliefs and feelings, even though I found them absurd.

Why can't gays show the same tolerance and respect for religious vendors who find gay marriage offensive?

This is *not* the same thing as refusing to serve someone a meal at your restaurant or refusing a couple a hotel room at your hotel. Food, lodging, auto repair, home repair, things like that, can be viewed as "basic" needs that any vendor should be willing to provide, regardless of race, lifestyle, creed, etc.
It isn't about the homosexuals it Is about the Christians. Destroying the church is the utmost important thing for progressives

You give yourself far too much credit. It's about being treated equally. Christians are protected by anti discrimination laws in Public Accommodation at a Federal level...unlike gays that are protected at a state or local level...states rights guy.
They should NOT be treated equally. They are not equal. worse yet, they are a threat to normal people, and thus should be discriminated against in various ways.

What's the threat from a lesbian having a coffee and donut at a diner?
Will the radical left be satisfied when they find out that 19 other states have similar laws and they are based on a federal law signed by Bill Clinton?
Rubes please stop repeating that. It's been debunked a million times today. Look up the Indiana law vs. those other 19.
Watch A Fox News Anchor Debunk His Network s Defense Of Indiana s Religious Freedom Law Blog Media Matters for America
That does not help

why ?

because they be wing nuts ....
As usual, RUSH has hit another out of the park on this subversive bullshit...

The Left Repeats "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" Tactic on the State of Indiana
March 30, 2015

RUSH: I want to go to Indiana and discuss this supposedly controversial Indiana religious freedom law. It's made to order for the modern-day Drive-By Media. On Saturday and Sunday, ABC, CBS, NBC -- virtually every mainstream media organization -- condemned a new law in Indiana that would protect private businesses from government infringement on their religious freedom. What this means is that the Obama administration wants to do away -- and the media is assisting -- with the whole notion of free markets, the Constitution, and the freedom of religion clause.

The administration wants the power to mandate everything as much as they can. Now, the news organizations -- ABC, CBS, NBC, and all the others -- just had a collective cow over this. And rather than provide any kind of balance, rather than explain the history and the context and the true meaning and detail of the Indiana law, they predictably began to trash the legislation and Indianans as a bunch of bigots opening the door to discrimination against gays and lesbians.

Even the CEO of Apple, Inc., Tim Cook took to the pages of the Washington Post and wrote an editorial condemning this kind of legislation -- not just in Indiana, but wherever it might be -- and making it out to be example of the worst instincts among us that we have here discriminating against people, and it's so un-American and so forth. Mr. Snerdley me asked me today, "When's the last time Tim Cook wrote an op-ed in the Shanghai Daily News ripping the ChiComs?"

I mean, the ChiComs impinge on everybody's freedom, particularly religious freedom in China. Of course it's a major, major Apple market. I happened to think about it when Snerdley asked me the question. I can't think of the time when an Apple executive... All I can think of when it comes to ChiComs is Google caving to the ChiComs on what kind of search results will not be seen and produced by Google when Chinese citizens are searching.

But what is fascinating about this, and it's becoming an even more prevalent reality. On the one hand, on any issue, we have the reality. We have facts, we have history, we have context, we have truth. On the other hand, we have the absence of all of that, the misrepresentation of the facts, misrepresentation of the truth, misrepresentation of the context. In addition to that, then the media is hyping it all with a bunch of emotional propaganda that is designed specifically to misinform people bunch of about what has happened, particularly this case, this law in Indiana.

It's like everybody's forgotten the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby ruling. It's like it never happened! Does anybody remember this, or the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, which the Supreme Court upheld last year in the Hobby Lobby case? Everybody's acting like that's not the law of the land. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 was introduced by Chuck Schumer (Democrat-New York) on March 11, 1993; it was passed by a unanimous House of Representatives and a near unanimous Senate.....

The Left Repeats Hands Up Don t Shoot Tactic on the State of Indiana - The Rush Limbaugh Show

1. Homosexuality is abnormal. That is a FACT, not an opinion. The animal kingdom (including humans) is designed for having sex > HETEROSEXUAL sex. Ignoring the design of nature, and bypassing the body parts' normal design, is one of the most perverted things anyone can ever do. It is the actions of sickos.

Here's a real fact: fag-bashers lost.
Breaking in Indy: Nine CEOs call on Pence, legislature to modify 'religious freedom' law
Nine CEOs call on Pence, legislature to modify 'religious freedom' law
Jeff Swiatek and Tim Evans 5:47 p.m. EDT March 30, 2015

"We are deeply concerned about the impact it is having on our employees," letter says.

Top executives at nine major Indiana companies today called on Gov. Mike Pence and legislative leaders to reform the newly passed Religious Freedom Restoration Act so it can't be used to "justify discrimination based upon sexual orientation or gender identity."

The one-page letter was released this afternoon after being hand-delivered to Pence, House Speaker Brian Bosma and Senate President David Long.

"Regardless of the original intention of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, we are deeply concerned about the impact it is having on our employees and on the reputation of our state," the letter says.

More at Link: Nine CEOs call on Pence legislature to modify religious freedom law

Other executives (joining CEO of Cummings) signing the letter were Bill Oesterle, CEO of Angie's List; Joseph Swedish, CEO of Anthem; Jeff Smulyan, CEO of Emmis Communications; Dan Evans, CEO of Indiana University Health; Jack Phillips, CEO of Roche Diagnostics; John Lechleiter, CEO of Eli Lilly and Co.; and Tim Hassinger, CEO of Dow AgroSciences.

These are some of the largest employers in the state. You have also had calls from several Universities (IU, Butler, DePauw, and a quieter non political statement from Purdue (where Mitch Daniels is Pres)

I can not recall a situation like this happening before.
Yea this law won't last. America has a long history of defeating enemies of freedom. This time won't be any different.
You libs define words the way you want to push your agendas. Freedom isn't making someone do something they find morally and religiously repugnant. Freedom of religion is a Constitutionally protected right, legal recognition of sexual unions aren't. It's a shame PC has trumped Constitutional rights but many states are fighting back. This is a growing trend, boycott them all!

19 states that have religious freedom laws like Indiana s that no one is boycotting - The Washington Post
19 states that have ‘religious freedom’ laws like Indiana’s that no one is boycotting

But Indiana is actually soon to be just one of 20 states with a version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or RFRA, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
So do you think this law enables someone with the religious belief that race mixing is wrong to discriminate against blacks?
I support the rights for people to discriminate against anyone they want. Tall people, fat people, white people, black people, etc., and they should need a religious excuse.

However, this isn't a racial issue no matter how hard homosexuals try to pretend homosexuality is a race. The government can't treat a black man differently than a white man (all men being equal under the eyes of the law). There's no Constitutional protection to pair up with anyone you want and force someone else to deal with it.

A son wanting to marry his mother could make the same argument the militant gays do. If a baker doesn't want to adorn the cake with a mother/son theme they could sue with probably a better argument than two men. The problem is gays want ownership of what the word discrimination means.

Gays don't have to be a race to have equal rights, any more than gun owners have to be a race to have gun rights.
But they do need to be equal in the first place, and the simple truth is THEY'RE NOT.
Breaking in Indy: Nine CEOs call on Pence, legislature to modify 'religious freedom' law
Nine CEOs call on Pence, legislature to modify 'religious freedom' law
Jeff Swiatek and Tim Evans 5:47 p.m. EDT March 30, 2015

"We are deeply concerned about the impact it is having on our employees," letter says.

Top executives at nine major Indiana companies today called on Gov. Mike Pence and legislative leaders to reform the newly passed Religious Freedom Restoration Act so it can't be used to "justify discrimination based upon sexual orientation or gender identity."

The one-page letter was released this afternoon after being hand-delivered to Pence, House Speaker Brian Bosma and Senate President David Long.

"Regardless of the original intention of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, we are deeply concerned about the impact it is having on our employees and on the reputation of our state," the letter says.

More at Link: Nine CEOs call on Pence legislature to modify religious freedom law

Other executives (joining CEO of Cummings) signing the letter were Bill Oesterle, CEO of Angie's List; Joseph Swedish, CEO of Anthem; Jeff Smulyan, CEO of Emmis Communications; Dan Evans, CEO of Indiana University Health; Jack Phillips, CEO of Roche Diagnostics; John Lechleiter, CEO of Eli Lilly and Co.; and Tim Hassinger, CEO of Dow AgroSciences.

These are some of the largest employers in the state. You have also had calls from several Universities (IU, Butler, DePauw, and a quieter non political statement from Purdue (where Mitch Daniels is Pres)

I can not recall a situation like this happening before.
Just because somebody says something (CEOS or whoever), doesn't mean it's correct.

Indiana Lawmakers Admit “No Gays” Signs Will be Allowed

Pence tried to claim his critics didn't understand the law, but that blew up in his face when, during a press conference, the House Speaker and the Senate…
So what's the matter with having a "No Gays" sign ? Looks appropriate to me (under some circumstances), except for the word "Gay", which is a misnomer. "Queer" is a more fitting and correct description, and entirely accepted by homosexuals. "Homos" is correct as well (simply a contraction of the word homosexual).
Just because somebody says something (CEOS or whoever), doesn't mean it's correct.

Case in point:

1. Homosexuality is abnormal. That is a FACT, not an opinion. The animal kingdom (including humans) is designed for having sex > HETEROSEXUAL sex. Ignoring the design of nature, and bypassing the body parts' normal design, is one of the most perverted things anyone can ever do. It is the actions of sickos.
Statistics on child molestation:

This site says 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys reports being sexually abused as a child:

Child Sexual Abuse Statistics

This one says 1 in 7 girls and 1 in 25 boys are sexually abused:

Child Sexual Abuse Statistics - Darkness to Light

The US Department of Justice says that 82% of all juvenile sexual abuse victims are female:

Request Rejected

This one says that 75% of child sexual abuse victims are girls:

Who are the Victims RAINN Rape Abuse and Incest National Network

So tell me again how boys are being abused more than girls.

Thanatos - this is yet another thread where you come in so sure of yourself and get blown out of the water. You have no clue about how things are in the real world.
Surely the Indiana business community is loudly cheering its new found license to discriminate, right?
Our @MThompsonCNBC is looking for Indiana co's actively supporting #indianabill. None have spoken up -- yet.


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