Got my "Obama phone"?? Program started under Reagan, expanded by W. Bush! Oops.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
So all the right wing talk shows keep playing the clip of the disgusting fat bitch talking about "Got my Obama phone". Of course, its the perfect image. A black, poor, female boasting about her "Obamaphone" she got for free.

Well, it was given to her under the federal program LifeLine. Each phone has 250 free minutes per month. This story is being covered locally on The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment, where the Obamaphones were handed out yesterday in the ghetto side of town out of a minivan only for the poor.

And the right wingers have gone ballistic of course. Obama phones, on their tax dime. Not only was Benghazi bad enough (YES BENGHAZI BENGHAZI NEVER GIVE IT UP!!), but now he is giving out Obamaphones to all the poor.

The only problem with that talking point? Project LifeLine was founded by the Feds in 1985, as a subsidy for landlines, under President Reagan. It was expanded in 2005, under George W Bush, to cell phones, aka, "Obamaphones".

OOOOPS!!! Facts suck dont they!
Obama Phone

Regan and bush called thier program obama phone and set up the obama website?

You are an idiot, please stay out of traffic.

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No, they didnt. They called it LifeLine. Started by Regan. Expanded by Bush. Blamed on Obama.

Right wing lies at their best.
Obama Phone

Regan and bush called thier program obama phone and set up the obama website?

You are an idiot, please stay out of traffic.


You think Obama set that site up and you are calling OTHER people idiots?


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Surely everyone knows who started this BS. It is such a big deal because he is the welfare king. nothing more
But, if there are dumbasses calling it the Obama Phone Program, and convincing dumb ass lazy people that the "Obamaphone" program is an Obama program, they are dumbasses too.

But the program is LifeLine. Started by Reagan. Expanded by Bush.

Dont remember people showing clips of poor people getting free phones under Bush and bitching about it.
But, if there are dumbasses calling it the Obama Phone Program, and convincing dumb ass lazy people that the "Obamaphone" program is an Obama program, they are dumbasses too.

But the program is LifeLine. Started by Reagan. Expanded by Bush.

Dont remember people showing clips of poor people getting free phones under Bush and bitching about it.

Most dumbass lazy people are dumbasses lol
Well.. news to me that Reagan or Bush or W Bush were proclaimed by the right as perfect.. each made some poor decisions, poor compromises, etc... Does not take away from the fact that there should be no entitlement of a free phone
Surely everyone knows who started this BS. It is such a big deal because he is the welfare king. nothing more


Giving poor black people free phones under Bush? Fine.
Giving poor black people free phones under Obama? BIG DEAL!!!!

Whats the difference?
Its funny how many right wingers are completely caught off guard by this, the fact that the Obamaphone program is actually a program started by Reagan, expanded by Bush...........and JUST NOW sparking outrage since it continues under Obama.
Its funny how many right wingers are completely caught off guard by this, the fact that the Obamaphone program is actually a program started by Reagan, expanded by Bush...........and JUST NOW sparking outrage since it continues under Obama.

If they dont know that, they are idiots. The people that know he didnt start it still find the banter humerous because he is the welfare king. You know, political humor
Well.. news to me that Reagan or Bush or W Bush were proclaimed by the right as perfect.. each made some poor decisions, poor compromises, etc... Does not take away from the fact that there should be no entitlement of a free phone

The point is that the rubes were not programmed to make a big deal over these cell phones and post a video of a black woman and her phone far and wide until a Democrat was in the White House.

It not only smacks of intellectual desolation and hypocrisy, the frenetic propagation of the black woman video smacks of a racist motivation behind the mouth breathers' faux outrage.

The "ObamaPhone" and all the attendant bullshit rhetoric about Obama-as-Santa serves as a means to deflect attention away from the Republicans' own spending binge when they had all the reins of power in their hands.

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Obama Phone

Regan and bush called thier program obama phone and set up the obama website?

You are an idiot, please stay out of traffic.


You think Obama set that site up and you are calling OTHER people idiots?



No dip shit, he took it over and enlarged it, like has has every other entitlement program. he also likes to take credit for other people work.
Surely everyone knows who started this BS. It is such a big deal because he is the welfare king. nothing more


Giving poor black people free phones under Bush? Fine.
Giving poor black people free phones under Obama? BIG DEAL!!!!

Whats the difference?

Did I say there was a difference?

Yeah. You said "it is such a big deal BECAUSE HE....". You implied a difference. That it is a big deal (now) "beacause he is...." fill in the description. It wasn't a big deal in 2005, when Bush expanded it. Or 85 when Reagan founded it.

For 27 fucking years we never heard people bitch about this. But that we have a video of some dumbass black chick praising her Obamaphone, and we cant get anything else to stick to the Prez, now its a big deal.
Obama Phone

Regan and bush called thier program obama phone and set up the obama website?

You are an idiot, please stay out of traffic.


You think Obama set that site up and you are calling OTHER people idiots?



No dip shit, he took it over and enlarged it, like has has every other entitlement program. he also likes to take credit for other people work.

"...and set up the obama website".


But.....Bush also took it over and enlarged it in 2005.

I dont think Obama enlarged it, as much as he just made people aware of it. Saying "Hey, all you poor people, who need a job, if you dont have a phone, you aint getting a job".

Now, should the govt have to do that? No. But thats where we are. Hey, sometimes football coaches have to cover basic tackling 101 in the NFL. Shouldnt have to, but sometimes thats just where you are.

So, they are made aware, told "heres your phone, now go get a job".

Anyway....if you hate this program, blame Reagan. He started it.

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