Got birds?


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
We have two Robin nests this year. One one the front porch and one on the back porch. The one on the back porch is on top of a photocell light. Sort of a built in incubator. There are three baby birds in that one.

The one out front has a parent that flies away every time we go near the door. I'm surprised these guys made it. Got three in that one too.

I'm wondering if the cool wet spring has anything to do with the population explosion. Birds like global cooling here.
Our cat Daisy (see pet thread on her current issue) likes to have me open the door every morning and take a little look around. The robin is pretty excited about that whole situation. Yep, the sun is up about 5am these days and the robins are happy to tell you about it. I live in an old house and the walls are quite thick. Most outside noises stay outside.
I was wondering if Daisy was liking the birds or not.

My kitty would be waiting in ambush to eat em....but I still love her
Daisy is in a tuna phase right now. She has managed to kill a bat and a half dozen mice or so over the years. She is attracted to the movement of boids and makes a starnge mouth movement when observing them out the window.
I love the birds saveliberty.

This season we've been hearing some new birds in the woods behind my house. I haven't seen any new as of yet, but just yesterday I saw the most beautiful red cardinal. I'm telling you ... it was the reddest one I've ever seen. It was just beautiful!

Inside my two Society Finches are parenting three newly hatched babies. They are so tiny and so cute!

The birds that drive me crazy are the damn crows! I swear, they hang out in my back yard and CAW as loud as they can during the early hours of the morning. It's times like that when I wished I had a BB gun or a sling shot.


I love the birds saveliberty.

This season we've been hearing some new birds in the woods behind my house. I haven't seen any new as of yet, but just yesterday I saw the most beautiful red cardinal. I'm telling you ... it was the reddest one I've ever seen. It was just beautiful!

Inside my two Society Finches are parenting three newly hatched babies. They are so tiny and so cute!

The birds that drive me crazy are the damn crows! I swear, they hang out in my back yard and CAW as loud as they can during the early hours of the morning. It's times like that when I wished I had a BB gun or a sling shot.

You'd love where I live! Cardinals, bluebirds (which I hadn't seen in years until I moved here), yellow birds that I can't identify, robins, wrens ... and then there are the crows. Those damned things are big as chickens.

While I don't own any birds I have certainly supplied my share of homes for them this year - they seem to have taken to my copra lined planters and disassembled them shred by shred.
I love the birds saveliberty.

This season we've been hearing some new birds in the woods behind my house. I haven't seen any new as of yet, but just yesterday I saw the most beautiful red cardinal. I'm telling you ... it was the reddest one I've ever seen. It was just beautiful!

Inside my two Society Finches are parenting three newly hatched babies. They are so tiny and so cute!

The birds that drive me crazy are the damn crows! I swear, they hang out in my back yard and CAW as loud as they can during the early hours of the morning. It's times like that when I wished I had a BB gun or a sling shot.

You'd love where I live! Cardinals, bluebirds (which I hadn't seen in years until I moved here), yellow birds that I can't identify, robins, wrens ... and then there are the crows. Those damned things are big as chickens.

While I don't own any birds I have certainly supplied my share of homes for them this year - they seem to have taken to my copra lined planters and disassembled them shred by shred.
My co-worker just informed me that crows are one of the smartest birds. Pft. I can't stand 'em!

We have Titmice and Chickadees at our bird feeder several times through out the day. The Bluejays are their usual loud annoying selves. I'm not sure what the yellow birds are, but we have them as well. Along with morning doves. Cooooo Cooooo Cooooo.
We've had tree swallows and blue birds nest in our boxes every year . . . except this year. :( I really ,really miss the tree swallows. I've put out some bird feeders and we get all kinds of birds . . . finches, black birds, black birds with brown heads, black birds with pretty orange/yellow/red on the upper part of their wings, mocking birds, sparrows :mad:, blue jays, and robins. The robins only eat bugs/worms as far as I can tell. And they poop a lot, on everything, even the babies that haven't quite figured out how to fly yet. Like this little guy who was around for a week or so. The dog loves to gobble the awkward baby robbins, have to keep a close eye on her.


I've been feeding outdoor birds regularly for the past three years. The feathered little freeloaders aren't even scared of me anymore. :lol:
I love watching 'em though, so its a fair trade.

We found a baby on the ground three summer's ago.. and after waiting around on mom and dad to show back up, ended up taking him in. He was barely feathered and it had been the first year we'd noticed house sparrows nesting in the yard. Sometimes, they'll tip nests for nesting space, so we figured that was the case as he was younger than a fledgling.

We were REALLY lucky, figuring that this little guy was a sparrow but unable to find any good bugs or worms, we whipped up and impromptu bird food... one part dog food, one part wheat germ, one part baby cereal, and about a third of one part sesame seeds, all of which we ground with mortar and pestle and then added just enough water to make a paste. And this, we offered on a dropper which he took readily, if rather messily.

Turns out... after a few weeks and the feathers were coming in better, it was a baby Goldfinch. We might have accidentally killed him on bugs. Goldfinches are primarily seed-eaters who regurgitate food to their young.

Anyway, once he had about a half-inch of tail feathers we hung him out in a cage under a tree and put in a thistle feeder nearby. Eventually, the other goldies got used to him, and one day, a male landed on the cage, chest to chest with him... so we opened the door. In goldies, the daddy birds take care of the young fledglings, feeding and training until they can do for themselves. They will adopt a youngster when needed, and who knows?... that could have been the natural daddy bird for all we could tell.

End of the story, our little orphan went back to baby-bird school and was rehabbed out of doors by a professional daddy bird. And he's still living out there now, overwintering with his small flock. He greets me nearly every day and it amuses him, I think, to show his buds how well he's trained the local humans to "talk". :lol:
They're all getting a free meal out of me too, since I've never had the heart to stop feeding him and if the food's not plentiful, I worry that he'll get crowded out.

We've got robins that we keep a small outdoor cage for, so when we find them we can get them off the ground and keep the dogs from eating them. I've given up looking to put them back in their own nests. I had one last year with a clubbed foot that its mom fed for an additional ten days before he could get out on his own. I leave the top off and figure if they're big enough to get out... they're big enough to go. And its not true that birds won't feed their young if you touch them, so I cleaned the cage twice a day while she squawked indignantly nearby.

We've got goldfinches, purple finches, hummingbirds, cardinals, jays, robins, woodpeckers, nuthatch, chickadee, titmouse, grass sparrows, wrens, juncos in the winter, all manner of blackbirds and crows, much to my disgust. Every now and then we'll see a brown thrasher or a mockingbird, but the catbirds have called territory here and they don't settle long. We've got a local Cooper's hawk who makes occasional dives at the feeders, coming up short since I've got them put in canny-like. :eusa_whistle:
We've even seen a large owl or two. And as a by-product of plentiful seeds lying about and a large oak tree... the squirrels and chipmunks are thriving to the point where their fat asses barely bother to scamper when they see us in the yard. They're great window entertainment for the cats though, and smaller rodents who manage their way indoors don't last long after all that pent-up feline frustration.

Anyway, have fun watching your little robins. I had a nest of Carolina wrens in my smoker last spring and couldn't use it for a month and a half, but the trade-off when birds get into your junk is observing them closely in a way you couldn't in the wild. Robins are fiercely dedicated parents, so you shouldn't have too much work to do. But if they get to be a real problem, feel free to relocate them. They shouldn't stop tending their babies unless they're physically prevented from it.
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Three babies on the back porch and three on the front. Feathers are coming in nicely.

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