Gop’s obsession with tax cuts


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

GOP don’t want to let the tax cut for the wealthy and big corporation to expire as Bush had intended for them to do and it’s no wonder Bush is being quiet. GOP don’t know the difference between letting tax cuts expire and to back to previous rate from tax raises.

Tax cuts for big corporations that take their business over seas and creating jobs over seas, as well as off shore accounts and big corporation that pay no taxes should be taxed to the max. but GOP will not kick these out of their beds. They prefer to throw seniors, children, poor and disabled and students under the bus. Their own parents and children just to see Obama fail.

Obama need to let the GOP know that it is not their way or the highway and that he is the Boss with a capitol B and he has the final word and let the chips fall as they may.

Obama has compromised and agreed to cuts to Society Security, Medicare, Medicaid and defense and it’s time for GOP to get over their superiority complex and compromise, let the tax cut expire and tax those who don’t pay any taxes at all. Those free loading pals of theirs.

To balance the budget and pay down the deficit we all need to all pitch in and make sacrifices. Let the tax cut expire, tax those who don’t pay any taxes, tax off shore accounts and those that take jobs overseas and cut spending. That’s a compromise that will work.

GOP don’t want to let the tax cut for the wealthy and big corporation to expire as Bush had intended for them to do and it’s no wonder Bush is being quiet. GOP don’t know the difference between letting tax cuts expire and to back to previous rate from tax raises.

Tax cuts for big corporations that take their business over seas and creating jobs over seas, as well as off shore accounts and big corporation that pay no taxes should be taxed to the max. but GOP will not kick these out of their beds. They prefer to throw seniors, children, poor and disabled and students under the bus. Their own parents and children just to see Obama fail.

Obama need to let the GOP know that it is not their way or the highway and that he is the Boss with a capitol B and he has the final word and let the chips fall as they may.
Obama has compromised and agreed to cuts to Society Security, Medicare, Medicaid and defense and it’s time for GOP to get over their superiority complex and compromise, let the tax cut expire and tax those who don’t pay any taxes at all. Those free loading pals of theirs.

To balance the budget and pay down the deficit we all need to all pitch in and make sacrifices. Let the tax cut expire, tax those who don’t pay any taxes, tax off shore accounts and those that take jobs overseas and cut spending. That’s a compromise that will work.

Easier solution than that.

TARIFFS on good manufactured outside of the USA that are now imported but that could be manufactured here.

Pretty simply, huh?

You'd be surprised how rapidly those corporations that are now taking advantage of cheap labor there, while selling here, would migrate their plants right back into the USA JUST to capture the US market again.

Or, if they prefer to continue to manufacture there, the tariffs on the goods they import would do much to solve our current revenue crises.

There's plenty of cash available for investment in the USA, but there's no way big capital is going to build here UNLESS THEY HAVE AN INCENTIVE TO DO SO.

TARIFFS are that incentive
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