GOP Official Exposes Truth About Dems Using Vaccine To Track People


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Don Wagner, a Republican official in California, got openly laughed at Tuesday when he asked during a meeting whether COVID-19 vaccines have tracking devices in them. The Orange County Board of Supervisors member asked, Does it track — is there any intention of tracking folks?” Wagner doubled down and asked Orange County Health Care Agency Director Dr. Clayton Chau, "Is there any — in the vaccine — we heard about the injection of a tracking device. Is that being done anywhere in Orange County?” That’s when Chau openly chuckled at the lawmaker and said, “I’m sorry. I just have to compose myself. There is not a vaccine with a tracking device embedded in it that I know of that exists in the world. Period.”

Naturally, the clip took off on Twitter, where users joined in Chau’s mirth and disbelief that Wagner seriously wondered if the millions of vaccinated Americans might have opened themselves up to some kind of tracking -- Earlier in April, Wagner himself tweeted that he’d received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. He thanked Orange County health officials, including Dr. Chau, for helping him get inoculated. He did not mention any concerns that he was being tracked at that time."

Notice how when Mr. Wagner confronted that chink doctor about them using the vaccine to implant tracking devices in people, he laughed?? He laughed because he was caught and tried to lie his way out of it...Obviously this doctor knew the jig was up and Wagner was on to him....Yea, Don Wagner may look like a dumb ass since he not only received a COVID vaccine; but received that vaccine from the ACTUAL doctor he was questioning.....but that was because Wagner was doing a sting operation and thus went undercover as a patient to expose the Dems' evil plan.
I nominate you to be aide de camp to the leader of the Trump Cult.! With your skillful assistance Scumpty would be a shoo in for the Presidency in 2024. Bigly!!!
The chinks are sneaky bastards - it has been their culture since the days of the Fu Manchu regime. Does this Wagner character expect to get a truthful answer to an honest question ?


"Don Wagner, a Republican official in California, got openly laughed at Tuesday when he asked during a meeting whether COVID-19 vaccines have tracking devices in them. The Orange County Board of Supervisors member asked, Does it track — is there any intention of tracking folks?” Wagner doubled down and asked Orange County Health Care Agency Director Dr. Clayton Chau, "Is there any — in the vaccine — we heard about the injection of a tracking device. Is that being done anywhere in Orange County?” That’s when Chau openly chuckled at the lawmaker and said, “I’m sorry. I just have to compose myself. There is not a vaccine with a tracking device embedded in it that I know of that exists in the world. Period.”

Naturally, the clip took off on Twitter, where users joined in Chau’s mirth and disbelief that Wagner seriously wondered if the millions of vaccinated Americans might have opened themselves up to some kind of tracking -- Earlier in April, Wagner himself tweeted that he’d received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. He thanked Orange County health officials, including Dr. Chau, for helping him get inoculated. He did not mention any concerns that he was being tracked at that time."

Notice how when Mr. Wagner confronted that chink doctor about them using the vaccine to implant tracking devices in people, he laughed?? He laughed because he was caught and tried to lie his way out of it...Obviously this doctor knew the jig was up and Wagner was on to him....Yea, Don Wagner may look like a dumb ass since he not only received a COVID vaccine; but received that vaccine from the ACTUAL doctor he was questioning.....but that was because Wagner was doing a sting operation and thus went undercover as a patient to expose the Dems' evil plan.
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Why would he be openly laughed at? Just because he was worried about Borg nanoprobes being able to track him? Now, if he was REALLY paranoid, he be worried about being assimilated into the Democratic collective.
Biden announced yesterday [?] that fully vaccinated people do not need masks in small outdoor gatherings. The CDC states the same thing.
Find the issue yet?
In most states, they still have a mask mandate [I am happy not to live in one of those states].In order to prove that you have been fully vaccinated and not be arrested, you will have to have some kind of proof.
Vaccine Passport.
You are not required to provide proof while in public that you have had a measles shot. You aren't allowed by HIPAA law that you have to provide information about your last Polio vaccination records while walking your dog at the local dog park. The ONLY people that I will give ANY of my medication information to would be my doctor/hospital.
There are a lot of articles trying to state that a vaccine password doesn't violate HIPAA but it really, really does. Just dig into what they have to say about it. HIPAA protects individuals concerning their health information being shared without consent. The thing that she suggest that it doesn't violate the law is 'without my consent'. By getting a vaccine passport, I would be giving away my consent to anyone that wants to see the passport.
No, they can't track you from the Vaccine itself but yes, they can track you with a vaccine passport whenever you show it to someone else and they enter the information. That information will be entered into a computer and be tracked

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