GOP: Obama will start a halocaust against Jews


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
AP News
Oct 25, 2008 21:23 EST
Pennsylvania Republicans are disavowing an e-mail sent to Jewish voters that likens a vote for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama to events that led up to the Holocaust.

"Jewish Americans cannot afford to make the wrong decision on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008," the e-mail reads. "Many of our ancestors ignored the warning signs in the 1930s and 1940s and made a tragic mistake. Let's not make a similar one this year!"
A copy of the e-mail, provided by Democratic officials, says it was "Paid for by the Republican Federal Committee of PA - Victory 2008."
TPM: News Pages | Talking Points Memo |
Rav, you know better than to use a non-MSM source around here.
I'm going to call BS on this. If they would've sent it out to Jewish voters, we would've seen the E-Mail by now.
I thought he was talking about Obama forcing jews to pay more for the video game Halo.

That would be unfair.
I saw this go across the ticker this morning on CNN and was just disgusted. Is there really NO low that the GOP won't sink to? even if it's an affiliated state party it's still representative of the GOP and there "whatever it takes" attitude.

IMO McCain and Palin set the tone for this election when they went off the issues and started focusing on character once they realized they couldn't beat Obama any other way.

It's a symptom of a bigger issue and IMO should be actionable by the courts. NEITHER party should be allowed to use these tactics of fear to intimidate voters.

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