GOP kicks can down the road once again.

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
The Republican leadership will once again kick the can down the road in an effort to keep the economy slowed by uncertainty. The 'leadership' (lol) of Boehner/Cantor will vote to raise the debt ceiling for three months only, making sure they can't be blamed for a new recession, and of course, the president cannot be praised for ending the malaise which has continued as a result of the policy of "No" by the Republican Party.
The Republican leadership will once again kick the can down the road in an effort to keep the economy slowed by uncertainty. The 'leadership' (lol) of Boehner/Cantor will vote to raise the debt ceiling for three months only, making sure they can't be blamed for a new recession, and of course, the president cannot be praised for ending the malaise which has continued as a result of the policy of "No" by the Republican Party.

Considering the Democrats punt the can 20-30 years into the future every 5 years or so, 3 months seems kind of trivial.
Bohner is incompetent, and so is Reid.

These "lets try again in a few months" postponements are the worst thing they could do to our economy. They are both petty, partisan hacks. If the president owned a pair, he would lay it out for the American people and make it clear that band-aids are worse than anything else and not acceptable.

Washington is filled with cowards who are too concerned with partisanship, approval ratings, and being reelected to care about actually doing their job.
Republicans kicked the can down the road? Fool, the media at the direction of your Messiah and America wants its cake, and the GOP is going to let them have just what they want. America is unwilling to cut spending, for the most part the majority are financially and economically incompetent. What part of broke do you not grasp. A country without a budget is a ship without a rudder, the reason your bud on the hill has not submitted one for 4 years is because it would scare the shit out of the foreign investors holding our debt. I imagine when you were a kid you jumped up and down and threw a tantrum every time your parents said NO. American's do not have the guts to face reality.
The GOP is demanding spending cuts before they allow the debt ceiling to be raised once again.

Obama campaigned on a "balanced" approach to deficit reduction. He just got $41 in tax increases to every dollar in spending cuts in the fiscal cliff when do the rest of his cuts in spending come?

The ball is in your court, Mr. President. You campaigned on it. Now follow through on your promises.
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The Republican leadership will once again kick the can down the road in an effort to keep the economy slowed by uncertainty. The 'leadership' (lol) of Boehner/Cantor will vote to raise the debt ceiling for three months only, making sure they can't be blamed for a new recession, and of course, the president cannot be praised for ending the malaise which has continued as a result of the policy of "No" by the Republican Party.

Considering the Democrats punt the can 20-30 years into the future every 5 years or so, 3 months seems kind of trivial.

It seems you miss the point. For months now we have been hearing that "uncertainty" is preventing business and industry from hiring, borrowing and expanding. Are all those reports wrong and the malaise is simply, in the 'sage'*** words of Sniper Fire, true that, "The economy is finished until the clear and present danger of the Obama Regime is no more"?

If so, let us know what policy(s) change is necessary for recovery (please try to be specific, cuting taxes, government and regulations has become hackneyed and unelightened without specifics).

***in case some miss the ' ' please be advised sarcasm was in place.,
The GOP is demanding spending cuts before they allow the debt ceiling to be raised once again.

Obama campaigned on a "balanced" approach to deficit reduction. He just got $41 in tax increases to every dollar in spending cuts in the fiscal cliff when do the rest of his cuts in spending come?

The ball is in your court, Mr. President. You campaigned on it. Now follow through on your promises.

Obama has already cut over two trillion in spending, the GOP hasn't done jack shit until Obama finally dragged them kicking and screaming during the fiscal cliff to restore the tax rates on those making over 400,000 a year.

The GOP needs to pitch in their share of cuts, but as we all know, they will do everything they can to defend their insane spending to their corporate cronies.
The Republican leadership will once again kick the can down the road in an effort to keep the economy slowed by uncertainty. The 'leadership' (lol) of Boehner/Cantor will vote to raise the debt ceiling for three months only, making sure they can't be blamed for a new recession, and of course, the president cannot be praised for ending the malaise which has continued as a result of the policy of "No" by the Republican Party.

Considering the Democrats punt the can 20-30 years into the future every 5 years or so, 3 months seems kind of trivial.

It seems you miss the point. For months now we have been hearing that "uncertainty" is preventing business and industry from hiring, borrowing and expanding. Are all those reports wrong and the malaise is simply, in the 'sage'*** words of Sniper Fire, true that, "The economy is finished until the clear and present danger of the Obama Regime is no more"?

If so, let us know what policy(s) change is necessary for recovery (please try to be specific, cuting taxes, government and regulations has become hackneyed and unelightened without specifics).

***in case some miss the ' ' please be advised sarcasm was in place.,

No, you miss the point. Arguing about a 3 month delay in a current unbalanced budget when we have decades of debt to take care of is like arguing about fixing a leaking facuet on the Titanic when it is sinking.
Well hold on,'s the policies and agenda of this Administration that in large part CAUSES the uncertainty. To be blunt, the private sector distrusts this President because it feels that unless you are a "green energy" company he doesn't have your best interests at heart.
The GOP is demanding spending cuts before they allow the debt ceiling to be raised once again.

Obama campaigned on a "balanced" approach to deficit reduction. He just got $41 in tax increases to every dollar in spending cuts in the fiscal cliff when do the rest of his cuts in spending come?

The ball is in your court, Mr. President. You campaigned on it. Now follow through on your promises.

Obama has already cut over two trillion in spending, the GOP hasn't done jack shit until Obama finally dragged them kicking and screaming during the fiscal cliff to restore the tax rates on those making over 400,000 a year.

The GOP needs to pitch in their share of cuts, but as we all know, they will do everything they can to defend their insane spending to their corporate cronies.

Obama has cut two trillion in spending? Now THAT is amusing. Let me're one of those folks that believes that if I was asking for 100 billion in spending increases but settled for 90 billion that I've "cut spending" by 10 billion? Too funny...
The GOP is demanding spending cuts before they allow the debt ceiling to be raised once again.

Obama campaigned on a "balanced" approach to deficit reduction. He just got $41 in tax increases to every dollar in spending cuts in the fiscal cliff when do the rest of his cuts in spending come?

The ball is in your court, Mr. President. You campaigned on it. Now follow through on your promises.

The GOP 'Plan'

House Republicans Cave on Debt Ceiling Brinkmanship |
The GOP is demanding spending cuts before they allow the debt ceiling to be raised once again.

Obama campaigned on a "balanced" approach to deficit reduction. He just got $41 in tax increases to every dollar in spending cuts in the fiscal cliff when do the rest of his cuts in spending come?

The ball is in your court, Mr. President. You campaigned on it. Now follow through on your promises.

The GOP 'Plan'

House Republicans Cave on Debt Ceiling Brinkmanship |

I ask again, Wry...where are the spending cuts that Barack Obama has promised?
Well hold on,'s the policies and agenda of this Administration that in large part CAUSES the uncertainty. To be blunt, the private sector distrusts this President because it feels that unless you are a "green energy" company he doesn't have your best interests at heart.

Green energy is the future, maybe not today but clearly in the future. Simply look at the investments being made by the oil companies, car companies and local government. In my community every school parking lot is now covered by solar panels, emergency call boxes are charged by solar and pools are hated by solar panels on the roof, no longer by natural gas.

Why would this president or any president continue to provide energy companies the governments largess when they are showing multi-billion dollar profits? I suggest you find a copy of Dec. 24, 2012 "Forbes" and read the article "Inside the Koch Empire".
The GOP is demanding spending cuts before they allow the debt ceiling to be raised once again.

Obama campaigned on a "balanced" approach to deficit reduction. He just got $41 in tax increases to every dollar in spending cuts in the fiscal cliff when do the rest of his cuts in spending come?

The ball is in your court, Mr. President. You campaigned on it. Now follow through on your promises.

Obama has already cut over two trillion in spending, the GOP hasn't done jack shit until Obama finally dragged them kicking and screaming during the fiscal cliff to restore the tax rates on those making over 400,000 a year.

The GOP needs to pitch in their share of cuts, but as we all know, they will do everything they can to defend their insane spending to their corporate cronies.

The President has cut spending by 2 trillion?:lol::lol::lol: If you call winding down a war cutting spending then apparently your toast. Maybe you should spend some time reviewing the congressional budget office reports as it regards his claims.
The GOP is demanding spending cuts before they allow the debt ceiling to be raised once again.

Obama campaigned on a "balanced" approach to deficit reduction. He just got $41 in tax increases to every dollar in spending cuts in the fiscal cliff when do the rest of his cuts in spending come?

The ball is in your court, Mr. President. You campaigned on it. Now follow through on your promises.

Obama has already cut over two trillion in spending, the GOP hasn't done jack shit until Obama finally dragged them kicking and screaming during the fiscal cliff to restore the tax rates on those making over 400,000 a year.

The GOP needs to pitch in their share of cuts, but as we all know, they will do everything they can to defend their insane spending to their corporate cronies.

The President has cut spending by 2 trillion?:lol::lol::lol: If you call winding down a war cutting spending then apparently your toast. Maybe you should spend some time reviewing the congressional budget office reports as it regards his claims.

How stupid are you? Since you are a radical right wing troll, you are the dumbest of the dumb.
The Republican leadership will once again kick the can down the road in an effort to keep the economy slowed by uncertainty. The 'leadership' (lol) of Boehner/Cantor will vote to raise the debt ceiling for three months only, making sure they can't be blamed for a new recession, and of course, the president cannot be praised for ending the malaise which has continued as a result of the policy of "No" by the Republican Party.

more HuffPo stuff?

Where are REid and OBama in this, afterall they control 2/3 of the government.......funny how you guys focus on the house....

Has the senate passed a budget yet......just the senate?
Obama has already cut over two trillion in spending, the GOP hasn't done jack shit until Obama finally dragged them kicking and screaming during the fiscal cliff to restore the tax rates on those making over 400,000 a year.

The GOP needs to pitch in their share of cuts, but as we all know, they will do everything they can to defend their insane spending to their corporate cronies.

The President has cut spending by 2 trillion?:lol::lol::lol: If you call winding down a war cutting spending then apparently your toast. Maybe you should spend some time reviewing the congressional budget office reports as it regards his claims.

How stupid are you? Since you are a radical right wing troll, you are the dumbest of the dumb.

he cant be as stupid as you....cutting spending is spending less one year than the to show us that information?
The Republican leadership will once again kick the can down the road in an effort to keep the economy slowed by uncertainty. The 'leadership' (lol) of Boehner/Cantor will vote to raise the debt ceiling for three months only, making sure they can't be blamed for a new recession, and of course, the president cannot be praised for ending the malaise which has continued as a result of the policy of "No" by the Republican Party.

Yup, it's the GOPs fault for not toeing the line and for having dissenting opinions....... I propose we all go with the one party system, no dissension, and everybody lives happily ever after........... It worked for the Soviet Union didn't it? :rolleyes:

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