GOP introduces "Duck, Dodge, and Dismantle"

No one argues that the debt needs to be addressed. But it will not be eliminated on the backs of the poor. While the wealthy enjoy the lowest tax rate ever, and millionaires get away without paying any taxes, due to loopholes, the GOP wants to cut, and eventually eliminate medicare. They basically would like all the poor people to go away. That would make more room for their constinuents, the rich. I mean, that IS where most of their campaign dollars come.

Yeah Jim -- It's that 2% demographic that keeps the Repubs filling seats in Congress. Including Ted Kennedy's.. You keep telling yourself that..

And how exactly would the poor eliminate the debt? I thought the glorious thingy about Soc Sec and Medicare was that it's UNIVERSAL.. EVERYONE's a winner.. Except now maybe for means testing and forcing "the rich" to pick up the bill. Starts looking a little more like welfare don't it??

ACTUALLY, we could raise about $60Bill a year just by asking that 49% that pays NO Income tax to just kick in about $25 a month.. It's not the AMOUNT that's important. It's just the "sharing of the burden" part. A token amount to back up their support for all these Green Subsidies, and Libyan non-wars, and progressive shit that they demand..

Maybe if they paid SOMETHING -- they'd pay attention when Congress is robbing them of $2TRILL in excess Social Security payroll taxes next time....

Oh yeah, yuo mean how W robbed Social Security to fight his war in Iraq. Never before in US history has the wealthy of this country received a tax cut while we began two wars. That is exactly how we got into this fix. I said it when W pushed the tax cuts through and I say it now. Recovering alcoholics should never be elected president.

Well that theft began in the 80's so obviously it was a Bi-Partisian heist.. But rescinding the Bush tax cuts don't get you revenues from MOST of the rich. Because folks like those hated "fund mgrs", trust fund babies, and day traders are not gonna pay a penny more if you raise the top brackets back to before "Bush". Like Warren Buffet and his infamous 17.7% effective rate -- it's all capital gains. NOT income. Learn a little bit about what you're asking for. And spend less time bitching about former Presidents.. Makes the left look stupid when they whine and nag about the wrong tax tool to accomplish their "fairness" or balance the budget.

And why shouldn't EVERY worker in the US contribute SOMETHING token to budget crisis?
Do the math.. $250/yr from 80Mill workers currently paying NO income taxes == $20Bill.

That's less than what it costs to keep a cat.. But it's a LOT of "free" statin drugs ain't it?

Think they might pay more attention to massive thefts of budget dollars when they have SOME skin in the game? Maybe get more serious about bombing Libya? Ethanol subsidies?
No one argues that the debt needs to be addressed. But it will not be eliminated on the backs of the poor. While the wealthy enjoy the lowest tax rate ever, and millionaires get away without paying any taxes, due to loopholes, the GOP wants to cut, and eventually eliminate medicare. They basically would like all the poor people to go away. That would make more room for their constinuents, the rich. I mean, that IS where most of their campaign dollars come.

Are you high?

1. The obama plan to save medicare is to cut the payments to the providers to preserve the program. Right now, they are 30% below market. How much more below market do you think they will accept before they just stop treating Medicare patients?
2.. On the backs of the poor? Most of the poor would like to have a job. With the Big 0 running things, there will never be jobs for the poor to get. The key to helping the poor is not in giving them some cash. It's in giving them a way to earn cash.
3. All of the tax rates were lowered when the tax rates were lowered. Why do you only recall the ones for the rich?

If you refuse to see the world as it is and only as you puppeteers would have you see it, you will never see the path to a real solution.
No one argues that the debt needs to be addressed. But it will not be eliminated on the backs of the poor. While the wealthy enjoy the lowest tax rate ever, and millionaires get away without paying any taxes, due to loopholes, the GOP wants to cut, and eventually eliminate medicare. They basically would like all the poor people to go away. That would make more room for their constinuents, the rich. I mean, that IS where most of their campaign dollars come.

Are you high?

1. The obama plan to save medicare is to cut the payments to the providers to preserve the program. Right now, they are 30% below market. How much more below market do you think they will accept before they just stop treating Medicare patients?
2.. On the backs of the poor? Most of the poor would like to have a job. With the Big 0 running things, there will never be jobs for the poor to get. The key to helping the poor is not in giving them some cash. It's in giving them a way to earn cash.
3. All of the tax rates were lowered when the tax rates were lowered. Why do you only recall the ones for the rich?

If you refuse to see the world as it is and only as you puppeteers would have you see it, you will never see the path to a real solution.

One other point I'd like to make. Boeing spent $1-billion building a new facility in SC. The dems won't let Boeing build planes there!! Boeing has contracts that it can't fill with its new facility, and new labor. Tell us why companies should build factories in the US instead of overseas? Its insanity headed for bankruptcy.
I think it's "Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive,......and Dodge"​

[ame=]‪The 5 D's of Dodgeball‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

An in Espanol​

[ame=]‪Dodgeball‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
No one argues that the debt needs to be addressed. But it will not be eliminated on the backs of the poor. While the wealthy enjoy the lowest tax rate ever, and millionaires get away without paying any taxes, due to loopholes, the GOP wants to cut, and eventually eliminate medicare. They basically would like all the poor people to go away. That would make more room for their constinuents, the rich. I mean, that IS where most of their campaign dollars come.

wealthy enjoy the lowest tax rate ever
Ever? You need to recheck your math.
In 1988, the top rate was 28%.
In 1913, the top rate was 7%.

Well we do have a former impeached president advocating Obama just pass the damn debt limit...:cuckoo:

Former Democratic President Bill Clinton has come out swinging at Congress, telling The National Memo’s Joe Conason that he would take decisive action if no debt deal is reached by the August 2 deadline. Clinton says that if he were in Obama’s situation, he’d invoke the Fourteenth Amendment to raise America’s debt ceiling “without hesitation, and force the courts to stop me.”

More: Bill Clinton Congress President Obama Debt Limit Fourteenth Amendment | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze
Yesterday White House Spokesman Jay Carney finally admitted why Obama won't give specifics on his plan.

Because he has no plan.

He started to go into a schpeal about leadership and then realized the folly of this and just admitted that Obama knows how Washington works. That when you release a plan everyone criticizes it. So Obama chooses not to have a plan.

Wow. I bet his voters would have liked to know that before they voted for him.

So we have a leaderless Congress sitting back and waiting for some idiot to come up with a plan so they can tear it to pieces. The Dems hold the Senate and their idea is to let the GOP come up with something in the Gang of Six. Problem is it solves nothing, even though Obama says they are making progress. He's got a vacation to go to don't you know.

Meanwhile the House ran with my idea and voted in their plan amid Democrats talking about Cancer patients and just about every sob story they could think of. It was pretty pathetic. They worked until after sundown yesterday. Meanwhile Obama is waiting for a plan he can get behind and take credit for.
You people just crack me up. Now that the Adult portion of Congress has offered a good deficit reduction plan, the House kids of the tea party are going to either call their Senate GOP brothers stupid or go along with the Gang's plan. If they stonewall further, they will all be out in 2012. Make a Note of That! there are lot more Independent voters watching this than Tea party people. Dogma is frowned up in most circles.
You people just crack me up. Now that the Adult portion of Congress has offered a good deficit reduction plan, the House kids of the tea party are going to either call their Senate GOP brothers stupid or go along with the Gang's plan. If they stonewall further, they will all be out in 2012. Make a Note of That! there are lot more Independent voters watching this than Tea party people. Dogma is frowned up in most circles.

The "adult" plan: hope, change, tax increases and continued massive deficits.......
The Debt Ceiling should be $1,238,743,421,773,754,828,337,834,120,562,032 Trillion bazillion quadrillion and Obama and the Dems will hit it right after the next election
And the Dems still have not presented a real budget in going on 3 years now.

That's leadership!
Yesterday White House Spokesman Jay Carney finally admitted why Obama won't give specifics on his plan.

Because he has no plan.

He started to go into a schpeal about leadership and then realized the folly of this and just admitted that Obama knows how Washington works. That when you release a plan everyone criticizes it. So Obama chooses not to have a plan.

Wow. I bet his voters would have liked to know that before they voted for him.

So we have a leaderless Congress sitting back and waiting for some idiot to come up with a plan so they can tear it to pieces. The Dems hold the Senate and their idea is to let the GOP come up with something in the Gang of Six. Problem is it solves nothing, even though Obama says they are making progress. He's got a vacation to go to don't you know.

Meanwhile the House ran with my idea and voted in their plan amid Democrats talking about Cancer patients and just about every sob story they could think of. It was pretty pathetic. They worked until after sundown yesterday. Meanwhile Obama is waiting for a plan he can get behind and take credit for.

No revenue component, no support.

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