GOP hoping Obama as corrupt as, well, as Republican Governors

I'm still trying to figure out why liberals are demanding Rick Perry resign over using his veto power?? Should Obama resign using his EO power being HE CLEARLY BROKE THE LAW numerous times with the ACA and Illegal Immigration with the EO's he's signed.. WHAT'S THE FUCKING DIFFERENCE?? It's good for one but not for the other being it's your guy?? You can't have it both ways. Why hasn't Obama been indicted???
70% already KNOWS he as corrupt..It's you who in the 30% approval who is hoping to distract off that
I'm still trying to figure out why liberals are demanding Rick Perry resign over using his veto power?? Should Obama resign using his EO power being HE CLEARLY BROKE THE LAW numerous times with the ACA and Illegal Immigration with the EO's he's signed.. WHAT'S THE FUCKING DIFFERENCE?? It's good for one but not for the other being it's your guy?? You can't have it both ways. Why hasn't Obama been indicted???

I seriously doubt they even read the article which clearly shows this is nothing more then a partisan witch hunt. Since when in any political arena has power not been used as a political tool? Obama threatened to use his veto power many times to try and influence votes, it is nothing new. What is new is a partisan group trying to abuse their power, that is what needs stopped.

And yes, I wish Obama were as corrupt as GOP governors, that would make him much more honest.
Chris Crispie I had no idea what was going on in my office and Bridegate

Rick Perry denying abuse of power in new glasses

Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell my wife had a crush and begging for acquittal

And of course, there are a whole host of governors who are being investigated like Gov. Sam Brownback who is accused of influence-peddling operations in Kansas. And everyone knows about Scott Walker and his ongoing problems among others.

And Republicans FREAKING they can't pin something on Obama.

Since Obama only has two years left, why not spend that time dreaming up some reason you don't believe in to trick a gullible America into voting GOP during the next presidential election? Is the hate so deep, Republicans will self destruct looking for something, anything they really can pin on Obama? And with only two years left?

and yet nothing pinned on christie, perry etc....


you're silly rdean, you don't realize how funny you are, you just pwned your own thread

At the very least, bridge-gate proves Chrispie had no idea what was going on in his own office and he threw everyone he knew under the bus. That's a low of baggage.

Maybe the governor is like Obama and had to wait for the news to hit the newspapers.
Can you imagine he's talking bridge gate compared to

did I forget any?
rdean is a shit stirrer, nothing more...the people who live in those STATES will deal with their corrupted if they believe they are....we in the Whole country has to to deal with Obambams
Let's see the leftists who think Perry should have been indicted call for Obama to be indicted.

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