GOP: Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare, raise military...losing....


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
Big lies: Barney and F+F did it, Obama had 2 years of control, socialism in EU caused their problems....amazing this stuff survives....come on Dems...
WASHINGTON — Fannie Mae on Wednesday reported a $2.7-billion profit for the first three months of the year and will not need new taxpayer money for the first time since the government seized the housing finance giant in 2008.

Fannie Mae had first-quarter profit, needs no new taxpayer funds -

Something else Democrats had to rescue from Republican mismanagement. They are like "Midas". Only everything Republicans touch turns to shit.
Big lies: Barney and F+F did it, Obama had 2 years of control, socialism in EU caused their problems....amazing this stuff survives....come on Dems...
Well lets see Reagaon every GOP state legislature and the GOP house have all voted to raise taxes on the poor and to decrease them on the rich, furthermore the GOP house voted to increase military spending by cutting funding to help people buy food, and healthcare, also the EU has higher living standards and the reason they are currently in a depression is becausen they are doing what republicans say we should and that is implement asuteirtyv
Obama: Cuts taxes for rich, some to 0%

Obama: Bails out the rich, some for billions.

Obama: Starts more wars, expands old wars....

With Dem and Republican help...

This: Is a stupid troll thread.
Big lies: Barney and F+F did it, Obama had 2 years of control, socialism in EU caused their problems....amazing this stuff survives....come on Dems...

:cuckoo::cuckoo: It was Obama that cut 500 BILLION out of Medicare to pay for Obamacare. Furthermore--if you liberals didn't have the reading comprehension or attention span of a nat-- you would understand that the Paul Ryan budget which Romney supports--gets rid of a lot of loop-holes that the Wealthy get--that would add a lot more tax revenue than just raising taxes on capital gains--Da--Duh--Da--Duh.

Aren't you liberals getting a little tired of Obama campaigning on the same theme as he did in 2008--(the poor versus the evil rich)? After all Obama had a full house in his 1st two years--and didn't raise taxes on the evil rich, and he could have easily done it.

When asked about it--he said this. Sit down before you view this video, or you'll faint or go into some kind of seizure. It's Barack Obama--on video--talking Trickle down economics.

[ame=]FLASHBACK: Obama Says You Don't Raise Taxes In A Recession - YouTube[/ame]
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Libya was over the same week it began - for the US and the Republicans are still crying about it ...

Ending "Great Recessions" has its peculiarities.
Libya was over the same week it began - for the US and the Republicans are still crying about it ...

Ending "Great Recessions" has its peculiarities.

First we should have never been involved. Secondly it's not over, Libya is only in its next phase... Soon we have to give them billions, then go to war with them again to kill off the evil dictator we helped put in power who kills his people.
It really is amazing how dumb these guys are.

Cutting capital gains taxes only encourages speculation and income inequality and increases our debt.
It really is amazing how dumb these guys are.

Cutting capital gains taxes only encourages speculation and income inequality and increases our debt.

After that statement, you have some gall to refer to someone else as dumb. Unless the people who have capital, invest that capital in a profitable enterprise, those who do not have capital will have no good paying jobs. People who do invest their capital expect a reasonable rate of return on that capital, in line with the risk of losing their capital if the enterprise fails.

A lower capital gains rate means that the odds of receiving a reasonable rate of return on the capital have improved, and more risk is acceptable at a lower rate of return.

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