GOP convention speakers


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Should the GOP Convention have a few citizens speak about the personal damage that the Democrats done to their lives?
Like the Families of Policemen who have been murdered by BLM activists, and Business Owners how have lost everything because of the Scamdemic shut down.

Should the GOP Convention have a few citizens speak about the personal damage that the Democrats done to their lives?
Like the Families of Policemen who have been murdered by BLM activists, and Business Owners how have lost everything because of the Scamdemic shut down.

That sounds like a good idea.
The convention should be inspiring and uplifting, "here is what we plan on doing for America. Being the dominant force for the world again (even as some countries and even local politicians don't wish us to be). He should have a diverse group speaking, Ben Carson Kim Klacik (as long as she keeps it positive), other women in his admin. who are working hard to promote U.S values.

I especially would like to hear from Rubio, who I think understands China well and is proud to be an American rather than a socialist patsy.

It's a political celebration for those who support their horse. Trump needs to make it positive, express the good he's done in the face of so much resistance. Remind his party and the world, he will continue to do it, regardless of who tries to prevent him from doing so.

Come off as superman who will fight for American Values and your Constitution. Make Americans feel proud about being Exceptional, instead of some submissive, Middle Power like the rest of the world wants for them.
Why bother having any party conventions? They’re all bull shit, but apparently some Americans accept the propaganda as reality.
Speakers preparing for GOP convention.

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Poor dumbwinger, those are DEMOCRATS!

TODAY....All klan members support Donald J Trump

Ummm, no, they don't. Trump has done more for the black community than the last 25 presidents put together.

And the Klan has ALWAYS BEEN DEMOCRAT! In fact, until antifart came along, the Klan was the brown shirt arm of the Democrat Party.
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The convention should:

1) Highlight the massive failure of democratic party policies, agenda, and the results of their failed leadership and should highlight the looting, burning, destruction, division, anarchy, murder, and foreign-funded domestic terrorism they have embraced, facilitated, encouraged, inspired, and are advocating...yet which they remain silent about now as if to hide all of this.

It should highlight that under their leadership and policies the country is being torn apart and is on fire, that the violence, gun crime, and murder rates in their cities are exploding, unchecked because of their betrayal and opposition of the police, and how Americans who can are fleeing these cities. Video and photos of the carnage and crime should be used to emphasize this....

2) The GOP should highlight how the Democratic Party has waged a war against Americans' Constitutional and Civil Rights
- Singling out religion, violating religious rights to worship by mandating churches could not meet, no singing, no drive-up churches, etc...while their leaders march side-by-side with domestic terrorists and violent protestors without any PPE.
- Un-Constitutional discrimination, such as arresting /fining anyone who would pain 'All / Blue Lives Matter' on streets but De Blassio joining BLM protestors in paining BLM on streets
- Militantly forcibly closing businesses and refusing to allow businesses to remain in operation

Sandman, the McCloskeys, and others should speak and tell their story of being targeted, their rights violated, and being victimized by Democrats - a sign of what is more to come ...

Police should give their story of how Democrats abandoned them, defunded them, advocated violence, anarchy, and crime - freed violent criminals many of whom committed crimes to include murder hours after being released, immediately releasing violent criminals who attacked, beat, and bloodied police, who stood with the terrorists and murderers who hunted, ambushed, injured, and killed police. America needs to hear Democrats oppose safety, security, law and order, and that Americans will be on their on and can expect no security and protection from Democrats if they win.

The McCloskeys should share their story of how after they exercised their Constitutional and legal right to defend themselves with leally owned weapons Democrats stormed into their house, confiscated all of their weapons, and filed charges to put THEM in jail.....that YES, the Democrats ARE coming for your guns / your ability to defend yourself already

3) THEN the GOP should highlight the massive, record-setting successes of this President - more than any other President in DECADES, in some cases EVER - despite years of illegal, treasonous Democrat sedition, undermining, and multiple coup attempts....for which Obama's administration members / FBI members are not pleading Guilty to crimes, are being indicted, and going to jail finally.

The GOP should highlight the successes for the American people accomplished while the Democrats spent 4 years opposing, dividing, and focused on removing the President from office and taking back personal / party power.

The GOP should highlight the economy already roaring back despite the pandemic and Democrat's best effort to keep the American people and the economy bottled up to try to stop the recovery.

The GOP should highlight the undeniable difference between the 2 parties / candidates - one who has committed treason, broken laws, victimized Americans, supports criminals, foreign-funded domestic terrorists, etc and the man who brought the most success in decades / ever to the country and is already doing it again.

Making America Great Again....a TRUMP slogan / plan plagiarist Joe tried to steal....
The Republicans have chosen the most deplorables of the deplorable to speak. Trump isn't even trying to appeal to independents and normal people. He's just trying to get his disgusting base more hysterical. Trump needs the adulation, and he doesn't care if his picks lose him votes overall. After all, he plans to cheat his way to a win, and all of the Trump cultists here plan to help with that Stalinist approach.

For example, the sick violent couple that pointed guns at peaceful protestors is speaking. Those two are in the running for the "biggest assholes on the planet" award. Naturally, that makes them GOP heroes.

Mark McCloskey has run off trustees trying to make repairs to the wall surrounding his property, insisting that he and his wife own it. In 2013, he destroyed bee hives placed just outside of the mansion’s northern wall by the neighboring Jewish Central Reform Congregation and left a note saying he did it, and if the mess wasn’t cleaned up quickly he would seek a restraining order and attorneys fees. The congregation had planned to harvest the honey and pick apples from trees on its property for Rosh Hashanah.
Nick Sandmann, the ex Democrat McCloskys are scheduled. Highlighted will be the way people have been betrayed and harmed by democrats.
The Republicans have chosen the most deplorables of the deplorable to speak. Trump isn't even trying to appeal to independents and normal people. He's just trying to get his disgusting base more hysterical. Trump needs the adulation, and he doesn't care if his picks lose him votes overall. After all, he plans to cheat his way to a win, and all of the Trump cultists here plan to help with that Stalinist approach.

For example, the sick violent couple that pointed guns at peaceful protestors is speaking. Those two are in the running for the "biggest assholes on the planet" award. Naturally, that makes them GOP heroes.

Mark McCloskey has run off trustees trying to make repairs to the wall surrounding his property, insisting that he and his wife own it. In 2013, he destroyed bee hives placed just outside of the mansion’s northern wall by the neighboring Jewish Central Reform Congregation and left a note saying he did it, and if the mess wasn’t cleaned up quickly he would seek a restraining order and attorneys fees. The congregation had planned to harvest the honey and pick apples from trees on its property for Rosh Hashanah.

What did you think of the BLM deplorable beating and kicking the white guy unconscious?
Ummm, no, they don't. Trump has done more for the black community than the last 25 presidents put together.

Unemployment among blacks is higher than it ever was under Obama.

Thanks to Dem governors closing up the economy. Before that Trump had the lowest black unemployment level in 40 years.

Why do you Dems hate blacks so much?
Speakers preparing for GOP convention.

View attachment 376824

Did you know poor kids are just as smart as white kids? If you don't vote for Biden "You ain't Black!"
You can't get a job at a 7-11 unless you have an Indian accent.
The Hispanic community is more diverse than the black community.

Trump referring to a white power march
Some of them are good people

Trump gassing peaceful BLM protestors to make room for his photo-op with a Bible
Ummm, no, they don't. Trump has done more for the black community than the last 25 presidents put together.

Unemployment among blacks is higher than it ever was under Obama.

Thanks to Dem governors closing up the economy. Before that Trump had the lowest black unemployment level in 40 years.

Why do you Dems hate blacks so much?
COVID closed the economy. Other nations made hard choices and recovered. Trump called it a hoax and no worse than the flu....we did not

Trump......My economy used to help blacks, now it doesn’t.
Speakers preparing for GOP convention.

View attachment 376824

Did you know poor kids are just as smart as white kids? If you don't vote for Biden "You ain't Black!"
You can't get a job at a 7-11 unless you have an Indian accent.
The Hispanic community is more diverse than the black community.

Trump referring to a white power march
Some of them are good people

Trump gassing peaceful BLM protestors to make room for his photo-op with a Bible

A complete lie. You lie more than Trump ever could.

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