Gop are not “anti-immigrant”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Is this loud enough?:mad:

They are “anti-illegal immigrant” and so is the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act. But Democrats turn a blind eye to illegal immigration and the negative effect it has on Americans.
Our legal immigration system is more then generous. It allow more then 500,000 immigrants to enter legally each year. Plus refugees and asylum seekers and they are not tourist visa over stayers. In the economy when American college graduates cannot find jobs and have to leave the country to find jobs, our legal immigration of professionals need to be controlled be cause they take jobs from American professionals.
I am sick to my stomach hearing the lie that people who want our immigration laws enforce are “anti-immigrant.” No one is against legal immigrants coming here if they have a profession to offer this country and do not use welfare, food stamps, healthcare, low income subsidized housing and produce anchor babies just to get these entitlements. need taxpayers assistance to provide for them.
Arizona immigration law is not “anti-immigrant.” It targets Illegal Aliens and not legal immigrants. GOP is not willing to throw their integrity under the bus in exchange for dirty blackmailed votes.
I hear this “anti-immigrant” crap daily coming from MSNBC Mathews, O’Donnell, Sharpton, Schults and someone need to call them on this lie as FOXNEWS is called on it’s lies. When they use the term “anti-immigrant” it’s miss-leading and lying. There is a difference between illegal immigrants and legal immigrants. And Obama need to read the Arizona law because he is misleading also with the lie that it allows anyone anytime to be stopped and asked for them papers.
MSNBC should be required to read Arizona law before they are allowed to comment on it.

Both FOXNEWS and MSNBC need to be honest about their reporting. Neither have an credibility anymore.

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I am “ANTI-IMMIGRANT” of the illegal kind first. And we need to bring the 500,000 down to 7,500,000
and sell them btw. These ticket holders get no free services at all for 60 years after the standard 35 year trail period. Now I'm “ANTI-IMMIGRANT” to non US citizens. Hmm did I miss anyone?
I am “ANTI-IMMIGRANT” of the illegal kind first. And we need to bring the 500,000 down to 7,500,000
and sell them btw. These ticket holders get no free services at all for 60 years after the standard 35 year trail period. Now I'm “ANTI-IMMIGRANT” to non US citizens. Hmm did I miss anyone?

I wish the hell I was up their with you now.:lol::eusa_eh:
so what did Reagan do about immigration?

And how the hell does that relate to the post? His amnesty was stipulated on border security and not one followed up on it. Clinton, Bush, Bush or Obama.

And did I miss that Government followed up on all they promise somewhere?
So I’m safe to import more slaves? Btw.. Reagan passed out Amnesty First!
Everyone after that could only match that winning GOP fix by finding ways
to like DO NOTHING! Gee.. that takes little work and is WINNING!
“I think the massive boom in Mexican immigration is over and I don’t think it will ever return to the numbers we saw in the 1990s and 2000s,” said Douglas Massey, a professor of sociology and public affairs at Princeton University and co-director of the Mexican Migration Project, which has been gathering data on the subject for 30 years.

Nearly 1.4 million Mexicans moved from the United States to Mexico between 2005 and 2010, double the number who did so a decade earlier.

For First Time Since Depression, More Mexicans Leave U.S. than Enter | American Renaissance

GOP ARE "anti" immigrant. You only have to read the threads on this site to know that to be true.
“I think the massive boom in Mexican immigration is over and I don’t think it will ever return to the numbers we saw in the 1990s and 2000s,” said Douglas Massey, a professor of sociology and public affairs at Princeton University and co-director of the Mexican Migration Project, which has been gathering data on the subject for 30 years.

Nearly 1.4 million Mexicans moved from the United States to Mexico between 2005 and 2010, double the number who did so a decade earlier.

For First Time Since Depression, More Mexicans Leave U.S. than Enter | American Renaissance

GOP ARE "anti" immigrant. You only have to read the threads on this site to know that to be true.

GOP ARE "anti" immigrant. You only have to read the threads on this site to know that to be true.

I wonder why the Left Liberal I am more educated then the right elitist arrogant snobs
don't can't won't comprehend the difference between illegal aliens and immigrants.

Lawrence O'Donnell Of MSNBC one of their Crown Jewels has the same problem.
He does these promos condemning Republicans for being anti immigration.
We are anti illegal alien. :mad:
“I think the massive boom in Mexican immigration is over and I don’t think it will ever return to the numbers we saw in the 1990s and 2000s,” said Douglas Massey, a professor of sociology and public affairs at Princeton University and co-director of the Mexican Migration Project, which has been gathering data on the subject for 30 years.

Nearly 1.4 million Mexicans moved from the United States to Mexico between 2005 and 2010, double the number who did so a decade earlier.

For First Time Since Depression, More Mexicans Leave U.S. than Enter | American Renaissance

GOP ARE "anti" immigrant. You only have to read the threads on this site to know that to be true.

GOP ARE "anti" immigrant. You only have to read the threads on this site to know that to be true.

I wonder why the Left Liberal I am more educated then the right elitist arrogant snobs
don't can't won't comprehend the difference between illegal aliens and immigrants.

Lawrence O'Donnell Of MSNBC one of their Crown Jewels has the same problem.
He does these promos condemning Republicans for being anti immigration.
We are anti illegal alien. :mad:

Cheap Slaves?
so what did Reagan do about immigration?

And how the hell does that relate to the post? His amnesty was stipulated on border security and not one followed up on it. Clinton, Bush, Bush or Obama.

And did I miss that Government followed up on all they promise somewhere?
So I’m safe to import more slaves? Btw.. Reagan passed out Amnesty First!
Everyone after that could only match that winning GOP fix by finding ways
to like DO NOTHING! Gee.. that takes little work and is WINNING!

“I think the massive boom in Mexican immigration is over and I don’t think it will ever return to the numbers we saw in the 1990s and 2000s,” said Douglas Massey, a professor of sociology and public affairs at Princeton University and co-director of the Mexican Migration Project, which has been gathering data on the subject for 30 years.

Nearly 1.4 million Mexicans moved from the United States to Mexico between 2005 and 2010, double the number who did so a decade earlier.

For First Time Since Depression, More Mexicans Leave U.S. than Enter | American Renaissance

GOP ARE "anti" immigrant. You only have to read the threads on this site to know that to be true.

GOP ARE "anti" immigrant. You only have to read the threads on this site to know that to be true.

I wonder why the Left Liberal I am more educated then the right elitist arrogant snobs
don't can't won't comprehend the difference between illegal aliens and immigrants.

Lawrence O'Donnell Of MSNBC one of their Crown Jewels has the same problem.
He does these promos condemning Republicans for being anti immigration.
We are anti illegal alien. :mad:

Cheap Slaves?

what is a "cheap slave"?
I wonder why the Left Liberal I am more educated then the right elitist arrogant snobs
don't can't won't comprehend the difference between illegal aliens and immigrants.

Lawrence O'Donnell Of MSNBC one of their Crown Jewels has the same problem.
He does these promos condemning Republicans for being anti immigration.
We are anti illegal alien. :mad:

Cheap Slaves?

what is a "cheap slave"?
illegal alien?
Every single person and business I know that hires illegals, whether for home cleaning etc, lawn services, or business cleaning is a conservative republican. If free enterprise and profit are your guiding business, economic, and moral philosophy, then why not. I could tell you why not, but the hypocrites on the right act like this is something new in America because the economy has turned downward to third world status under their own policies. Of course, it is always the democrats or liberals who are at fault. (from thread below)

But today immigration, like so many other topics, is carrot or stick dependent on the audience. It doesn't matter whether republicans are pro con or somewhere in between, immigration means a change and the change is painted as a threat to all that is holy in America. The primary target today of hate on the far right is immigrants, and politicians want their votes too. To deny that is to deny reality.

The GOP loves immigrants...both legal AND illegal.

No Present in US history has treated illegals better than Ronald Reagan.

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