Google Maps Error Causes Nicaraguan Invasion


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Good job Google. Even better job Nicaraguan military commander Eden Pastora. Via Time’s News Feed:
A border between Nicaragua and Costa Rica was off by 3,000 meters on Google Maps. This sparked Nicaraguan military commander Eden Pastora to invade Costa Rica and order troops to take down Costa Rican flags in a disputed territory.
A Google spokesperson said the source of the error was unknown, but two entire countries have felt its effects.
We can’t really blame Google for this snafu; we can only blame Pastora for using Google Maps for military business. Official maps for both countries say the land in question belongs to Costa Rica. And, Fast Company reports, Bing had the border correct. Score one for Microsoft, the true victors in this battle.

Google Maps Error Causes Nicaraguan Invasion | Disinformation

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