Google Installs Ugly, Black, Tool Bar. I Want It GONE. How Do I Do It?

Thanks, L.K.! This looks like it will probably get the job done. One thing, however. At WORK, I am running IE and they won't let me download anything onto my work computer. Is there any fix that doesn't involve downloading anything?

At home (Firefox), no problem, of course - I will attend to that this evening.

Thanks again.

You can install chrome frame without administrative permissions. that will allow you to install scripts that block the new toolbar.

To be honest, I did not even know it was there until I started reading complaints. I already change just about everything about Google.

Google Chrome Frame
George, when you right click on the toolbar does it bring up an option to unclick it? That's how I got rid of the Norton toolbar. Just a thought. . . .

Nope. Tried that. I'm going to try L.K.'s suggestion when I get home tonight.

On further reflection, I think I may have misspoke. It is possible this is not a new tool bar, but merely Google's changing the background color of an existing tool bar from white to black. We never noticed it when it was white. Now that it is black, we do notice it.

it works. and it is not a toolbar, which is installed locally on your computer. that's why you can't deinstall it.
George, when you right click on the toolbar does it bring up an option to unclick it? That's how I got rid of the Norton toolbar. Just a thought. . . .

Nope. Tried that. I'm going to try L.K.'s suggestion when I get home tonight.

On further reflection, I think I may have misspoke. It is possible this is not a new tool bar, but merely Google's changing the background color of an existing tool bar from white to black. We never noticed it when it was white. Now that it is black, we do notice it.

it works. and it is not a toolbar, which is installed locally on your computer. that's why you can't deinstall it.

So far, not so good. I went to the site you suggested and downloaded some program called "Driver Performer," since that was what they said I should do to get rid of the black tool bar. I downloaded it. All it has done so far is (1) change my Firefox home page to a site called Start Now. McAfee lists this as a yellow site, i.e., you can get into big trouble there. So I changed back to Google, and (2) insert a NEW and EQUALLY UNWANTED tool bar onto my Google page that is (you guessed it) a "Start Now" tool bar. The black bar is still there.

I don't mean to be rude, but WTF???????

Could you be a tad more specific as to precisely what I have to do to get rid of the black bar and, now, also the Start Now bar?

Edit Note: I was able to get rid of the Start Now tool bar by going to Control Panel/Uninstall. It was in there. I uninstalled it. It's gone.

I hate to say it, L.K., but that link you provided in your earlier post appears to be a front link for this "Driver Performer" program. Almost all links on the page you provided, take you to the Driver Performer home page where you are prompted to download it, regardless of why you went there in the first place. Then, after you install DP, it requires you to "register" before you can do anything. I don't mind registering at a site, but their "registration" includes a $29.95 payment. I smell scam here.

As I said, I did download the free version of DP and it is here, ready to help me if I know how to make it help me.

Guide me through it, huh? Thanks.
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Nope. Tried that. I'm going to try L.K.'s suggestion when I get home tonight.

On further reflection, I think I may have misspoke. It is possible this is not a new tool bar, but merely Google's changing the background color of an existing tool bar from white to black. We never noticed it when it was white. Now that it is black, we do notice it.

it works. and it is not a toolbar, which is installed locally on your computer. that's why you can't deinstall it.

So far, not so good. I went to the site you suggested and downloaded some program called "Driver Performer," since that was what they said I should do to get rid of the black tool bar. I downloaded it. All it has done so far is (1) change my Firefox home page to a site called Start Now. McAfee lists this as a yellow site, i.e., you can get into big trouble there. So I changed back to Google, and (2) insert a NEW and EQUALLY UNWANTED tool bar onto my Google page that is (you guessed it) a "Start Now" tool bar. The black bar is still there.

I don't mean to be rude, but WTF???????

Could you be a tad more specific as to precisely what I have to do to get rid of the black bar and, now, also the Start Now bar?

How to Change the Google from Bar Black to White.

The Google Bar Classic Greasemonkey script is a free download that will turn your Google toolbar back to white and will change your left side links back to white as well. There are still a few red colored elements in the left hand navigation area to prevent the script from failing on international versions. This script works in Chrome, Opera, FireFox and is under testing in Internet Explorer 9.

i have no idea what you did, but a good advice is always, don't download or install anything, unless you know what it is you are downloading or installing.

i don't know "driver performer". did you click on an advertisement?

what i linked to was a site which linked to a greasemonkey script.

for that to run you need to install greasemonkey, an add-on for firefox.

if you don't have experience with scripts or add-ons for firefox, it is better to endure the black toolbar than to wildly install something.

sorry, man.
it works. and it is not a toolbar, which is installed locally on your computer. that's why you can't deinstall it.

So far, not so good. I went to the site you suggested and downloaded some program called "Driver Performer," since that was what they said I should do to get rid of the black tool bar. I downloaded it. All it has done so far is (1) change my Firefox home page to a site called Start Now. McAfee lists this as a yellow site, i.e., you can get into big trouble there. So I changed back to Google, and (2) insert a NEW and EQUALLY UNWANTED tool bar onto my Google page that is (you guessed it) a "Start Now" tool bar. The black bar is still there.

I don't mean to be rude, but WTF???????

Could you be a tad more specific as to precisely what I have to do to get rid of the black bar and, now, also the Start Now bar?

How to Change the Google from Bar Black to White.

The Google Bar Classic Greasemonkey script is a free download that will turn your Google toolbar back to white and will change your left side links back to white as well. There are still a few red colored elements in the left hand navigation area to prevent the script from failing on international versions. This script works in Chrome, Opera, FireFox and is under testing in Internet Explorer 9.

i have no idea what you did, but a good advice is always, don't download or install anything, unless you know what it is you are downloading or installing.

i don't know "driver performer". did you click on an advertisement?

what i linked to was a site which linked to a greasemonkey script.

for that to run you need to install greasemonkey, an add-on for firefox.

if you don't have experience with scripts or add-ons for firefox, it is better to endure the black toolbar than to wildly install something.

sorry, man.

No need to apologize - I will once again click on the link you provided and, this time, concentrate on the greasemonkey addon.

I have no experience whatsoever with "scripts" and even less with add-ons. But I have guts! :eusa_whistle:
I see that too. It isn't a part of your toolbar. Its on Google's page so it isn't an add-on. An add-on works within the Firefox browser. Some of this was mentioned already. It's on Google's homepage. Let us know what happens.
I see that too. It isn't a part of your toolbar. Its on Google's page so it isn't an add-on. An add-on works within the Firefox browser. Some of this was mentioned already. It's on Google's homepage. Let us know what happens.

Well, the Internet is full of "how to get rid of the Google black line" sites - but none of them are worth diddily, at least none of the ones I have visited. I'm stumped. Wiser heads than mine will have to climb on here with a step by step, or I'm not getting anywhere on this.
George, once you go black you can't come back.

P.S. my tool bar is still white.

Thanks to Quantum Windbag, I now have a white, Google bar gracing the top of my (Google) home page.

Quantum Windbag said:
Most of those sites assume you have a basic understanding of Addons.

You need to install Greasemoney or Scriptish first. I recommend Scriptish which is here.

Just hit the Add to Firefox and then install it in the popup that will appear.

After you do that restart Firefox.

Then you need to go here:

Google Light Navbar for Greasemonkey

Click the Install button in the upper right corner and then install in the popup window.

You will then have the old white Navbar back.

You don't have to know anything about scripting or addons. All you have to do is follow QW's instructions here, and you too can have a white bar instead of a black one.

Thanks, QW!
Bring some Milk and Cookies, Kiddies.

4 million strong Alureon P2P botnet "practically indestructible"

Oooh, my tool bar doesn't look right.


Just out of curiosity, WTF does this link have to do with anything at all relevant to this thread?

Sometimes, Timmy, things don't always work out. Sometimes, it's not fair. Sometimes, there are things out there that don't want you to know they're there.
Check yo shit,

OMG, my wallpaper changed.


LOL, Ok, that would just about drive me over a cliff! rofl. :clap2:

thats huge

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