Google confirms 'quantum supremacy' breakthrough


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
This is a big deal...laptops with supercomputer capabilities---autonomous robotics--and a host of other applications:

Google confirms ‘quantum supremacy’ breakthrough

"Google has officially announced that it’s achieved quantum supremacy in a new article published in the scientific journal Nature. The announcement comes exactly one month after it initially leaked, when Google’s paper was accidentally published early. Now, however, it’s official, meaning the full details of the research are public, and the broader scientific community can fully scrutinize what Google says it’s achieved.
Google says that its 54-qubit Sycamore processor was able to perform a calculation in 200 seconds that would have taken the world’s most powerful supercomputer 10,000 years. That would mean the calculation, which involved generated random numbers, is essentially impossible on a traditional, non-quantum computer.

Despite IBM’s attempts to downplay Google’s achievement, many in the research community welcomed the news, with scientists quoted by The New York Times likening Google’s breakthrough to the Wright brothers’ first plane flight in 1903. We may still be years away from having quantum computers that are useful for practical tasks, but Google’s findings could finally have provided proof that such a future is possible in the first place."
This is a big deal...laptops with supercomputer capabilities---autonomous robotics--and a host of other applications:

Google confirms ‘quantum supremacy’ breakthrough

"Google has officially announced that it’s achieved quantum supremacy in a new article published in the scientific journal Nature. The announcement comes exactly one month after it initially leaked, when Google’s paper was accidentally published early. Now, however, it’s official, meaning the full details of the research are public, and the broader scientific community can fully scrutinize what Google says it’s achieved.
Google says that its 54-qubit Sycamore processor was able to perform a calculation in 200 seconds that would have taken the world’s most powerful supercomputer 10,000 years. That would mean the calculation, which involved generated random numbers, is essentially impossible on a traditional, non-quantum computer.

Despite IBM’s attempts to downplay Google’s achievement, many in the research community welcomed the news, with scientists quoted by The New York Times likening Google’s breakthrough to the Wright brothers’ first plane flight in 1903. We may still be years away from having quantum computers that are useful for practical tasks, but Google’s findings could finally have provided proof that such a future is possible in the first place."
holy crap

I wonder if something like this will end up being like a nuclear bomb: Great and horrible at the same time, depending on its application.
This is a big deal...laptops with supercomputer capabilities---autonomous robotics--and a host of other applications:

Google confirms ‘quantum supremacy’ breakthrough

"Google has officially announced that it’s achieved quantum supremacy in a new article published in the scientific journal Nature. The announcement comes exactly one month after it initially leaked, when Google’s paper was accidentally published early. Now, however, it’s official, meaning the full details of the research are public, and the broader scientific community can fully scrutinize what Google says it’s achieved.
Google says that its 54-qubit Sycamore processor was able to perform a calculation in 200 seconds that would have taken the world’s most powerful supercomputer 10,000 years. That would mean the calculation, which involved generated random numbers, is essentially impossible on a traditional, non-quantum computer.

Despite IBM’s attempts to downplay Google’s achievement, many in the research community welcomed the news, with scientists quoted by The New York Times likening Google’s breakthrough to the Wright brothers’ first plane flight in 1903. We may still be years away from having quantum computers that are useful for practical tasks, but Google’s findings could finally have provided proof that such a future is possible in the first place."
holy crap

I wonder if something like this will end up being like a nuclear bomb: Great and horrible at the same time, depending on its application.
Count on it--as humans, our technological innovations will always reflect our nature, in application.
Privacy was already dead....Now blockchain is next to irrelevant.

Yep, most current encryptions will be much easier to brute force crack once this computation method goes from pilot scale to full scale.

Of course every time codes have been cracked better codes have been thought up, just wondering if this is still the case.
Privacy was already dead....Now blockchain is next to irrelevant.

Yep, most current encryptions will be much easier to brute force crack once this computation method goes from pilot scale to full scale.

Of course every time codes have been cracked better codes have been thought up, just wondering if this is still the case.
I think so...I think the move will be away from static codes to dynamic systems...battling it out..attacking and defending..with the prize going to the one with the most computational power. This breakthrough is also a big move towards Autonomous AI..not necessarily Sentient..but able to execute fiendishly complicated algorithms..for all manner of purposes.
Privacy was already dead....Now blockchain is next to irrelevant.

Yep, most current encryptions will be much easier to brute force crack once this computation method goes from pilot scale to full scale.

Of course every time codes have been cracked better codes have been thought up, just wondering if this is still the case.
I think so...I think the move will be away from static codes to dynamic systems...battling it out..attacking and defending..with the prize going to the one with the most computational power. This breakthrough is also a big move towards Autonomous AI..not necessarily Sentient..but able to execute fiendishly complicated algorithms..for all manner of purposes.

And then we get this....Skynet smiles.


But I agee, data security is the same see saw fight between weapons and armor that has been seen throughout history, even if armor has been replaced/reinforced with things like active defense and ECM.
Now couple this tech..with neural lace...and the entire idea of just what human even will called into question:

An integrated brain-machine interface platform with thousands of channels

"Brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) hold promise for the restoration of sensory and motor function and the treatment of neurological disorders, but clinical BMIs have not yet been widely adopted, in part because modest channel counts have limited their potential. In this white paper, we describe Neuralink’s first steps toward a scalable high-bandwidth BMI system. We have built arrays of small and flexible electrode “threads”, with as many as 3,072 electrodes per array distributed across 96 threads. We have also built a neurosurgical robot capable of inserting six threads (192 electrodes) per minute. Each thread can be individually inserted into the brain with micron precision for avoidance of surface vasculature and targeting specific brain regions. The electrode array is packaged into a small implantable device that contains custom chips for low-power on-board amplification and digitization: the package for 3,072 channels occupies less than (23 × 18.5 × 2) mm3. A single USB-C cable provides full-bandwidth data streaming from the device, recording from all channels simultaneously. This system has achieved a spiking yield of up to 85.5 % in chronically implanted electrodes. Neuralink’s approach to BMI has unprecedented packaging density and scalability in a clinically relevant package."
It's not like Google is the only player in quantum computing and "quantum supremacy" market.. This is just the beginning like with the Wright Bros. and flying. They showed that it could be done after many failed attempts. The other players are Microsoft, Intel, IBM, China, and even the Trump Administration.

I would agree with IBM that Google's machine versus traditional computing does not beat it by the time Google claims; it's hyperbole. However, it IS a tremendous breakthrough and achievement!!!


One of the weird things about Google's box:
"A quantum machine, the result of more than a century’s worth of research into a type of physics called quantum mechanics, operates in a completely different manner from regular computers. It relies on the mind-bending ways some objects act at the subatomic level or when exposed to extreme cold, like the metal chilled to nearly 460 degrees below zero inside Google’s machine."

Google Claims a Quantum Breakthrough That Could Change Computing

Besides competition in the chips market, the apps have already been laid out a few years ago. Someone may come up with an app for Google's machine besides doing mind bending calculations. This article is from 4 years ago.


"The Market and Applications
IBM highlights just some of the possibilities around universal quantum computers in a recent press release:

A universal quantum computer uses quantum mechanics to process massive amounts of data and perform computations in powerful new ways not possible with today’s conventional computers. This type of leap forward in computing could one day shorten the time to discovery for life-saving cancer drugs to a fraction of what it is today; unlock new facets of artificial intelligence by vastly accelerating machine learning; or safeguard cloud computing systems to be impregnable from cyber-attack.

This means that quantum computing could be a trillion dollar market, touching massive future markets such as artificial intelligence, robotics, defense, cryptography, and pharmaceuticals.

However, until a universal quantum can be built, the market remains fairly limited in size and focused on R&D. Quantum computing is expected to surpass a market of $5 billion market by 2020."

Where quantum computing falls on the hype chart. It shows Google did make a breakthrough in quantum supremacy compared to its color code. WOW!!!

What its value in terms of hype, I think it depends on the app, e.g. quantum internet, helps bring higher valued technology to market, people accept it faster, etc.


The 3 Types of Quantum Computers and Their Applications

Quantum Computing Applications | Quantum Computing Report
It's not like Google is the only player in quantum computing and "quantum supremacy" market.. This is just the beginning like with the Wright Bros. and flying. They showed that it could be done after many failed attempts. The other players are Microsoft, Intel, IBM, China, and even the Trump Administration.

I would agree with IBM that Google's machine versus traditional computing does not beat it by the time Google claims; it's hyperbole. However, it IS a tremendous breakthrough and achievement!!!


Looks like I'm going to need a bigger desk!
It's not like Google is the only player in quantum computing and "quantum supremacy" market.. This is just the beginning like with the Wright Bros. and flying. They showed that it could be done after many failed attempts. The other players are Microsoft, Intel, IBM, China, and even the Trump Administration.

I would agree with IBM that Google's machine versus traditional computing does not beat it by the time Google claims; it's hyperbole. However, it IS a tremendous breakthrough and achievement!!!


Looks like I'm going to need a bigger desk!

LOL. You probably can keep your drinks ice cold, too, by keeping it close to that red cooler.
How do they know they got the right answer if it would take the most powerful supercomputer 10,000 years to check?
This is why they used random number generation.


If it would take a supercomputer 10,000 years it would take humans even longer.

To me your answer is a non-answer because unless the result can be applied practically, and is reliable consistently in that application, there's no guarantee that the answer is correct.


To me your answer is a non-answer because unless the result can be applied practically, and is reliable consistently in that application, there's no guarantee that the answer is correct.
Random number generators have plenty of application. Furthermore, computers now, essentially, "check their own answers".

Surely you can think of uses for faster computing.
How do they know they got the right answer if it would take the most powerful supercomputer 10,000 years to check?
This is why they used random number generation.


If it would take a supercomputer 10,000 years it would take humans even longer.

To me your answer is a non-answer because unless the result can be applied practically, and is reliable consistently in that application, there's no guarantee that the answer is correct.



It's 'Proof of Concept' and important for that in and of itself. Once we know that something can be done..the rest is just engineering.

Practicality comes later.

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