Good Way To Stop Coronavirus Pandemic


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013

This might not only be a good way to reduce the Coronavirus pandemic, it might be the best way.

I heard a Coronavirus expert on TV say the #1 way that the virus is spreading, is by the handling of cash money. Reduce this, and you significantly reduce the spread of the virus.

My apartment complex requires monthly rent payments in cash or money orders. Huge amounts of rents are being paid in cash dollar bills. Especially when that cash is obtained from ATMs, which typically issue $20 bills.

Govt should mandate that housing complexes all give residents the option to pay rents by electronic AUTOPAY. This will keep people off the street, out of banks, and not handling filthy (possibly Coronavirus infected) cash bills.

When I paid my rent this month, I had a choice of standing on a line 16 people long, or going to my ATM for cash. I went to the ATM and got 33 twenty dollar bills. I had to count that, as did my apartment manager, and his boss. AUTOPAY could have completed the transaction without any cash being touched by anyone's hands.
Why pay your rent, when the big banks get money for nothing?
Localities have banned mass gatherings, closed schools and libraries, and put major restrictions on bars and restaurants.
What they HAVEN'T done is
mandate the use of AUTOPAY for housing rents.

Dirty (possibly virus infected) dollar bills are still passing around prolificly, and spreading coronavirus.

Adopt autopay, NOW!
Cash leaves no trail.

In today's surveillance society there's value in that.
There isn't any value to people if they're dead.

Also, when people who take cash to cover an income trail to the IRS, they will regret that later in life, when they lose many thousands$$$, in reduced Social Security to them.
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Not much response here. If cash flowing through millions of hands is spreading the Coronavirus more than anything (it certainly is a serious contributor), then are you all content to allow it to continue ?

When mandating autopay option will reduce the pandemic.
I'll ask again. Are you all too dumb to understand this topic, or are you OK with the Coronavirus spreading ?
5 days since this thread started. Still no talk about critically important autopay vs cash handling.

And I mean no talk by anybody. On TV, radio, nowhere. Not just here. Crazy
5 days since this thread started. Still no talk about critically important autopay vs cash handling.

And I mean no talk by anybody. On TV, radio, nowhere. Not just here. Crazy
6 days since this thread started. Why is nobody talking about stopping the virus, with autopay ?
I'll ask again. Are you all too dumb to understand this topic, or are you OK with the Coronavirus spreading ?
I'm not particularly worried about it. I'm really not. But then I dont watch television and let the Democrat press get into my head.

But you should have that option.
You want to stop the Corona Virus? magic :biggrin:

Bless President Trump ....Bless all Patriots everywhere!

I'll ask again. Are you all too dumb to understand this topic, or are you OK with the Coronavirus spreading ?
I'm not particularly worried about it. I'm really not. But then I dont watch television and let the Democrat press get into my head.

But you should have that option.
900 people A DAY are dying in Italy, Democrat press or not.
If your initiative is correct and the virus moves everywhere in cash money, then the real solution is burning the dollar bills but such is against the law.

Think something else.
If your initiative is correct and the virus moves everywhere in cash money, then the real solution is burning the dollar bills but such is against the law.

Think something else.
I THOUGHT of something else. AUTOPAY. I just wonder why everybody else isn't thinking of it too.

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