Good news for Democrats! NYC DA candidate will not prosecute trespassing, prostitution, resisting arrest

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Should make NYC even more fun! It's like the DemoKKKrats are competing to see who can turn New York into Somalia the fastest.

Democrat Alvin Bragg, likely to become Manhattan District Attorney in New York City, New York, has vowed not to prosecute a series of crimes, including trespassing, prostitution, and resisting arrest for non-violent offenses.

Bragg, the presumptive Democrat nominee in the Manhattan District Attorney race, is running on a platform to stop prosecuting a series of what he calls “minor offenses” despite surges in crime across New York City.

“I strongly reject any notion that prosecutions for low-level offenses should be used as a proxy for addressing serious and violent crimes,” Bragg states on his campaign website. “We will not deter serious and violent crime through arrests for petty offenses.”

Specifically, Bragg has vowed not to prosecute suspects for marijuana misdemeanors, turnstile jumping, trespassing, driving with a suspended license, prostitution, resisting arrest for non-criminal offenses, and obstructing the work of the New York City Police Department (NYPD).

“From smoking marijuana to jumping a turnstile, our criminal courts spend far too much time treating minor offenses with the same blunt instruments used to address homicides and other violent crimes,” Bragg states.

In addition, Bragg has said that to reduce “mass incarceration,” he will recommend no more than 20-year maximum sentences “absent exceptional circumstances” in cases where the Manhattan District Attorney does recommend incarceration.

Most notably, perhaps, Bragg plans to ensure that every suspect accused of a crime in Manhattan is released from jail before trial except in cases involving homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, and felony sex crimes.
What is a 75 dollar fine for trespassing going to do to stop a trespasser? Around here a few shots at close range gets the job done..Or a pack of dogs for door greeters.
Trespassing is a minor crime that usually has a more serious crime as the motive. Prostitution often leads to robbery or theft, and sometimes murder. And those who resist arrest usually do that because they're guilty of something more serious.

Meanwhile, NYC is releasing far more serious offenders every day.

Tonto was just telling us yesterday how NY, LA, Seattle, SF, Chicago & Portland should dictate how the rest of the country is run.
Democrat Alvin Bragg, likely to become Manhattan District Attorney in New York City, New York, has vowed not to prosecute a series of crimes, including trespassing, prostitution, and resisting arrest for non-violent offenses.
The pimps of the district got in trouble with the bar association for running a red light district.
Should make NYC even more fun! It's like the DemoKKKrats are competing to see who can turn New York into Somalia the fastest.

Democrat Alvin Bragg, likely to become Manhattan District Attorney in New York City, New York, has vowed not to prosecute a series of crimes, including trespassing, prostitution, and resisting arrest for non-violent offenses.

Bragg, the presumptive Democrat nominee in the Manhattan District Attorney race, is running on a platform to stop prosecuting a series of what he calls “minor offenses” despite surges in crime across New York City.

“I strongly reject any notion that prosecutions for low-level offenses should be used as a proxy for addressing serious and violent crimes,” Bragg states on his campaign website. “We will not deter serious and violent crime through arrests for petty offenses.”

Specifically, Bragg has vowed not to prosecute suspects for marijuana misdemeanors, turnstile jumping, trespassing, driving with a suspended license, prostitution, resisting arrest for non-criminal offenses, and obstructing the work of the New York City Police Department (NYPD).

“From smoking marijuana to jumping a turnstile, our criminal courts spend far too much time treating minor offenses with the same blunt instruments used to address homicides and other violent crimes,” Bragg states.

In addition, Bragg has said that to reduce “mass incarceration,” he will recommend no more than 20-year maximum sentences “absent exceptional circumstances” in cases where the Manhattan District Attorney does recommend incarceration.

Most notably, perhaps, Bragg plans to ensure that every suspect accused of a crime in Manhattan is released from jail before trial except in cases involving homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, and felony sex crimes.
So in order to reduce crime rates simply make nothing a crime

Pure genius!!
Should make NYC even more fun! It's like the DemoKKKrats are competing to see who can turn New York into Somalia the fastest.

Democrat Alvin Bragg, likely to become Manhattan District Attorney in New York City, New York, has vowed not to prosecute a series of crimes, including trespassing, prostitution, and resisting arrest for non-violent offenses.

Bragg, the presumptive Democrat nominee in the Manhattan District Attorney race, is running on a platform to stop prosecuting a series of what he calls “minor offenses” despite surges in crime across New York City.

“I strongly reject any notion that prosecutions for low-level offenses should be used as a proxy for addressing serious and violent crimes,” Bragg states on his campaign website. “We will not deter serious and violent crime through arrests for petty offenses.”

Specifically, Bragg has vowed not to prosecute suspects for marijuana misdemeanors, turnstile jumping, trespassing, driving with a suspended license, prostitution, resisting arrest for non-criminal offenses, and obstructing the work of the New York City Police Department (NYPD).

“From smoking marijuana to jumping a turnstile, our criminal courts spend far too much time treating minor offenses with the same blunt instruments used to address homicides and other violent crimes,” Bragg states.

In addition, Bragg has said that to reduce “mass incarceration,” he will recommend no more than 20-year maximum sentences “absent exceptional circumstances” in cases where the Manhattan District Attorney does recommend incarceration.

Most notably, perhaps, Bragg plans to ensure that every suspect accused of a crime in Manhattan is released from jail before trial except in cases involving homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, and felony sex crimes.
So in order to reduce crime rates simply make nothing a crime

Pure genius!!

That's how the game is played these days. NYC has the most law-abiding citizens in the USA.
One of the Democrats' solutions to the exploding crime rate resulting from their support of domestic terrorists, demonization of police, and support of the 'Defund The Police' campaign has been to simply NOT enforce laws.

Recently Democrats suggested that:

Shop-Lifting should simply be allowed.
- Results: Stores like Target are closing early because shop-lifting at night is so bad
- Hi-Value Snatch-and-Grab crimes now being committed

Police do NOT enforce traffic laws / traffic stops
- so much for potentially stopping bigger crimes before they happen or enforcing laws <period>

Police NOT enforce Trespassing
- So the next time domestic terrorists trespass onto law-abiding home owners' (Like the McCloskeys) property and threaten to kill them and burn down their house the home owners will have nothing to keep them and their home safe, as police won't respond to their 'trespassing' call.

Police NOT enforce Prostitution
- Allow the gangs and cartels to get away with human / child trafficking

Police NOT enforce Resisting Arrest
- If some thug, gang member, drug dealer, racist, robber, etc.. resists arrest, fights back, and threatens to force the arresting / responding police officers to respond by using force of any kind just let the criminal go.

Should make NYC even more fun! It's like the DemoKKKrats are competing to see who can turn New York into Somalia the fastest.

Democrat Alvin Bragg, likely to become Manhattan District Attorney in New York City, New York, has vowed not to prosecute a series of crimes, including trespassing, prostitution, and resisting arrest for non-violent offenses.

Bragg, the presumptive Democrat nominee in the Manhattan District Attorney race, is running on a platform to stop prosecuting a series of what he calls “minor offenses” despite surges in crime across New York City.

“I strongly reject any notion that prosecutions for low-level offenses should be used as a proxy for addressing serious and violent crimes,” Bragg states on his campaign website. “We will not deter serious and violent crime through arrests for petty offenses.”

Specifically, Bragg has vowed not to prosecute suspects for marijuana misdemeanors, turnstile jumping, trespassing, driving with a suspended license, prostitution, resisting arrest for non-criminal offenses, and obstructing the work of the New York City Police Department (NYPD).

“From smoking marijuana to jumping a turnstile, our criminal courts spend far too much time treating minor offenses with the same blunt instruments used to address homicides and other violent crimes,” Bragg states.

In addition, Bragg has said that to reduce “mass incarceration,” he will recommend no more than 20-year maximum sentences “absent exceptional circumstances” in cases where the Manhattan District Attorney does recommend incarceration.

Most notably, perhaps, Bragg plans to ensure that every suspect accused of a crime in Manhattan is released from jail before trial except in cases involving homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, and felony sex crimes.
Blue cities are shit holes.
Should make NYC even more fun! It's like the DemoKKKrats are competing to see who can turn New York into Somalia the fastest.

Democrat Alvin Bragg, likely to become Manhattan District Attorney in New York City, New York, has vowed not to prosecute a series of crimes, including trespassing, prostitution, and resisting arrest for non-violent offenses.

Bragg, the presumptive Democrat nominee in the Manhattan District Attorney race, is running on a platform to stop prosecuting a series of what he calls “minor offenses” despite surges in crime across New York City.

“I strongly reject any notion that prosecutions for low-level offenses should be used as a proxy for addressing serious and violent crimes,” Bragg states on his campaign website. “We will not deter serious and violent crime through arrests for petty offenses.”

Specifically, Bragg has vowed not to prosecute suspects for marijuana misdemeanors, turnstile jumping, trespassing, driving with a suspended license, prostitution, resisting arrest for non-criminal offenses, and obstructing the work of the New York City Police Department (NYPD).

“From smoking marijuana to jumping a turnstile, our criminal courts spend far too much time treating minor offenses with the same blunt instruments used to address homicides and other violent crimes,” Bragg states.

In addition, Bragg has said that to reduce “mass incarceration,” he will recommend no more than 20-year maximum sentences “absent exceptional circumstances” in cases where the Manhattan District Attorney does recommend incarceration.

Most notably, perhaps, Bragg plans to ensure that every suspect accused of a crime in Manhattan is released from jail before trial except in cases involving homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, and felony sex crimes.
Oh, goody. Venereal diseases will have a field day spiking while perpetrators keep killing one way or another. Mental illness will spike on account of being victims to cold-hearted killers who've killed before for the thrill of it.

We have courts in which victims can get justice. The Constitution says citizens have the right to the pursuit of happiness. Criminals inevitably try to destroy the Constitutional promises. why tolerate it. We should never tolerate the criminal who serially damages others for profit or just for the thrill of it. Not taking dangerous people off the street is untenable, and those who are authoring these bills should be removed from offices requiring responsibility.
Should make NYC even more fun! It's like the DemoKKKrats are competing to see who can turn New York into Somalia the fastest.

Democrat Alvin Bragg, likely to become Manhattan District Attorney in New York City, New York, has vowed not to prosecute a series of crimes, including trespassing, prostitution, and resisting arrest for non-violent offenses.

Bragg, the presumptive Democrat nominee in the Manhattan District Attorney race, is running on a platform to stop prosecuting a series of what he calls “minor offenses” despite surges in crime across New York City.

“I strongly reject any notion that prosecutions for low-level offenses should be used as a proxy for addressing serious and violent crimes,” Bragg states on his campaign website. “We will not deter serious and violent crime through arrests for petty offenses.”

Specifically, Bragg has vowed not to prosecute suspects for marijuana misdemeanors, turnstile jumping, trespassing, driving with a suspended license, prostitution, resisting arrest for non-criminal offenses, and obstructing the work of the New York City Police Department (NYPD).

“From smoking marijuana to jumping a turnstile, our criminal courts spend far too much time treating minor offenses with the same blunt instruments used to address homicides and other violent crimes,” Bragg states.

In addition, Bragg has said that to reduce “mass incarceration,” he will recommend no more than 20-year maximum sentences “absent exceptional circumstances” in cases where the Manhattan District Attorney does recommend incarceration.

Most notably, perhaps, Bragg plans to ensure that every suspect accused of a crime in Manhattan is released from jail before trial except in cases involving homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, and felony sex crimes.

Had anyone ever really noticed that in all of these liberal cities and states where they go easy on criminals or just not convict them that all of the crimes are things black people are primarily known for?

No one says they don't want to prosecute insider trading, embezzlement, fraud, liquor laws, human trafficking, forgery and so on. They never want to let primarily white crimes slide. It's always theft, assualt, resisting arrest and other offenses we see blacks comitting (and some whites also let's be fair). But it's always crimes the poor crimes they want to let slide.

Its almost like democrats are counting on votes from criminals and running their campaign on "come on criminals let's make America shitty again".

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