Good Grief: Washington Post Complains That Romney Should Be Worth More


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by William Teach @ Good Grief: Washington Post Complains That Romney Should Be Worth More | Right Wing News

The media, including opinion writers, spent oodles of time and planet killing paper and energy writing about Haditha, Korans in toilets, soldiers peeing on dead Taliban bodies, loud music and cold temps at Gitmo, but can’t find it in themselves to write about the Taliban resurgence in Afghanistan, al Qaeda growing in Egypt and Libya, Fast and Furious, the Libyan 9/11 attack cover up, why Obama is using official White House resources for campaigning, and a host of other issues. The difference is the letter of Party affiliation. But, they can come out with stuff like this (via Ace)

Mitt Romney is worth $250 million. Why so little?

Mitt Romney is indisputably a very rich man. And if he is elected president on Nov. 6, he will become one of the wealthiest people ever to hold the office.

But exactly how wealthy is Romney? The figure that gets tossed around is $250 million in net worth — meaning the total value of his assets, financial and others, minus any debts.

It’s a big number, but frankly, it seems low. Given the industry in which he made his fortune (private equity), the era when he made it (the 1980s and 1990s) and the wealth of his peers in that business (mostly billionaires), Romney should be worth a good bit more than that.

Why isn’t he?

And much more at the link.


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