Gonna hate myself for this one in the morning but...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Is it time we quit laughing at and mocking Trump and seriously consider doing what we've done before and put the US Muslim population into internment camps so we can vet them? Did it in WWII with the Japanese on the mere suspicion of being against us. We have thousands dead from Muslims and no way to know for sure which are loyal to someone or something besides the US. Isn't putting them somewhere they can't hurt us while verifying their loyalty really so unreasonable? Or perhaps better still, simply deport them to the Muslim country fo their choice?

Would anyone complain about a temporary tax to pay for shipping out Muslims from US soil?

I've given them every chance and benefit of the doubt but as San Bernadino shows, they simply aren't compatible with the US. They don't wanna assimilate and become American, they wanna stay Islamic, live under Sharia law, and take all that horsecrap more seriously than any US loyalty.

It's time to call a spade a spade and kick them the fuck out.
Dr Oz?
Muhammad Ali?
Shaquelle O'Neill?
Cat Stevens?
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar?

What a litany of agitators and terrorists!
Nazis wiped out the Jews and the Jews didn't even do anything.
US interned the Japanese and the Japanese didn't do anything.

Muslims oppose the US, murder our citizens, and change whole skylines and we don't do shit.
I think Christians do a whole lot more and you don't do shit. I mean mass shootings in the US in this calendar year are at 447 dead and 1292 injured, not counting the latest event. A large proportion of the perpetrators would define themselves as Christian yet nothing is done about them. Perhaps it's time for the concentration camps.

Being a Christian or saying you are, and commiting acts of terror in the name of Christianity are different things. Muslims do it in the name of their religion every time, it's not incidental.
Being a Christian or saying you are, and commiting acts of terror in the name of Christianity are different things. Muslims do it in the name of their religion every time, it's not incidental.
So, it's not what you do it's why you do it? Well that would fit the exceptionalist nation.
Per Wikipedia:
The Korematsu decision has not been explicitly overturned, although in 2011 the Department of Justice filed official notice,[4] conceding that it was in error, thus erasing the case's value as precedent for interning citizens.

Korematsu v. United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It would be unlikely that the White House would say that it was wrong when it interned Japanese-Americans but it's cool that we intern Muslim-Americans. Either it is right to intern entire groups of citizens for being a member of a race, religion or national origin, or it is wrong to intern entire groups of citizens for being a member of a race, religion or national origin. Got to pick one or the other.

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