Goldwater for Abortion, Against Religion in Politics


You told us that he killed his own grandkid, that makes him a piece of shit. I don't need a religion to know that he was a piece of shit for killing his own grand kid. Maybe you do, but that your own deficiency.

There probably isn't a devil; Brandon is an evil piece of shit just the same, whether or not he acts in accordance with some supernatural force of evil.

Pro-abort filth have no respect for individual rights; if you did, you wouldn't be pro-aborts.
I'll go with the Supreme Court before trump turned it into a disgrace, and the way it soon will be again seeing as 70% at least believe in the way it was....
Treating everyone the same by the same standard is not “hypocrisy,”

when you are obligated BY LAW to have someone dictate what YOU can do, or what YOU cannot do regarding the fundamental right to decide YOUR destiny by forcing YOU to be a parent.... then YOU can come back to this here thread.

moron - get over it.

lol ... the pro birthers have no idea what they unleashed.

YOU get over that.

Maybe get a dictionary and stop being illiterate while you are at it?

Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, America’s leading Conservative voice for decades — an advocate of “extremism in defense of liberty” — had a deep sense of personal integrity and a genuine libertarian view on abortion.

It’s a shame that Barry Goldwater, is not around today to slap some sense into these Trump-clone Republicans who have declared an (un)holy war on a woman’s right to decide what’s best for her when pregnant.

Goldwater was an American politician, statesman, businessman, United States Air Force officer, and author who was a five-term Senator from Arizona (1953–1965, 1969–1987) and the Republican Party nominee for president in 1964.

Goldwater was himself pro-choice (also pro-gay and supported gays in the military), and his wife, Peggy, had helped to found an Arizona chapter of Planned Parenthood.

Goldwater was a classic conservative, a man of impeccable integrity, and an independent thinker. Were he alive today he’d probably kick Donald Trumps’s ass from his penthouse suite on top of Trump Towers, all the way down to the lobby and then out into the street’s gutter.

Here’s a few of the things Goldwater said over the years about about abortion.

• “A woman has a right to an abortion. That’s a decision that’s up to the pregnant woman, not up to the pope or some do-gooders or the Religious Right.”

• “Abortion is not something the Republican Party should call for the abolition of, by legal means or by any other means.”

• “There is no way in the world that abortion is going to be abolished. It has been going on ever since man and woman lived together on this earth.”

• “Men (who are anti-abortion) should keep their asses out of doctor’s offices. That’s something between the pregnant woman and her doctor.”

As I said, Goldwater was a man of integrity and principle, and we have damn few around nowadays in these craven political times when we could benefit from someone like him the most.

The Observer: The ghost of Barry Goldwater on abortion: ‘A decision that’s up to the pregnant woman’
Fanatics hysterically screeching at the majority of Americans that they are "Baby Killers!" is a big loser at the polls.

Libertarianism has been virtually expunged by the current perversion of the GOP, and replaced by rabid, authoritarian statism, intrusive government ideologues arrogating personal freedom. In the case of regressive, repressive politicians and bureaucrats eradicating a woman's personal liberty, the People are expressing their preference for liberty:

The GOP is back where it once was: Appealing directly to skeptical female voters, the women whose support will make or break the party’s drive to retake the Senate majority...
internal polling data, suggest that the GOP’s struggle to attract women voters may turn out to be the biggest obstacle standing between the party and a potential Senate majority in 2023. A Wall Street Journal poll released Thursday showed that abortion was the single issue most likely to drive respondents to vote this fall, above inflation. And 52 percent of white suburban women say they would support a Democratic candidate in the election, the poll found, while only 40 percent said they would vote for the Republican.

“I’m convinced that, based on numbers we have, Republicans have to make some kind of leap on the abortion issue,” said Chuck Coughlin, an Arizona-based GOP strategist. “Because they’re getting killed among women.”...
In Arizona, for example, men and women had very similar preferences in the last two Senate races in 2018 and 2020, according to exit polling by TV networks and the Fox News/Associated Press exit poll. But in Fox’s latest 2022 survey, GOP nominee Blake Masters led by 8 percentage points among men but was trailing overall because he was getting crushed among women by 22 points.
Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, America’s leading Conservative voice for decades — an advocate of “extremism in defense of liberty” — had a deep sense of personal integrity and a genuine libertarian view on abortion.

It’s a shame that Barry Goldwater, is not around today to slap some sense into these Trump-clone Republicans who have declared an (un)holy war on a woman’s right to decide what’s best for her when pregnant.

Goldwater was an American politician, statesman, businessman, United States Air Force officer, and author who was a five-term Senator from Arizona (1953–1965, 1969–1987) and the Republican Party nominee for president in 1964.

Goldwater was himself pro-choice (also pro-gay and supported gays in the military), and his wife, Peggy, had helped to found an Arizona chapter of Planned Parenthood.

Goldwater was a classic conservative, a man of impeccable integrity, and an independent thinker. Were he alive today he’d probably kick Donald Trumps’s ass from his penthouse suite on top of Trump Towers, all the way down to the lobby and then out into the street’s gutter.

Here’s a few of the things Goldwater said over the years about about abortion.

• “A woman has a right to an abortion. That’s a decision that’s up to the pregnant woman, not up to the pope or some do-gooders or the Religious Right.”

• “Abortion is not something the Republican Party should call for the abolition of, by legal means or by any other means.”

• “There is no way in the world that abortion is going to be abolished. It has been going on ever since man and woman lived together on this earth.”

• “Men (who are anti-abortion) should keep their asses out of doctor’s offices. That’s something between the pregnant woman and her doctor.”

As I said, Goldwater was a man of integrity and principle, and we have damn few around nowadays in these craven political times when we could benefit from someone like him the most.

The Observer: The ghost of Barry Goldwater on abortion: ‘A decision that’s up to the pregnant woman’
Barry Goldwater lost in a landslide, proving his viewpoints aren't all that popular.
Goldwater did NOT lose because of his position on abortion. He also did NOT lose because he took a hard line against religious evangelicals who even then were trying to control the Republican Party. Those positions of his were barely known at the time by most Americans.

Goldwater lost because he was an EXTREME CONSERVATIVE who most voters feared might expand the war in Vietnam — LBJ was then running as the responsible “moderate” candidate who would not let the war turn into a nuclear confrontation. Democrats ran TV adds that voting for Goldwater might lead to a nuclear war. Also, Goldwater had opposed the Civil Rights Act, and this helped Democrats to paint him as almost a John Birch Society member.
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