CDZ Golden State Killer possibly motivated by breakup with fiancée, investigator says


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
Golden State Killer possibly motivated by breakup with fiancée, investigator says

I had a bad reaction to seeing this news headline two days ago. My initial reaction was to wonder why they're trying to make it seem as if having a bad breakup justifies the rape of almost 50 women as well as the murder of 12 others in addition to the burglary of more than a 100 residences, all possibly while the defendant was working as a law enforcement officer.

Wanting to understand him is one thing but seeing this article again, two days after I tried to forget the anger that was beginning to stir in me makes me ask "why are they trying to make it seem like he's no different than anyone else - he was just stressed due to his fiancee breaking up with him"?

Or am I over reacting?
I wonder will he get a prison sentence greater than this scumbag?
I would think it would be more than just that
possible--yes....probable I say no
what was his ''love'' life like before that, growing up?
he was a cop---possibly for a power trip...a lot of serial killers kill the the ''power'' trip
I would think it would be more than just that
possible--yes....probable I say no
what was his ''love'' life like before that, growing up?
he was a cop---possibly for a power trip...a lot of serial killers kill the the ''power'' trip
Yes, but my thoughts were that a lot of people have bad breakups, some really bad where they end up losing everything, their home, kids, extended family, etc. and they don't go on a killing/raping/burglarizing rampage.

I thought I was sensing someone trying to drum up a little sympathy for him
Golden State Killer possibly motivated by breakup with fiancée, investigator says

I had a bad reaction to seeing this news headline two days ago. My initial reaction was to wonder why they're trying to make it seem as if having a bad breakup justifies the rape of almost 50 women as well as the murder of 12 others in addition to the burglary of more than a 100 residences, all possibly while the defendant was working as a law enforcement officer.

Wanting to understand him is one thing but seeing this article again, two days after I tried to forget the anger that was beginning to stir in me makes me ask "why are they trying to make it seem like he's no different than anyone else - he was just stressed due to his fiancee breaking up with him"?

Or am I over reacting?

I think you are reading too much into any article. There are Manson fans out there, there are serial killer groupies. There are even folks who like the bad guys of the wild west.
Golden State Killer possibly motivated by breakup with fiancée, investigator says

I had a bad reaction to seeing this news headline two days ago. My initial reaction was to wonder why they're trying to make it seem as if having a bad breakup justifies the rape of almost 50 women as well as the murder of 12 others in addition to the burglary of more than a 100 residences, all possibly while the defendant was working as a law enforcement officer.

Wanting to understand him is one thing but seeing this article again, two days after I tried to forget the anger that was beginning to stir in me makes me ask "why are they trying to make it seem like he's no different than anyone else - he was just stressed due to his fiancee breaking up with him"?

Or am I over reacting?
What I am wondering is whether this same guy is also the infamous Zodiac Killer?
I think serial killers are born that way...not made that way...though I do believe many born that way do not submit to the desire....and let us be many of us have fantasized about killing someone?...what I am saying is that the 'killer' instinct is very common........just stronger in some and more easily triggered. Now...I am not a psychologist just trying to reason around here a bit. Look at how popular violence is in the entertainment world....I read somewhere once how many killings the average person sees on T.V. and in the movies every week...I forget the number but it was a lot. more thing that is not particuarly relevant to this case but it is relevant in regards to serial killings in general.............that be --there is a myth that most serial killers are white...not true most are black. I was at the gym the other day and there was some talk about a local black serial killer who after a few weeks and several victims later was finally caught. The one black guy in the discussion claimed that blacks are not serial killers....and that is an accepted see it on the boards a lot....white guys are the serial killers. Simply not true ....most serial killers are black.

'On television and in the movies, serial killers are always white. America’s most famous serial killers—Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer—have all been white.

However, according to an extraordinary database put together by Radford University and Florida Gulf Coast University, blacks are far more likely than whites to be serial killers. Since 1900, there has not been a single decade in which the percentage of serial killers who are black has not been greater than the percentage of blacks in the US population.

In the decades of the 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s (through 2015), blacks have accounted for an extraordinary 47, 54, and 60 percent, respectively, of serial killers. Whites have accounted for only 41, 32, and 31 percent. Blacks are 13 percent of the US population, and whites are 61 percent. This means that since 2000, blacks have been nine times more likely than whites to be serial killers.' by Sinclair Jenkins

The Black Kansas City Serial Killer Fits a Pattern - American Renaissance

Zodiac Killer - Wikipedia

Zebra Murders: Remembering Fear That Gripped San Francisco 40 Years Later
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I think serial killers are born that way...not made that way...though I do believe many born that way do not submit to the desire....and let us be many of us have fantasized about killing someone?...what I am saying is that the 'killer' instinct is very common........just stronger in some and more easily triggered. Now...I am not a psychologist just trying to reason around here a bit. Look at how popular violence is in the entertainment world....I read somewhere once how many killings the average person sees on T.V. and in the movies every week...I forget the number but it was a lot. more thing that is not particuarly relevant to this case but it is relevant in regards to serial killings in general.............that be --there is a myth that most serial killers are white...not true most are black. I was at the gym the other day and there was some talk about a local black serial killer who after a few weeks and several victims later was finally caught. The one black guy in the discussion claimed that blacks are not serial killers....and that is an accepted see it on the boards a lot....white guys are the serial killers. Simply not true ....most serial killers are black.
What criteria are they using to define "serial killer" as opposed to what ?
Golden State Killer possibly motivated by breakup with fiancée, investigator says

I had a bad reaction to seeing this news headline two days ago. My initial reaction was to wonder why they're trying to make it seem as if having a bad breakup justifies the rape of almost 50 women as well as the murder of 12 others in addition to the burglary of more than a 100 residences, all possibly while the defendant was working as a law enforcement officer.

Wanting to understand him is one thing but seeing this article again, two days after I tried to forget the anger that was beginning to stir in me makes me ask "why are they trying to make it seem like he's no different than anyone else - he was just stressed due to his fiancee breaking up with him"?

Or am I over reacting?
It is just bad reporting. "motivated by breakup" is an extremely bad choice of words for a headline. Besides being interpreted as his fiance causing him to snap it can also be interpreted as men upset over breakups can become serial killers.

The guy is mental and evil it doesn't really matter what could have triggered him or who pissed him off.
It is just bad reporting. "motivated by breakup" is an extremely bad choice of words for a headline. Besides being interpreted as his fiance causing him to snap it can also be interpreted as men upset over breakups can become serial killers.

The guy is mental and evil it doesn't really matter what could have triggered him or who pissed him off.
Thank you for being able to put into words what exactly it was that was bothering me about this.
It is just bad reporting. "motivated by breakup" is an extremely bad choice of words for a headline. Besides being interpreted as his fiance causing him to snap it can also be interpreted as men upset over breakups can become serial killers.

The guy is mental and evil it doesn't really matter what could have triggered him or who pissed him off.
Thank you for being able to put into words what exactly it was that was bothering me about this.
Don't let it bother you. The publicity since this guy was caught has brought out a lot of bullshit. Right now the thing that matters is that he has been caught. More will come out later. Bottom line is even if mistakes were made or others treated him badly he only has himself to blame.
It is just bad reporting. "motivated by breakup" is an extremely bad choice of words for a headline. Besides being interpreted as his fiance causing him to snap it can also be interpreted as men upset over breakups can become serial killers.

The guy is mental and evil it doesn't really matter what could have triggered him or who pissed him off.
Thank you for being able to put into words what exactly it was that was bothering me about this.
Don't let it bother you. The publicity since this guy was caught has brought out a lot of bullshit. Right now the thing that matters is that he has been caught. More will come out later. Bottom line is even if mistakes were made or others treated him badly he only has himself to blame.

Well....we all supposedly have free will but do we really? must take into account genetics and its influence on human behavior. Most liberals do not believe much in genetics...they want to believe that culture determines our behavior. Except of course for homsosexuality....they readily agree that is based on common sense tells me that if genetics determines one's sexuality....most likely it influences much more.

For those who are of a religious nature....the Holy Scriptures say that the sins of the father are visited up to the 4th generation. 'The Lord...visits the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation'. (Exodus 34:6-7 = Deuteronomy 5:8-10)

Mark 7:20-23
And he said, “What comes out of a person is what defiles him. For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.”

Remember Ted Bundy?....he blamed his crimes on his addiction to pornography and science has recently claimed pornography changes the brain...and not for the better.
'Repeated consumption of porn causes the brain to literally rewire itself. It triggers the brain to pump out chemicals and form new nerve pathways, leading to profound and lasting changes in the brain.'

I think what makes some uncomfortable about suggesting such evil may have been triggered by something as common as a 'break-up' with a loved one---is that it hits a little too close to home as in it seems to suggest that something many of us has experienced could trigger such evil. .I am not agreeing or disagreeing....but such emotional devastation as can be inflicted by romantic or marriage problems is well known to have triggered much violence. Still yet one must be responsible for his behavior no matter the causation. Basically humans have much evil in where does this evil come from?

Some seem to suggest that those who commit such horrrific crimes are someone set apart...someone so evil they are not really human. I think this is a error....such criminals I think are clear indicators of just how evil human beings may be or can become and it would behoove all of us to recognize that none of us are that far removed(if at all)from such criminals. How many have snapped and commited some crime that absolutely ruins their lives....I would suggest that many of them had no idea they were capable of doing something like that until they actually did it. Look at road so common it is.....triggered by what? .I suppose anger....we all get angry...thus it would behoove all of us to humble ourselves and realize the dangerous things that lurk in our minds and that if we are not conscious of them and strive to control them could trigger devastating behavior.
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It is just bad reporting. "motivated by breakup" is an extremely bad choice of words for a headline. Besides being interpreted as his fiance causing him to snap it can also be interpreted as men upset over breakups can become serial killers.

The guy is mental and evil it doesn't really matter what could have triggered him or who pissed him off.
Thank you for being able to put into words what exactly it was that was bothering me about this.
Don't let it bother you. The publicity since this guy was caught has brought out a lot of bullshit. Right now the thing that matters is that he has been caught. More will come out later. Bottom line is even if mistakes were made or others treated him badly he only has himself to blame.

Well....we all supposedly have free will but do we really? must take into account genetics and its influence on human behavior. Most liberals do not believe much in genetics...they want to believe that culture determines our behavior. Except of course for homsosexuality....they readily agree that is based on common sense tells me that if genectics determines one's sexuality....most likely it influences much more.

For those who are of a religious nature....the Holy Scriptures say that the sins of the father are visited up to the 4th generation. 'The Lord...visits the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation'. (Exodus 34:6-7 = Deuteronomy 5:8-10)

Remember Ted Bundy....he blamed his crimes on his addiction to pornography and science has recently claimed pornography changes the brain...and not for the better.
'Repeated consumption of porn causes the brain to literally rewire itself. It triggers the brain to pump out chemicals and form new nerve pathways, leading to profound and lasting changes in the brain.'

I think what makes some uncomfortable about suggesting such evil may have been triggered by something as common as a 'break-up' with a loved one---is that it hits a little too close to home as in it seems to suggest that something many of us has experienced could trigger such evil. .I am not agreeing or disagreeing....but such emotional devastation as can be inflicted by romantic or marriage problems is well known to have triggered much violence. Still yet one must be responsible for his behavior no matter the causation. Basically humans have much evil in where does this evil come from?

Some seem to suggest that those who commit such horrrific crimes are someone set apart...someone so evil they are not really human. I think this is a error....such criminals I think are clear indicators of just how evil human beings can become and it would behoove all of us to recognize that none of us are that far removed(if at all)from such criminals. How many have snapped and commited some crime that absolutely ruins their lives....I would suggest that many of them had no idea they were capable of doing something like that until they actually did it. Look at road so common it is.....triggered by what? .I suppose anger....we all get angry...thus it would behoove all of us to humble ourselves and realize the dangerous things that lurk in our minds.
There are so many contradictions in this post I am at a loss what point you are getting at.

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